
Face cream with collagen: feedback on effectiveness

Modern advertising has a big impact on the person. It can inspire anything to a gullible consumer. In particular, this applies to the beauty industry. For today, preparations based on collagen are popular. But before making the final choice, it is worth to find out what function is performed by the face cream with collagen. Whether he needs our skin and is able to rejuvenate her - this and many other things need to be understood in more detail.

Collagen and its functions

Collagen is a special protein that is present in the tendons and ligaments, moreover, it fills the empty space between the muscle fibers. Its main function is to connect and provide strength, elasticity and elasticity of connective tissues.

Of course, collagen fibers are the most elastic at a young age, but over time their elasticity is lost, resulting in the skin sagging, and wrinkles appear. This is most pronounced in the area of the mouth, eyes and forehead. This process is caused by the lack of the necessary amount of moisture in the cells: on the one hand, collagen does not allow its loss, and on the other hand it can absorb it into itself (it absorbs liquid volumes exceeding its own mass by a factor of 30).

Operating principle

The collagen molecule is a protein spiral filament. It is due to this that the elasticity of the skin is determined by the quality and quantity of collagen fibers consisting of glycosaminoglycans. With a low level of glycosaminoglycans, the springs weaken, they stop retaining moisture, which leads to sagging and stretching of the skin.

Scientists are still struggling over the question of whether it is possible to somehow influence the additional production of collagen. There are several ways: expensive salon procedures - mesotherapy (introduction to the skin of cocktails based on collagen and hyaluronic acid), etc. A less expensive method is a cream with collagen and elastin for the face, but the effectiveness of such drugs experts argue until now.

Benefits of Collagen

  • Stimulates the processes of natural rejuvenation of skin;
  • Preparations with its content perfectly moisturize and tighten the skin;
  • Perfectly fights with age-related pigmentation of the epidermis;
  • Elimination of age and facial wrinkles;
  • Slowing down the processes of skin aging;
  • Reduces the likelihood of ovulation of the upper eyelids;
  • Scars and scars are eliminated;
  • A quality face cream with collagen can be used for eyelid care.


  • Regular use of such creams can lead to addiction, as a result of which aging processes can even accelerate.
  • Animal collagen, which is part of most budgetary funds, forms a film on the skin, which prevents the normal functioning of the epidermis.
  • It has clearly defined age limits.


In a specialized store or pharmacy, you can always find a lot of special skin care products containing collagen, but some may be confused by the cost, the fluctuations of which are quite significant. Many ladies, of course, may want to save, but in most cases this will be done in vain. To date, cosmetology uses four types of collagen, each of them has its own peculiarities, advantages and disadvantages. And this is worth exploring in more detail.

Types of collagen:

  • Animal. Its main advantage lies in its affordable price and long shelf life. It is made on the basis of components extracted from the skins of cattle. The main disadvantage of this type of collagen is that it is not practical to use it. Molecules of animal protein are so large that they can not penetrate the skin. They only form on the surface of the epidermis a film that clogs the pores.
  • Vegetable. Collagen, which is extracted from wheat germ, is considered safer and more effective. However, these creams are not an expensive pleasure.
  • Nautical. Face cream with sea collagen is a luxury product, and not everyone can afford it. However, it is the marine species of collagen that is considered the safest for humans. Marine collagen is perfectly absorbed by skin cells and effectively fights with age-related skin changes. However, preparations with marine collagen are not ideal - they can cause allergic reactions, and they have a short shelf life.

In addition to the types listed above, pharmacies can be found with drugs that contain collagen hydrolyzate. Similar products are designed for oral administration. Obligatory certification of such drugs is problematic enough and "slippery", so there is no need to talk about safety in this situation.

At what age can you use a face cream with collagen

Since collagen is a natural substance, until a certain age, the body is able to independently update and synthesize it. In youth, this protein is produced in exactly the amount that is necessary to maintain the skin in a healthy and beautiful state. With age, this ability decreases, and then a cream with collagen rejuvenating for the face will come to the rescue, it is just created in order to replenish the missing amount of this protein.

Young girls are not allowed to use drugs with collagen. The skin "lazy" and cease to produce this protein independently ahead of time, and the damaged areas of the skin can not be updated independently. Simply put, young skin can not "live" without this drug. Means with collagen should be used constantly.

The most optimal for the use of collagen is the age of 40+, rarely, when experts prescribe these creams to women from 35 to 40 years. In reinforcement, the auxiliary components require wilted skin. It is in this case, a moisturizing face cream with collagen will be an excellent choice.

Advice to buyers

To date, the market is ready to offer a large number of preparations containing collagen. Each manufacturer does not get tired of convincing potential customers that it is his products that have miraculous properties. However, do not rely solely on advertising, otherwise it can lead to trouble.

Of course, it is not necessary to expose each purchased drug to a laboratory test, but minimal caution is still needed. Buying face cream with hyaluronic acid, collagen or other active substance, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to such aspects:

  • Kind of collagen . As it turned out earlier, it is best to abandon the use of animal collagen. If such information is not present on the package, most likely, you want to "slip" a substandard product.
  • Shelf life . Luxurious quality creams are often made on the basis of marine collagen, which loses useful properties with prolonged exposure to sunlight. If you find a drug with a long shelf life, then most likely, it includes synthetic preservatives.
  • The price . The cost of the drug can not become a key criterion in the selection, but the budget is precisely animal collagen, which does not have the proper effect. It is best to choose vegetable collagen, but the products in which it is included, very rarely fall into the budget segment.
  • Composition . If the word Collagen in the list is located near the end, its content in the cream is insignificant.

Cream with collagen for the face: reviews of cosmetologists

Despite the optimistic picture, cosmetologists still do not rush to recommend a face cream with collagen. The main reason is that most preparations contain animal collagen. Collagen molecules are sufficiently voluminous chemical compounds that can not enter the body through the pores. Therefore, most often such a cream with collagen rejuvenating for the face is washed off with water after application.

In most cases (especially in the case of cheaper cosmetics), lifting, moisturizing the skin and other miraculous properties are a myth. However, in such cosmetics, there are also auxiliary components that can positively influence the skin.

Separately, experts mention and collagen creams cooked at home. This is not a very good decision. The effect will be minimal, but the risk of remaining with an allergy is very high.

Common Myths About Collagen

Myth first. Collagen from food can slow the aging process. The organism is a complex system that does not "trust" anyone. Proteins coming from food are first split into components (amino acids). Only after this, the body begins to build its own proteins independently. Because of this, there is no need to talk about any guarantees that a dish with collagen will turn into collagen in the body.

Myth of the second. Subcutaneous injections are a panacea for aging. Here the same principle works as with the collagen menu. Proteins, injected under the skin, also initially split. The advantage of such procedures is that the protein is immediately injected under the skin and does not go through the whole chain of digestion. Formed amino acids are much more likely to turn into collagen, which is necessary for aging skin.

The most effective method of preserving youth is to prevent the destruction of the already existing "protein of youth" in the body. To do this, avoid exposure to UV rays on the skin, give up harmful habits and reduce the consumption of sugar. If you decide to buy a cream with collagen rejuvenating for the face, reviews, recommendations of cosmetologists and doctors should be a decisive factor when choosing.

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