HealthDiseases and Conditions

Heart failure. Treatment

Under the heart failure is understood such a state, when the muscle of the myocardium is not able to fully ensure the normal circulation of blood. In the body, the circulation of nutrients and oxygen is impaired. This is due to the slow pumping of blood and the formation of its stagnation. The manifestations of heart failure are various diseases of the myocardium muscle, its defects, arterial hypertension, pathological phenomena in the lungs, rheumatism and myocarditis. The risk of manifestation of the disease grows with increasing age of the person.

Acute heart failure, treatment of which is carried out only in hospital, should be accompanied by the appointment of diuretics , potassium preparations , calcium antagonists, glycosides, as well as vasodilators. Patients are limited in physical activity. The course of medical exercises should be selected by a specialist. An important condition is adherence to a special diet. The daily ration should contain foods rich in proteins and vitamins, as well as potassium. Food should include a minimum amount of table salt. If there is a large edema, a salt-free diet should be used .

Heart failure, the treatment of which requires the elimination of various factors that are the cause of its appearance, can be prevented by carrying out various preventive measures. At the same time, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle: not to abuse alcoholic beverages, avoid stressful situations, reduce the intake of table salt, and also drugs that contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Heart failure, the treatment of which requires eliminating the causes of the disease and correcting their symptoms, manifests itself to a lesser extent when the patient complies with the dosing of physical exertion. Work should not be the cause of significant fatigue and the appearance of an unpleasant sensation. If the patient can tolerate only minor loads, then he should be more likely to be in a sitting position if possible. In the absence of edema and shortness of breath, walk on fresh air is recommended. During sleep, the patient's head should be on a high cushion. This position of the body will reduce the severity of edematous phenomena.

Heart failure, the treatment of which must be accompanied by diet, manifests itself less when correcting the weight of the patient. Extra kilograms provoke the creation of an additional burden on the body. In order to control the weight, as well as identify the processes that detain the fluid, it is necessary to perform a daily weighing at the same time.

The patient, who was diagnosed with heart failure, can be treated with folk remedies at home. However, it must be remembered that urgent conditions require the use of medication, otherwise incorrect actions can lead to death.

Heart failure, the treatment of which does not allow to get rid of the disease forever, is much easier to prevent. As precautionary measures that must be taken to prevent the disease, we can distinguish the following:

- referral to a specialist in the event of rheumatic, surgical, and infectious diseases;
- the passage of annual preventive examinations;
- sports and physical education;
- balanced diet;
- minimal consumption of alcoholic beverages;
- support the functioning of the kidneys and liver, stimulating the process of circulation of blood;
- refusal of smoking.

Avoid complications of the disease and stop its development is possible only with the holding of permanent therapeutic courses.

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