Food and drinkRecipes

How to prepare the most delicious quince jam with walnut

Aivah - a fruit, somewhat similar to an apple, grows on the territory of Central Asia and is an infrequent guest on our tables. But if you want to diversify your stock of home preparations, you can buy several kilograms of fruit on the market and prepare quince from the quince for the winter. Believe me, this is one of the most refined, fragrant, fragrant and also beautiful delicacies that you have ever cooked in your own kitchen. About all the subtleties of billet preparation, we will discuss in our article.

How to cook quince jam with walnuts

For several jars you will need:

  • 2.5 kg of very ripe quince;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • Slightly more than a glass of simple filtered water;
  • A glass of peeled walnuts;
  • Medium sized lemon.

Wash fruits, cut in half and remove the seed box. Be careful - it is in the middle of quince that it is the hardest. Skin can be removed, or you can leave - it all depends on your desire. After the prepared fruit cut into cubes or slices, dip into a pan with boiling water and blanch for five minutes. Then flip the contents to a colander and allow the water to drain. Prepare the syrup: take 700-800 grams of sugar and dissolve in 300 ml of water, it is best to take the one in which the quince was already brewed. Bring the liquid to a boil, and after that, lower into it slices of fruit. Jam from quince with walnut should boil for 10 minutes, and after, like most similar blanks, he needs to brew a little. Usually the housewives leave the jam for the night: during this time the fruit will absorb a sufficient amount of sugar. So, the next day you can start the second stage of cooking: add the next 700 g of sugar to the pan, stir well and cook again for 10 minutes. If foam forms on the surface, it must be carefully removed. Then again you have to wait - after the second boiling, the dishes, where the jam from quince with walnut was prepared, cover with a towel and leave for half a day. And, finally, the last stage. Pour the remaining sugar into the pan with the fruit, put the lemon slice with the peel (remember to remove all the bones from it), as well as the sliced nuts (someone adds them whole, and someone prefers crushed to crumbs).

Cook for 10 minutes, check the readiness. It is easy to determine by eye: jam from quince with walnut can be removed from the plate when the syrup becomes a beautiful amber color, and its droplet will not spread over the plate, with the pieces of fruit should be very soft and translucent. Done. Now it's time to pack up the sterilized jars, roll up the lids and send them to storage until the winter. If you suddenly see signs of fermentation in jars, then in this case you can add a little sugar in the jam and boil again. This fragrant billet will be an excellent addition to breakfast, as well as an unusual filling for pies or rolls. It tastes good and is simple with tea or spread on bread. Now you know how to cook quince jam with walnuts. Be sure that once you do it, you will store this fragrant delicacy every year, from the taste of which every sweet tooth is salivating.

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