
How to convert square meters into linear? What is the difference between a meter and a square meter?

Of course, each of us studied at school, good or bad - that's another question. And of course, even from the school bench, we are all familiar with different dimensions of something. Liter, kilogram, second, meter and so on. But sometimes there are such units of measurement, which, on the one hand, seem to be understandable, but on the other, it is difficult to explain what they measure.

To such, for example, the meter refers. Agree - I heard this phrase almost everyone, but to explain how the meter differs from a square meter, not everyone can. What is this mysterious unit and "with what it is eaten"?


Before you figure out what the difference in meter meter from a square meter, let's remember what exactly means "meter" and where this concept came from.

From the course of the school program, we can recall that the meter is the length of the path that passes sunlight in vacuum conditions for 1/299 792 458 seconds.

In Europe, XV-XVI century, there were no standard, generally accepted measures of length, in each region, they adopted their own. This created a lot of inconvenience, so already in the XVII century began to think about the need to introduce a new generally accepted standard for all. And the new measure of length should be based not on the desire of the ruling person, but on the natural, natural phenomenon, which would not depend on whose will.

One such idea was to designate as a "meter" the length of a pendulum performing one "half-oscillation" in one second. However, it was found by research that the half-period of the oscillation of the second pendulum is not the same, depending on the place of measurement. This is how it was proved that gravity decreases as we approach the equator. I had to look for other ways.

A little later came the idea of tying the length of the measurement to the earth's meridian, as it was done, for example, with a mile. Thus, in 1791 the meter was defined as 1 forty-millionth part of the Parisian meridian, or 1 ten-millionth of the distance from the equator to the North Pole, measured on the longitude of Paris. However, this definition was far from final. Later, the definition of the meter changed several times - in 1799, 1899, 1927, 1960. The last definition was made in 1983 - it corresponds to what we know from the school curriculum.

Running meter

In order to understand how square meters can be translated into linear, first of all it is necessary to find out what it is all about.

Strangely enough, but the "running meter" can not be said, because there is simply no other meter than the one on the line. The definition is correct: "The length of the product is 1 meter." Thus, 1 running meter is a measure of the din of any product, regardless of its other characteristics - width, height, density, mass, and so on. Simply put, the running meter is the same meter to which we are all accustomed and which can be calculated by a simple measurement, using, for example, a centimeter tape or a long ruler.

What can be "rolled into a roll"

Before we figure out how to convert square meters into linear ones, let us clarify again that this is the most common meter, equal to 100 centimeters. Most often this term is used in trade, when you need to measure a certain amount of roll material, the width of which is already embedded in the price of the goods. For linear meters, for example, sell linoleum, wire, power cable, wire, various fabrics. In order to find out how many linear meters in a square meter, you need to make simple calculations - just multiply the length by the width.

For example, if the width of the fabric is 2 meters 20 centimeters, then one running meter of it will look like a piece 1 m long and 2.20 wide. And the area of this cut will be equal to 2.2 m 2 .

Now we give an example with inverse calculations. How can square meters be converted into linear ones if the area of something and its width are known? For example, the area of a piece of carpet is 15.6 m 2 , and its width - 3 m. If we perform inverse mathematical calculations, we learn that the length of such a cut will be equal to:

15.6 m 2 : 3 m = 5.2 m, or 5 m 20 cm.

Everything is quite simple, but it is worth remembering that it is simply impossible to calculate how many linear meters in a square meter, without knowing the width of the product.

How to measure what can not be rolled?

Sometimes, however, in the running meters for the convenience of counting something is measured that can not be a roll material. For example, furniture sets and kitchen walls. How to be?

In this case, the conversion of running meters into square meters will not be necessary to you simply because it is impossible to do this. In this case, the manufacturer simply calls some conditional price, in which the labor costs, the cost of materials and components, electricity and so on are already laid. It does not matter how many shelves will be in your new locker, the price is called only for length.

Pitfalls of such measurements

However, with this method of calculation, you can be very mistaken. Often, customers, flattered at a low price, called for the meter, are unpleasantly surprised when the manager of the furniture salon will make the final calculations.

The fact is that in this case, initially called too approximate the cost, calculated from the use of standard furniture modification and the cheapest materials. This amount never includes the cost of glass, countertops, built-in lighting and even conventional accessories. All these options are selected individually according to the wishes of the client and significantly increase the final amount.

Thus, the meter in the furniture industry is used only to determine the lowest (starting) value of products, and the buyer only gives the opportunity to focus on the overall level of the firm's pricing policy.


Now you know exactly how to convert square meters into hops and back. Such knowledge will be useful to you, especially in those cases when you have to buy something "for a yard". Try to make all necessary calculations until the moment of purchase and even double-check them several times. It will be very unpleasant, when it turns out that you have overpaid for more material than it was necessary, or even worse - bought less than required. Remember, according to the law "On the protection of consumers' rights", goods that are sold "per footage" are not subject to return or exchange.

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