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How menopause develops in women: symptoms and characteristics

Today we will tell you how the menopause appears. Let us describe the symptoms of this period in the life of a woman.

Her body is so arranged that all the time she undergoes hormonal changes. First of all, this is the menstrual cycle. Every month a woman experiences different phases of it. From what phase the girl is in, her mood depends. Everyone knows that in the premenstrual period the woman becomes irritable, she has a bad mood. And for example, during the ovulation period, she tries to please everyone, especially the male. All these are consequences of the action of the released hormones.

Another serious test for a woman is pregnancy. In this period there is a restructuring of the entire female body. Doctors recommend close relatives, and especially the husband, to be patient with the woman, to give her signs of attention, you just have to wait this time interval. Since a woman has a child, it is necessary to treat with understanding to her mood, possible hysterics and depression. After childbirth, the girl also has a difficult period, since at this time postpartum depression may begin. And so throughout life. It's not a secret to anyone that in old age, women have climax. All about him, of course, they know. But often they are not ready for how the menopause appears. Although it is very important to take care of your health in this period. It is better if a woman is ready in advance for changes in her body so that she can monitor her health.

Climax at what age is manifested?

Before describing the symptoms, it is necessary to distinguish the period when these changes occur in the life of a woman. There is no certain age when the given period comes. Therefore, it can begin at any time after 40 years. It is better if a woman will know how the menopause appears. Immediately it should be said that the uncomfortable condition of the lady is ensured.

The first symptoms

So, how does the climax manifest? What are the symptoms of this period in a woman's life? At this time, there are tides in the body. What it is? The tides are called the state when the blood flows to the vessels and the woman has a fever in the upper part of the body. This state does not last long and almost immediately recedes. Some women experience hot flashes several times a day. For example, every hour or every 30 minutes. And the others can be once a day. Also, tides can occur at night. This leads to a woman waking up in sweat. Perhaps, then she does not manage to fall asleep. If the tides are frequent, they lead to the fact that the woman does not get enough sleep. And as a result, feels tired and shattered. Also, the tides are characterized by sweating. The face and arms are sweaty. All this looks unaesthetic and is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

How does the onset of menopause appear? The first symptom is a bad dream. As mentioned above, the quality of sleep is disturbed by tides that occur in the body. And it was revealed that a woman wakes up before the process begins. Since women are emotional, they can not fall asleep because of feelings. And if the tides are frequent, then it does not get to rest at night. Also during menopause, there is a bad dream, not associated with tides.

How else does menopause develop in women? There are pains in the head. They are frequent with menopause. There can be several reasons for this state. First, headaches are associated with overexertion. The hormonal background of the female body is changing. Therefore, the mood is changing. It occurs that a woman may become depressed or be in a bad mood. It happens that she does not like everything, it is impossible to please, and so on. Being in this state, a woman can not physically relax, and this affects the muscles of the neck and shoulder area. As a result, headaches occur. Secondly, the climacteric period is accompanied by migraines. With them, the head hurts in the field of the temple. Especially often migraine occurs in those women who have had them before menopause. Sometimes the pain is so strong that there is a darkening in the eyes.

Unstable emotional background

If we talk about how the onset of menopause in women, then, as with other changes in the hormonal background, there are differences in mood. There are bursts of good, cheerful mood, which can sharply turn into irritability and even crying.

There are women who understand the cause of the differences and can control themselves. Some cope on their own. Others are struggling through medication. Worse, when a woman does not understand what her bad mood is, and blames others. Communicate with such a special one will not bring pleasure. Another symptom of the climacteric condition is a lump in the throat that passes through some time.

Deterioration of concentration

In the climacteric period there is a forgetfulness of a woman, absent-mindedness, lack of assortment. This condition occurs during pregnancy and is associated with the hormonal background of the body. A woman can completely forget about anything. She does this unconsciously, without any intent. In this situation, the habit of recording the necessary cases or setting reminders to mobile devices will help out.

Deterioration of the microflora of the genital organs

The most unpleasant factor of menopause is the lack of a sufficient amount of lubrication in the vagina.

Especially with sexual intercourse, this symptom causes discomfort. There may also be pain and itching. This problem can be eliminated using special drugs.

Violation of urination

With menopause, some women experience a malfunction of the organs of urination. This is another sign of how the menopause appears in the body. Firstly, you have to go to the toilet more often. Women are worried about frequent urge to urinate. Secondly, urine can be involuntarily allocated with laughter, coughing or without any reason. This situation affects many women oppressively. Bad mood, itching of the genitals and involuntary urination can cause a woman to be depressed. Therefore, it is important not to bring yourself to a state of depression, but in time to consult a doctor and take measures to stabilize the body.

Violation of the menstrual cycle

The above symptoms are the first sign of the climatic period. The next manifestation of menopause is a violation of the menstrual cycle. Initially, the allocation becomes irregular and meager, and then ceases to appear. During this period, there is the possibility of pregnancy. Therefore, in this period should be protected.

It should be said that from the appearance of tides and other symptoms of menopause before the onset of menopause may take several years.

Medical care, hormonal drugs and contraindications to their use

If a woman has noticed symptoms of a climacteric condition, she should consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs for the treatment of menopause and for contraception.

Usually, hormone medications are prescribed that bring the body back to normal and eliminate the symptoms of menopause. Also the doctor should choose the most suitable contraceptives. It should be said that, since the climax does not occur at a young age, hormone therapy is not suitable for all women. It is necessary to take into account the individual state of health of the body. There are a number of contraindications when taking hormones. These include:

1. Heart diseases.
2. Pathology of the intestine and stomach.
3. Endometriosis.
4. Diseases of excretory system.

Therefore, before appointing hormonal drugs, the doctor will ask about the presence of the above diseases. And also will appoint necessary inspection on results of analyzes.


Now it is clear how the menopause develops in women. Modern medicine is developing at a rapid pace. Therefore, now it is possible to maintain your body in excellent condition during the menopause. Women are advised not to fall into despair and not wind themselves with negative thoughts. And to address to the gynecologist and to carry out the treatment prescribed by him. If you follow the recommendations of a doctor, menopause will go smoothly, without much anxiety.

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