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Diet ballerinas

The image of a slender, fragile, fluttering butterfly, a ballerina can not but cause admiration. But at the same time, her refined appearance pushes at the thought: "What does she eat and how does she save her almost weightless ease?". The opinion that dancers feed exclusively on air, following the Maya Plisetskaya diet called "DO NOT EAT!", Is erroneous. However, what then is the secret of maintaining their excellent form?

Philosophy of Nutrition Ballerinas

All women in choosing the next diet, first of all, are interested in the safety of their beauty and health. For ballerinas, in addition, career growth with professional success is also important. That is why the diet of dancers is nothing more than a philosophy, because only they manage to lose weight without starving, and even vice versa - enjoying the food. Then why would ordinary women dreaming of graceful forms and seductive curves of the body, not to take advantage of the rules of diet of dancers created by years?

So far, so-called carbohydrate diets or diets with low fat intake are very popular. But dancers know that for good endurance and great physical exertion, the body needs both proteins and carbohydrates with fats. The diet of dancers is built on carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy. Their main diet is buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, fruit, vegetables and bread. These products perfectly compensate for energy consumption during exercise. Carbohydrates should be present at every meal.

In second place are the protein products responsible for building muscles. The best sources of protein are white chicken, lean fish and dairy products with a minimum fat content. Elasticity of ligaments, which is so necessary for dancers, provides fats, so at least in a small amount they must be present in the diet. It is enough to use a small portion of sea fish twice a week and use vegetable oil to dress salads.

How the ballerinas eat

The diet of dancers is significantly different from other diets. In the diet of dancers are completely absent buns, sugar, smoked products, marinades and various semi-finished products. In order to reduce the amount of salt consumed in ready meals, they add natural soy sauce and lemon juice. They are also prohibited for carbonated drinks and beer, since they negatively affect not only the general condition, but also the muscle tone. But a piece of chocolate tile, eaten before the performance to "recharge" energy, will be very helpful.

A full breakfast is an indispensable condition that any diet of a ballerina puts. It is proved that during the day the metabolism weakens (in the morning it is the strongest). Using this feature of the body, dancers use the most calorie meals in the morning, for breakfast. Morning saturation allows you to feel at 100 throughout the day, and for the appearance of extra pounds on the sides you do not have to worry, as this will not happen.

The diet of dancers should be fractional, but frequent - they eat at least 5 times a day. With this mode, the food is absorbed much faster, while there is no feeling of hunger and does not torment the feeling of overeating. In addition, the rule "Do not eat after 6 pm" does not apply to dancers. As a rule, performances are held in the evening, and therefore a light supper in the form of a vegetable salad and a piece of baked fish is a must. If this rule is neglected, the metabolism will slow down, resulting in the accumulation of fat.

Only a full meal can provide the ballerina with a career success, because for this she needs the strength and energy that beats the key. Therefore, the diet of dancers should be complex and in no case not dietary.

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