
How to plant grapes?

Buying grapes in the markets for the holiday, we are sure that this delicious berry grows only in warm southern countries. Few people know that it can be grown in Russia, in its middle belt, and it will not yield to its southern counterpart in quality. But for this you need to know how to properly plant the grapes.

Berries grown in hot climates are exposed to tropical diseases and, therefore, when grown, they can not do without chemical reagents. Despite the fact that today there are biological means of protection against pests, many southern farms use more effective "heavy" chemistry.

To provide their families with juice and wine from this berry, Russian farmers need to know how to plant grapes . Contrary to popular belief, it requires care not more than other crops grown in cottages.

Of course, it's sad that among the gardeners there is an opinion that the vine is a very capricious plant, and there is a lot of trouble with it. The blame for this misconception is the lack of informative information on how to plant grapes and properly care for them. A person who has decided to grow this plant often becomes a pro in this business, and even decides to derive new varieties.

In the wild, grapes grow in the forests, twisting the branches with flexible branches. Modern cultural varieties for this reason require the installation of special supports.

The bush of the grapes is distinguished by a powerful root system. Fruiting can begin already in the third year after you planted the vine. A distinctive feature of the vine is that it can yield crops for many years. Some varieties delight with fine bunches and a hundred years with good growing conditions.

Growing grapes in the country

It will be interesting to know that the Georgian vine-growers were engaged in the cultivation of this berry 7,000 years ago. To that testimony are fragments of ancient pitchers with images of grape brushes.

Russian summer residents plant it in spring and in autumn. In both cases, there are advantages.

If you decide to plant the grapes in the spring, then the soil should be prepared in the autumn. Remember that the vine will grow in one place for many years, so try to do everything in the best way.

On the question "How to plant grapes?", Specialists answer - do it before his buds are blown. Bushes are planted in rows on a site that is well illuminated by the sun and protected from the cold wind by the walls of the building or by green plantings. Rows should be directed from the north and south. This direction is not accidental, since the sun illuminates the bushes on all sides all day. It should be noted that soils in wetlands and solonchaks for planting grapes are not suitable.

The land in the place where you plan to plant grapes must be loose, in order for it to warm up better, and provide its air regime, favorable for the roots.

For planting shrubs you need to dig pits with a depth of 50 cm and a width of 60 cm.

Since autumn, the pits are filled with humus, garden land, sand and small gravel, taking them in equal quantities. In the holes superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added . The ratio of these mineral fertilizers is 2: 1. In each hole, 400 grams of superphosphate and, correspondingly, 200 grams of potassium sulfate are poured out .

Approximately one week before planting the grapes, begin to bear seedlings on the street. This is done so that they get used to the low humidity of the air. On the street, seedlings should be in the shade. At night, bring them into the room. Before planting, you need to cut off excess shoots. If you notice when buying that the roots are dried, then you need to put the seedlings in the water for one or two days. Immediately before planting, dip them into a clay of clay and manure in a 2: 1 ratio.

Ten days after planting, pour grapes from the calculation of a bucket of water per hole. For better growth of bushes it is necessary to periodically loosen the ground. In August, they should not be watered, it is important for the formation of shoots.

Grapes can be planted and cuttings obtained from healthy shrubs of the varieties you need. Cuttings are cut from the vine, there must be at least 3-4 kidneys on them. In winter, they should be in the basement in wet sand. In spring, they are planted in plastic bottles with loose soil, and after rooting, they are put in prepared open ground. In the case of autumn planting of grape bushes, you need to provide them with a safe shelter from freezing.

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