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A child has lice - what to do? What if the baby has lice? Treatment with folk remedies

The child has lice. What to do? Often such news becomes a thunder among the parents in the clear sky and in the first few minutes causes only helplessness in the current situation.

Pediculosis - a terrible dream of parents

Pediculosis (infection with lice) is a "terrible dream" for parents, which is hard to believe, especially if it concerns your own child. A fairly common disease most often affects children of the 4-12 age group; Its peak often reaches the end of summer - early autumn, and the first signs of the disease can sometimes be found after a few weeks from the time of infection. Therefore, in order to avoid infection with pediculosis, it is required to constantly monitor the condition of the child's hair.

Lice and nits: description

The child had lice. What to do? A louse is a small insect, up to 4 mm in length. Preferring warm places, it lives behind the ears, as well as in the occipital and temporal areas. It is there that you can observe the places of combs and traces of bites, while the insect itself is very mobile, it is quite problematic to see. It's easy to find eggs of lice-nits, which a female can postpone about a few hundred a week.

Representing small transparent "beads", they are firmly attached to the hair, closer to the root of their part. Particular damage to nits is not provided until they turn into adult insects. The latter feed on human blood, extracting it by piercing the scalp. And the need for food in lice is very high, they need to be saturated about once every three hours. The puncture points, identified by the gray-blue traces, subsequently begin to itch. This is due to the presence of lice in the enzyme, which she injects into the wound. Strongly combed wounds threaten the appearance of bacterial infection and, as a result, possible festering. If the mother of the child has found lice - what to do in such a situation, what actions are required to take in the first place? The cause should be eliminated.

Causes of infection with pediculosis

What if the baby has lice? You should know that lice exist only on a man, so you can not get a pediculosis from an animal. It determines the appearance of unwanted fast-flying insects that can not jump and fly, direct contact: use of one comb, exchange of personal belongings, fitting of each other's headgear, joint sleep on one pillow. The notion that lice are planted in antisocial people is not true; These parasites prefer well-groomed people and willingly settle on clean, healthy hair. In any case, the risk of infection is increased by an order of magnitude in places with signs of unsanitary conditions and mass congestion.

If the infection with pediculosis has occurred, the parents discovered lice in the child - what to do? Do not scold the child, because his guilt is not there. The infected person needs to be reassured, distracted from fears and experiences, explaining that lice are not dangerous, their hair does not fall out and no one dies from it. To avoid a new infection, it is necessary to conduct an explanatory conversation with the child about the importance of using preventive measures.

Methods of detecting pediculosis

Determine the presence of pediculosis can be due to the appearance of itching in the area of bites. To this phenomenon is added the child's anxiety, restlessness, a feeling of discomfort and a lack of understanding of the causes that cause it.

To identify lice, two methods of testing are used: on wet and dry hair. The first is the most effective. To inspect for a pediculosis on the head, it is recommended to apply a conditioner for the hair, in order to facilitate the slip of the ridge. Hair needs to be combed, then a thick comb or comb combing in different directions. The head should be combed at least a couple of times, checking the comb every time after dipping into the head of hear.

You need to carefully inspect the combed hair. Nits are noticeable in the root area and hold tightly to the hair. It is very difficult to separate them; When crushing a specific crackle is heard.

Lice can also be found by combing over a light, lint-free towel or a paper sheet. Insects are translucent, small, have six legs. Instances that are saturated with blood are characterized by a brownish-brown color.

Earlier in the fight against lice, folk remedies were used, the main component of which was kerosene. Now, with the appearance of modern drugs in pharmacies, the need for grandmother's methods, requiring a long walk with a towel or a package on the head, has disappeared. Now you can get rid of pediculosis at a time, and the treatment of the head takes a minimum of time. So, the child's lice. What to do?

Treatment with medical preparations

From medicines, agents containing permethrin are effective. It is an element contained in plants of the family of Compositae and possessing activity directed at the destruction of lice. From shampoos when infecting with pediculosis, it is recommended to use the means "Chigia", "Veda" and "Veda-2". The drug should be applied to damp hair in an amount of 1-3 tablespoons, bring to a frothy state, withstand 10 minutes (according to some reviews, the result takes 20 minutes), then rinse the head thoroughly. Then rinse the hair with 5% vinegar and proceed to a thorough combing of the parasites.

Lice were found in the child. What to do? Than to treat? In the fight against lice, the aerosol "Para plus" is effective. Spraying is performed on the entire surface of the hair with short presses; Head while doing nothing to cover should not be. Also, during treatment, you need to cover your mouth with your hand, to avoid the risk of developing bronchospasm. After application, wait 10 minutes, then rinse with normal shampoo. The dead insects need to be combed out with a thick crest. Reviews about this tool are contradictory: someone helped the drug, someone was forced to look for a more effective remedy. The disadvantage of aerosol is the high cost.

Permetine preparations against lice

The child has lice. What to do? "Nittifor" - a drug presented on the shelves of pharmacies in the form of a solution or cream. The solution is used in undiluted form, rubbed into the roots of previously moistened hair. After 40 minutes, the remedy should be washed off with shampoo, then rinse the hair with a 5% solution of vinegar and comb out the parasites with a thick scallop. "Nittifor" is able to maintain activity for 2 weeks, preventing the reproduction of lice. Cream "Nittifor" is also applied to damp hair for 10 minutes. Then it needs to be washed off with shampoo, rinse with vinegar. This drug is contraindicated for children under 5 years, people with heightened sensitivity, pregnant women and nursing mothers. According to consumers, the product is efficient, convenient to use, evenly distributed and well washed away.

MediFox is one of the most effective means

Medifox is one of the most popular and effective drugs in the fight against lice. 1/3 of the bottle of the drug should be diluted with 200 ml of warm boiled water, abundantly apply the resulting composition to the affected skin, using a cotton swab. After 20 minutes after treatment, wash hair with shampoo with running warm water. In the form of a gel, "MediFox" is evenly applied to clean damp hair with a thorough rubbing into the roots. The product should be rinsed after 40 minutes. Per person, the consumption of the gel is 10-50 grams, depending on the degree of infection.

A child has lice - what to do? A high result in the fight against lice is manifested by means based on malathion, a substance with an antiparasitic effect. A vivid example is a shampoo "Pedilin", qualitatively rid of pediculosis.

Preparations based on phenothrin

Preparations based on phenothrin have a neurotoxic effect on insects. They are based on the shampoo "Itachs", which destroys larvae and lice. The solution "Parasidosis" is enough effective, which needs to be rubbed into the roots of wet hair for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. In a day, repeat this operation. The result of side effects may be a rash, itchy skin, swelling, redness. If for some reason there is no desire or possibility to use medicines, but there are lice in the child - what to do?

Folk remedies for the treatment of pediculosis

Of folk methods, the most popular means of getting rid of lice were:

  • Haircut nalyso.
  • Treatment with tar soap, characterized by a high content of alkali.
  • Sunflower oil with kerosene in equal proportions. Preparations containing kerosene, flammable, spoil the hair, poorly washed off, make the hair look dirty and make it difficult to comb.
  • Kerosene in combination with household soap in equal proportions. Before application, dilute with water: 100 ml of formulation per 1 liter of water.
  • Cranberry juice. Characterized by a high acidic environment, it is particularly effective on nits, eroding their shell.
  • Soap is a duster (in the modern world it is not used).
  • A mixture of engine oil and kerosene is a liquid WD-40.
  • Vinegar. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Negative qualities of the drug include hair drying, in concentrated form - burns.
  • Ironing hair with a hair iron (these parasites do not tolerate high temperatures).
  • Combing. For example, if a child is allergic - then this is the way you can get rid of uninvited guests.

Accompanying measures in the fight against pediculosis

If lice are found in a child - what to do at home? It is necessary to examine all members of the family for pediculosis, wash bed linen, clothes, towels (wash temperature - at least 55 ° C). Then washed clothes need to be ironed and leave to lie down for 2 days. Such treatment will not only kill insects, but also deprive them of food, without which they will not live long. Also it is required to process all things that the child used: outer clothing, pillow, blanket, mattress. For things, the processing of which causes difficulties (carpets, upholstered furniture), special aerosols will be required.

Preventative methods

If the child is constantly lice - what to do? In addition to the treatment with the above drugs and methods, a number of preventive measures are required, the main one being personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash the child's head at least 2 times a week, regularly change the bed and underwear of the baby, do not allow others to try on themselves and use other people's hairbrushes.

It is also required to conduct an educational conversation, explaining the full risk of the disease with pediculosis. As a kind of protection, you can use tea tree oil and lavender (lice do not tolerate their smell), which is applied to the child's ears, neck and occipital part. As a preventive measure, such means must be applied to uninfected family members.

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