Food and drinkTea

Healing tea "Helba". Useful properties and method of brewing the drink

Previously, only black tea was known and drunk in our country , but in recent years, along with it, it has become popular and green. Both types can be purchased freely in any supermarket for a reasonable price. But there is a drink that is quite difficult to get, and its cost can not be called acceptable. It is about yellow tea "Helba". Useful properties and taste have attracted connoisseurs around the world for a long time, but not everyone can try the drink. Where the miracle tea is growing and produced, what is its strength, you will learn from this article.

The history of "forbidden" tea

This drink has a difficult history. Even in antiquity, yellow tea began to be produced in China, but it was available only within the country. By law, the export of treasured leaves was strictly prohibited, and the payment for disobedience was harsh: the death penalty. That is why long enjoyment of yellow tea remained a privilege of the Chinese people. Only once the decree of the emperor was violated by his relative, who gave several leaves of tea to a foreigner, for which a member of the imperial family was severely punished. And only in the 20th century "Helba" - tea with amazing healing properties and unusual taste - got to Russia. And he exchanged nothing for anything other than sable fur. However, the policy of the Chinese government regarding the export of tea is very limited, so it is still not widely distributed. In the very same country, it is practically not drunk because of limited production and high prices.

Egyptian tea "Helba"

However, to try the drink, which is spoken all over the world, is still real. If you were in Egypt, you probably know that they are preparing yellow tea from a fenugreek plant. There he is officially called "Helba". Useful properties of Egyptian tea practically do not differ from Chinese tea, and glory about it goes around the world. Numerous researches of scientists have established that this drink can cure many different diseases and even replace all the most important medicinal preparations. It's amazing, is not it?

Extraordinary properties of yellow tea

From what infirmities can the use of "Helba" tea be saved? Useful properties of the plant, from which it is prepared, have a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. It is used to treat tuberculosis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia and various colds. Tea is an excellent antipyretic, and also has an expectorant effect. Decoction of plant leaves is used as an antiseptic for washing and healing of deep, rotting wounds. In gynecology, it is used for syringing in the presence of infectious diseases of the genital organs. In addition, tea is useful for lactating women, as it promotes the formation of breast milk.

What else can help Helba tea? Properties of the plant are also used to treat gastrointestinal disorders. One or two cups of yellow tea will relieve spasms and relieve pain in the abdomen. And the beverage brewed with dates will become an excellent diuretic. In addition, it is useful to drink with stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. We can say that "Helba" has a universal effect on the body. And he also has a pleasant, rich taste. But to open it, you need to brew tea properly.

We make "Helba" tea right

To prepare yellow tea, you need to take the leaves in the following proportions: two teaspoons per glass of boiling water. But they need not just fill and insist, but boil. It is then that the taste and aroma of the drink will unfold in its entirety. Cooking should be 5-7 minutes, and then strain and drink. It is not forbidden, but on the contrary, it is recommended to drink tea with the addition of natural honey, lemon, ginger and dried fruits. So you will saturate the body with useful and nutritious substances, improve the taste of the drink and increase the strength of its healing effect. If there is such an opportunity, be sure to try this rare Helba tea. Useful properties, deep taste and magnificent aroma of a drink will give you real pleasure and will add health. Have a nice tea!

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