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Hydrosalpinx: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Disease

Why does hydrosalpinx occur, what is it, and what are the symptoms of the disease? What methods of treatment are used in modern medicine? What complications can cause such a disease? These questions are of interest to many.

Hydrosalpinx - what is it?

Hydrosalpinx is a disease that is accompanied by the accumulation of free fluid in the cavity of the fallopian tube. Immediately it is worth noting that such a disease is extremely common among women. There are one- and two-sided hydrosalpinks, when, respectively, one or at least two fallopian tubes are affected . In addition, with such a disease, the fluid inside can accumulate in one place (same-sex HS) or it can detect several cavities (the follicular form of the disease).

Hydrosalpinks: what is this and why does it occur?

The accumulation of fluid, as a rule, appears due to the presence of adhesions of the mucous membrane of the uterine tube. A narrowing of the lumen in this or that place is most often caused by the inflammatory process in the organs of the small pelvis, and also by certain diseases of the intestine. Quite often, the cause of spike formation is the previously transmitted inflammation of the uterine appendages, so that the liquid entering the tube cavity does not have the ability to go outside independently. Risk factors can also include a violation of normal circulation in the small pelvis, stasis of lymph. It is worth considering that the inflammatory process often occurs against the background of this or that venereal disease. Infection of the body with such bacteria (most often chlamydia and gonococci) increases the risk of fluid stagnation in the fallopian tubes.

Hydrosalpinx: what is it and what symptoms are accompanied?

The signs, as well as the degree of their severity, directly depend on the course of the disease. In the early stages, when the volume of fluid is not too large, such a disease can and does proceed without any symptoms. But as the disease develops, there are constant pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Some patients complain of a feeling of heaviness and raspiraniya in the pelvis. Sometimes a woman feels like a foreign body. Often there is a breakthrough abscess inside the tube, which is accompanied by the release of fluid into the uterine cavity, and then into the vagina. A similar condition is accompanied by sharp pain and the appearance of abundant watery discharge.

Hydrosalpinks: what is it and what is dangerous?

First of all, it should be noted that the accumulation of free fluid increases the risk of developing infectious diseases of the reproductive system. In addition, during such a disease, the fallopian tubes are deformed and gradually lose their basic functions. In particular, hydrosalpinx interferes with the fertilization of the ovum and is often the cause of female infertility. In addition, this disease increases the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, and also reduces the risk of successful in vitro fertilization.

Hydrosalpin treatment

Therapy depends on how much fluid has accumulated in the cavity of the tube. First of all, the doctor must determine the cause of the adhesion process and eliminate it. If there is inflammation of the appendages, then the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs. In those cases when the disease is associated with an infection, antibacterial therapy is carried out. If the spikes only began to form, and the amount of exudate is small, then the medication will be enough to eliminate the problem.

Unfortunately, not always conservative methods can cure hydrosalpinx, operation in such cases is simply necessary. Surgeons perform a so-called plasty of the fallopian tubes, during which their patency is restored.

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