HealthAlternative Medicine

Hot beer: an excellent winter drink or a useful medicine?

In our country, traditional ways of drinking beer for many years now are classic gatherings with salted fish, crackers and other "beer" snacks. But it is also worth acknowledging the fact that the culture of drinking this drink is still in its infancy. There are more ways to use this delicious and useful in moderate doses of a foamy drink in countries such as Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic.

For example, it is very popular in the beer bars of these countries, considered to be only and exclusively a medicine hot beer. Polish peepman, for example, like warm beer with a snack of black bread and fat or smaltz, while Scandinavians and Germans brew a real beer mulled wine. For this, predominantly dark beer is used, but it is rather a matter of taste - any kind can be heated. When making mulled wine in hot beer, add lemon peel, cinnamon and cloves, well, and some connoisseurs can splash milk there.

Another variant of "beer mulled wine" can be prepared from any kind of light beer. For this, a liter of beer is poured into an enameled deep pan (during the boiling foam will rise, so that the sides of the dishes should be high), 4-5 teaspoons of sugar and lemon peel are added to it. If there is no desire then to filter the drink - the grated zest can be replaced with a thinly cut crust. There also add a little cinnamon (on the tip of the knife) and 4-5 pieces of cloves. The mixture is put on medium heat and left to reach the boil. While the hot beer is being prepared, several yolks with sugar are carefully ground in a separate bowl. When the mixture turns into a homogeneous foam, and the beer boils, yolks in a thin trickle, gently stirring, injected into a pan. After this, bring the mixture to a boil is not necessary - the yolk curl, and mulled wine will not work. As soon as the beer drink thickens, it is removed from the fire and poured into glasses. Serve it to the table immediately, until it is cold.

Such drinks are traditional in the Nordic countries of Scandinavia, where they sometimes replace such habitual tea and coffee. They must be served on winter feasts, and they also treat guests from the road to give them the opportunity to warm up. By the way, it was the warming properties of hot beer that became the basis for using it as a medicine.

Hot beer for colds - pros and cons.

Despite the fact that the scientific effectiveness of such treatment has not been proved, it has been used for more than one century as an effective folk remedy. Having an excellent sweatshop effect, hot beer helps with colds, lowers temperature, improves the condition of the upper respiratory tract. Also, beer in any condition helps to speed up the metabolism, dilates the vessel and normalizes blood pressure.

But at the same time, it is not necessary to refer hot beer to the number of delicately effective means, therefore, before using it as a medicine, evaluate your possibilities. And, of course, you should not give it to children and people who do not drink alcohol in principle. In general, if you know for sure that you can drink a large mug of hot beer (and this is a quite specific taste for a drink), you can safely conduct such an experiment.

Effectively hot beer from cough - it facilitates breathing and helps to soften dry cough. For maximum efficiency and easing of unpleasant taste in hot beer, you can dissolve one or two tablespoons of honey or add a little lemon. Immediately after drinking a hot foamy drink, you should go to bed and wrap yourself up - this will increase sweating. The best option is to use this folk remedy for the night - by the morning of the manifestation of the common cold to decrease or disappear altogether.

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