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How do the "Kinders" open and close them back? Awesome gift to the second half

Chocolate delicacy "Kinder-surprise" is rightly considered one of the best ways to please a child. It is pleasant for any parent to look at how the "Kinder" kids open: impatiently unfold the packaging, break the chocolate shell and get the cherished toy. Not only children tend to enjoy the sweet surprise: many adults are not averse to treat such a gift. The taste of milk chocolate and a small memorable souvenir makes it desirable at any age.

You can turn the magic of giving a treat into an amazing way to please an important person with jewelry, a sweet note with a confession of feelings or any other small change. Despite the fact that a large percentage of romantics who plow through the Internet, know how to open the "Kinder-surprise" and close back, the addressees of such gifts do not cease to be delighted with the ingenuity of the donor. And this is a pleasant emotion for both.

How to open the "Kinder" and close it back?

First of all you need to buy at the store not one, but two or more chocolate eggs. Many romantically tuned natures, having heard stories about how other people open Kindery, acquire undue confidence in their accuracy. The method of assembling an unusual surprise is simple enough, but if you do this for the first time, it's better to be safe: in case of failure, you will not have to run to the store for a new egg, and if you do everything right the first time, get a nice bonus for yourself.

After the nearest supermarket has lost several chocolate surprises, prepare a sharp knife with a thin blade and heat the water in the kettle. The main thing is not to worry, with the proper degree of accuracy, even a small child can cope with it.

Step one

Slowly and carefully unfold the foil, enveloping the delicacy. If you hurry, you risk damaging the thin layer of the package. In the best case, the damage will be invisible, and you will be able to pack a gift so as not to arouse suspicion of the gifted, at worst - you have to start anew. History knows many sad examples of how the "Kindery" is opened by hasty people.

Next, pick up the knife and cut the egg on the seam, then gently split the halves. Open the plastic core and remove the factory toy. Do not waste precious time to consider a souvenir and even more to play with it - chocolate will quickly begin to melt, which will adversely affect the success of the intended enterprise.

Step Two

Replace the toy from the kinder to the prepared surprise. Cut the knife into the hot water and immediately lubricate the heated edge of the edge of one half of the chocolate. The sweetness will quickly begin to harden back, so immediately place the plastic egg inside and connect both halves. The final touch will be wrapping a surprise with a wrapping foil.

To give gifts to close people is wonderful, but it's especially joyful to look at how the loved ones open their "Kinder", expecting to get a small souvenir and discovering inside your little, but the most expensive in the world surprise.

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