Self improvementPsychology

Decency? This we did not pass!

"Decency" is a word well known to all of us and in most cases denoting something boring. Is not it so? Immediately appears "nerd" in glasses, which passes through the road of old women, gives way to public transport and turn to the cashier, and in the evenings removes cats from trees. I can not believe that a person who drives a jeep and owns the world can be decent. Or maybe? Or is this not happiness? Let's talk about this in this post.

Virtues are not in fashion now

In fashion, not only clothes or musical styles enter and go out of fashion , but also those or other moral qualities. Since most of us were born in Soviet times (and some even had the honor to grow up and get education at this time), then we know firsthand who "Timurovs" are. It was a "trend", in modern terms, young people aspired to be decent, responsive, humane. The word "decency" was then well known to all and revered.

When the iron curtain rose, it became fashionable to be disobedient. Bitniki, dissidents - young people sought to oppose themselves to the system, even if not in quite a decent way. And what's in fashion today? Certainly not altruism! Let it not be taught in the classroom at school, but fashionable today is the aspiration to the heights, the acquisition of wealth and fame. Decency? This is something that can prevent you from achieving everything. In the course of proverbs like "Insolence is the second happiness", "Every man for himself", and this kind of "piercing" behavior is tacitly approved by the society.

Honesty and decency

In fact, no society or state system can decide for you how to be human. Remember that my mother sentenced us in childhood for a stupid behavior from her point of view? "And if everyone goes jumping from the eighth floor, will you go too?" Let now be "fashionable" to be such a disobedient, a man without principles and rules, but there is also an inner voice, a force much more powerful than the voice of the social system.

Each of us hears this voice, which is called the conscience, the soul, the mind or the voice of the heart. Decency is one of our best manifestations. What is it manifested in?

What is decency?

  1. The distinction between "good" and "evil." It's not about public templates, but your inner flair. Without religious precepts and the criminal code, you know what is good and not very good.
  2. Unwillingness to commit "evil" deeds. Internal decency causes us to feel shame in the case of committing immoral acts. Notice, there is no compulsion - we decide what to do. And even if we choose something "wrong" (from our point of view), we can remain completely unpunished, and only our conscience will after torturing.
  3. Desire to do good deeds. Internal decency "approves" our desire to be "good" and rewards with a feeling of deep satisfaction.

What gives the person decency?

This will seem strange, but most people would gladly refuse such a dubious gift of nature as decency. Why is it needed? To interfere with personal growth, promotion, enrichment?

However, as experience and experience of millions of people show, all "toys" like money, fame, power do not bring much moral satisfaction (of course, it's hard to believe until you "play enough" with them in plenty). People are chasing after ever larger volumes of these achievements, but having gotten them, they feel disappointed and feel something oppressive in their soul. But try to live decently! You will not acquire anything material, but the soul will all rejoice and sing. That's just the point, that material things like fake New Year's toys - "do not please". At the same time, decency allows you to feel omnipotent and almost at the top of the world, even if you are a poor student.

Decency is not an obligatory quality. Moreover, "good" behavior, according to modern social stereotypes, will prevent a person from realizing himself. But this is only if we understand by "realizing" ourselves the pursuit of values like career growth, for money, new brand things. If you want to be just happy, to live in harmony with yourself, then you will not be able to be not decent.

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