HealthHealthy Eating

How much honey can you eat a healthy person a day?

Healing properties of honey are known since ancient times: it was sung in the "Illyad" by the great blind Homer. Respected him in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. The lines of Robert Burns's poem about heather honey are familiar to many. And today this product is one of the favorite among the supporters of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. What is it so good, and how much honey can I eat per day?

The main properties of bee products, making them desired at any table and in any home, are as follows:

  1. Natural honey contributes to the prevention of cancer and heart disease. This is due to food antioxidants, flavonoids. How much honey can you eat per day in cores? Doctors recommend taking 50 grams of this product to improve the overall condition of the body with such diagnoses.
  2. Honey is an excellent anti-cold remedy. In combination with a lemon in the composition of warm drinks, it increases the effectiveness of treatment many times. With a cold, you must add it on a teaspoon in each glass of tea or milk.
  3. Traditional medicine considers honey to be the best medicine for the stomach. It is indicated for peptic ulcer, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases. As to how much honey can be eaten per day with stomach ulcers, note: doctors recommend to eat 30 grams in the morning and evening half an hour before meals. And in the daytime eat up to 40 grams of this product. It is best, however, to dissolve it in warm water and drink a similar drink. In addition, honey is a wonderful probiotic natural remedy, perfectly restores the microflora of the stomach and intestines.
  4. Honey is an excellent regulator of blood sugar levels. It is better than sugar, it affects the liver.
  5. And this product is useful for the functioning of the brain. And if you think that for the best work of brain cells you need chocolate, try to replace it with honey. It will be more useful and not less tasty. Also, honey helps in the fight against stress.

As you can see, there are many useful properties of honey. Nutritionists and nutritionists advise to replace the daily intake of sugar with this product. It can be added to tea, used in confectionery products and simply eat instead of jam or condensed milk. Hence the logical conclusion is that there is every day honey is not only possible, but also necessary. This, of course, so. But even here it is better to know the measure, since honey for all its usefulness is a strong allergen, and therefore one should be careful in its consumption. How much honey per day can a healthy person have to bring pleasure and benefit, and not harm? Doctors insist on a dosage of 50 grams. This is about 4 tablespoons. It is best to break his reception into several parts: two spoons should be eaten in the morning as a part of cereals, muesli, yoghurts. And two more - in the evening before going to bed with milk, tea, or just like that. Then its useful properties will be fully revealed.

Thus, we summarize: for various diseases, the dosage of honey that will benefit will be different. It is better to talk to your doctor about it. It is necessary to carefully use honey to people prone to allergies. Also, do not get too involved in its eating healthy people. The optimal amount of how much honey you can eat per day is 4 tablespoons (or 50 grams) of this curative product.

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