HealthDiseases and Conditions

Genetic herpes: pregnancy, diagnosis, treatment

One of the common STDs today is genetal herpes. Its main symptom is the appearance of vesicles on the genitals, which then turn into sores. This is accompanied by itching, swelling and soreness of the affected areas. Cure the disease is completely impossible.

Genetic herpes occurs in people in their lifetime, when they are actively engaged in sex. Usually this occurs up to 30 years. A person becomes infected from an infected partner during oral, vaginal or anal sex.

After a short incubation period, characteristic symptoms appear. Although this may not happen, and the virus immediately goes into a chronic form or concealed carrier. Such a person, not knowing anything about his illness, will infect partners.

The chronic course of the disease is characterized by periodic relapses. They are connected, first of all, with provoking factors. These include:

  • menstruation;
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, taking contraceptives, certain medications);
  • Supercooling;
  • stress;
  • Emotional and physical overload;
  • Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins;
  • overheat;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Common diseases.

With concealed carriage, the person does not have any symptoms, but he isolates the virus. Relapses of the disease are less pronounced and prolonged than the primary manifestation of the virus.

Genetic hepas can be caused by HSV 1 and type 2. Although it was previously believed that 1 type of virus leads to rashes on the lips, and 2 - on the genitals. Nevertheless, due to the prevalence of oral sex, today the disease is increasingly caused by type 1 HSV.

The genital herpes virus is diagnosed by a urologist, gynecologist or venereologist. The doctor conducts the examination and sends to the tests. Today, ELISA diagnostics and PRC are actively used.

The first method allows to determine the amount of antibodies to the virus in the human blood. The second method of diagnosis reveals even one DNA of the virus in the material under study. It can be scrapings from the vagina, urethra, cervix, blood, urine, discharge from the vesicles.

At IFA-diagnostics titer IgG and IgM in a blood of the person is defined. The first antibodies indicate a chronic process, and the second - on the acute.

Genital herpes can occur in an atypical form. There are no characteristic rashes, but there is a chronic inflammation.

Genetic herpes causes not only unpleasant sensations when rashes, but also dangerous for health. It can cause chronic colpitis, urethritis, cervicitis, endometritis, adnexitis, prostatitis. The role of HSV type 2 in the development of malignant processes of the cervix is proved . Also, this disease reduces local and general immunity.

Treatment of genital herpes should be handled by a qualified doctor. The scheme depends on the severity of the disease, which is determined by the frequency of relapses and the intensity of the rashes. In therapy, antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir and Groprinosine are used. In the treatment regimen, medications containing interferon, such as Viferon suppositories , are also administered .

With extreme caution, it is necessary to combine genital herpes and pregnancy, since this virus is a group of infections that are very dangerous for the fetus. It also includes rubella, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, and sometimes chlamydia.

Especially dangerous is primary infection during pregnancy. If this happened in the early term, then, most likely, it will lead to its interruption. At a later time can contribute to the occurrence of malformations in the fetus and pregnancy pathologies.

However, exacerbations of a long-existing disease can also negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, it is recommended to pass the tests before conception and undergo antiviral therapy. You should also be tested for herpes (determine the IgG and IgM titer, the presence of its DNA in the blood and secretions) in each trimester.

If rashes appear immediately go to your gynecologist. Treatment is mandatory, but only with approved medications, for example, "Proteflazide", and after consulting a doctor. The appearance of rashes in the last trimester, and especially before childbirth, is seen as an indication to the caesarean section.

Thus, genetal herpes is a fairly common disease today. It can lead to pathologies of pregnancy, infertility, cancer, and therefore requires treatment and supervision by a qualified specialist. Today, it is impossible to completely get rid of it, but it is quite possible to cause a stable remission.

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