HealthWomen Health

How to properly tighten the chest

Children grow up and do not need breastfeeding. Usually this happens when the child is 1.5-2 years old. But it happens that for some reason you need to stop breastfeeding much earlier. It can be a mother's illness or an early job. In any case, a woman faces the question of how to stop feeding and how to properly tighten the breast? The main thing is that it is painless for both participants in the process.

Be sure to consult with your doctor. Of course, there are no standard methods of weaning the baby from the breast. Everything depends on physical and psychological factors. It is important to do this so that there are no consequences for the health of the mother.

The first thing to do is to tighten the breast, so that the milk production stops. If possible, it is better to choose the time when the body itself reduces the production and quality of milk. You can determine it by some factors. First, it occurs usually when the child is at the age of 1.5-2 years. Milk at this point is more like a colostrum in its composition. A large number of antibodies and hormones contained in it, prepare the child for self-feeding and strengthen his immunity. This is the most suitable time, because children better tolerate weaning and less sick, thanks to the reserves made by the body up to this point. This fact is proved scientifically.

So, how to properly tighten the chest? Be sure to discard the remnants of milk. Immediately after this, make a tight bandage. You can use an elastic bandage, which is used for varicose veins. It should be of very good quality. The high content of cotton makes the bandage elastic, but not tight. We choose just such. Bandage make it uniform, so that it covers the breast completely. This will allow blood to circulate normally, which is very important for the female body and specifically for this part of the body. As a result of the dressing, cones and seals should not form. If they appeared, this indicates a poorly made bandage. This method, of course, a little prevents breathing at full strength, but the breast does not fill with milk and does not become like a stone, which is very painful.

Simultaneously with breast-pulling, you can take medications that reduce lactation. To do this, you should consult a doctor and he will prescribe the right medicine and dosage. Among such drugs, you can distinguish "Dostinex", "Bromprettin", etc.

If after the tug of war there are unpleasant sensations and seals, then you need to remove the bandage and again express the milk. Express all to the last drop. Then again it is necessary to tighten the chest, as was told above. As necessary, do this procedure.

It is very good to have camphor oil at your fingertips. Lubricate the breast with this remedy before properly tightening the breast. Under its influence, the production of milk is reduced and there are no painful seals.

If you correctly do all the procedures, then the amount of milk in the breast will be significantly less on the third day. Gradually, the body stops producing breast milk. But all terms depend on the state of the woman's organism and can vary.

Before you properly tighten the chest, be sure to consult a doctor.

For a long time there has been a debate about this method. But the choice of how to stop lactation depends on the individual organism. Do you need to pull the chest to choose you personally. But all experts agree in one opinion, this should be done without prejudice to the child and the mother. And remember, breastfeeding is the best for a baby, especially in the first months of life. It gives him immunity and everything necessary for growth and development, and most importantly - an inseparable link with his mother, which he so needs.

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