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White fever: symptoms, home treatment of folk remedies and medicines

In our country, the problem of alcoholism is very acute. And it concerns, unfortunately, not only the older people, but also the youth. In addition to the fact that people drink a lot and often get stuck in so-called binges, when they leave, there can also be a huge number of very different problems. One of them is a fever. Symptoms, treatment of the home of this disease, the reasons for its occurrence - this and I want to tell now.


Initially, it is necessary to understand what the white fever is. So, it should be noted that this is the popular name for this problem. In medicine, this condition is called alcohol delirium. There is a problem in alcohol dependent people, patients with 2-3 stages. However, there may be a fever for those who do not take alcohol too often. But in this case, you must first take a low-quality alcohol, the so-called surrogate.

Causes of white fever

Considering the topic "White fever: symptoms, treatment at home", one should also talk about the main causes of this problem. So, alcoholic delirium can appear:

  • After heavy and long drinking-bouts.
  • After drinking low-quality alcoholic products.
  • With pronounced somatic pathologies.
  • With organic damage to the brain.

It is also important to note that the pathogenesis of white fever is not yet fully understood. However, scientists argue that the main problem in this case is a violation of the exchange of neurotransmitters of the central nervous system, as well as severe intoxication of the body.

First signs

Initially, it is necessary to tell when the first symptoms of white fever in alcoholics can appear. So, it is worth noting that very often people do not identify them as such. Often they are simply confused with the so-called future or othodnyakom. The tremor of the hands, increased sweating of the person, jumps in body temperature, redness of the eyes and face indicate the white fever. However, these problems are often accepted as a symptom of a disease, which is completely unrelated to the consequences of alcohol intake. In this case, the patient's relatives should pay attention to his dream. So, he will be weak and restless. And before going to bed, outbreaks of anger or mood swings can often occur . Also, the problem is indicated by deviations in human behavior, mental breakdowns and fluctuations in the work of the nervous system.

Stages and main symptoms

What else are the symptoms of white fever after drinking? Thus, the manifestations of this problem also depend on the stage of its development:

  1. Korsakovsky psychosis. This is the first stage, when the patient has disorders of memory, attention, sleep. Those. There are neurological disorders.
  2. Rave. This is a more serious stage. The psychosis has not yet acquired a severe form, until there are no hallucinations. But the condition is gradually deteriorating.
  3. The third stage in medicine is called severe. There are already all sorts of neurological disorders. It is in this case that they speak of the classic white fever.

Symptoms that can occur in a patient:

  • Migraines, tinnitus, headache.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Aggressiveness, sharp mood swings.
  • Tremor of extremities.
  • Intensified sweating.
  • Hallucinations: tactile, visual, auditory.
  • In some cases, convulsions occur.


Understanding what is a fever, symptoms, what to do in case of occurrence of a similar phenomenon - this must be told. And all because this condition is fraught with serious complications, which can affect not only the alcoholic himself, but also his relatives and close people. Very often, when they find themselves in the trappings of hallucinations, the patients end their lives by suicide, or they try to fight their fears with other dangerous methods, exposing their lives to risk. Despite all the danger of the effects of hallucinations, the state of white fever is extremely negative for the whole organism: organs, systems. Often, after this condition, the patient shows severe liver damage. There are bleeding, digestive disorders of varying complexity. During alcohol delirium, immunity is also significantly weakened, which leads to the fact that a person is easily infected by various viruses and bacteria. The most serious and irreversible complication is death.

First aid

Finding out what is white fever, the symptoms of what to do first, if a person is in a state of alcoholic delirium, this should also be told. Initially, it should be noted that this problem lasts for an average of three to seven days (rarely longer). When the first symptoms appear, you need to do the following:

  1. The patient must be put to bed, despite all his attempts to resist this. If a man is violent, you can also tie him up. This paragraph is important, because it is worth to protect a person who is in a state of alcoholic delirium.
  2. Next, you need to call a doctor. After all, it's extremely difficult to cope with this problem on your own.
  3. It is important to remember that a patient needs a lot of liquid, so often you should give him a drink. You also need to periodically cool the human body, which is easiest to do under the shower.
  4. It is important to remember that the patient first of all needs to be reassured. Therefore, the use of sedatives is topical. In this case, you may need a medicine "Dimedrol" or "Piracetam".

It is important to remember that you should not swear or scream at the patient. After all, words in this state will prove to be simply useless (people simply will not take them).

Treatment inside the walls of the house

Having studied what is white fever, symptoms, treatment at home - that is also important to stop. After all, it often happens that the patient simply does not have the opportunity to be taken to a hospital or to call a doctor. That's why it's important to know what can be done in this case on your own.

The main tasks that home therapy should adhere to:

  • Decreased intoxication of the body.
  • Maintaining the vital functions of the body at a safe level.
  • Prevention of various problems that may arise as a result of white fever.

If a person has a fever, treatment at home must necessarily include detoxification therapy. In this case, you need to force diuresis (give as much as possible to drink, you can use various diuretics). Good in this direction are enterosorbents, for example, Enterosgel.

It is very important to remember that it is necessary to keep the water-salt and electrolyte balance in the body at a normal level. In this state, the loss of potassium is extremely dangerous, so it is necessary to try to fill the losses of this trace element.

You can also use drugs that increase metabolism. However, most often such funds are poured into the patient's blood through droppers in medical institutions (glucose solution or "Cytoflavin" drug). So, we consider the white fever, the symptoms. Treatment at home should also include symptomatic therapy. That is, we must remember that it is necessary to treat not only the very fever itself, but also other problems that may arise against it.

Application of folk remedies

With such a problem as white fever, treatment with folk remedies is also topical. However, it should be remembered that there are practically no ancient recipes to overcome this disease. However, you can try to prevent the occurrence of this problem. In this case, a patient in a glass can put two leaves of laurel leaves and the root lovage. When all this is infused with vodka for about half an hour, it is necessary to give a drink to an alcoholic. This drink can disgust him. And this will not allow the possible occurrence of another alcoholic delirium.

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