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Sociogenesis is the science of the origin of society

Sociogenesis is a well-known term widely used both in sociology and in many other scientific areas. But what does he mean? How did he appear? What is it used for? This article will tell you about everything you need to know about this term. Sociogenesis is a very important element of sociology and psychology, without which the understanding of modern society, as well as society at any stage of its existence, would be impossible.

Origin of the term

Sociogenesis is a term that comes from the combination of two words taken from different languages. The word societ was taken from Latin and it is translated as "society". However, the second word comes from the Greek language. Genesis is "origin", this word is used freely and in Russian. As a result, the "origin of society" is obtained - this is precisely what is the main theme of this direction in science. So, sociogenesis is a term denoting the origin of society and everything that was associated with this process.

What it is?

However, so far you have seen only the translation of the term "sociogenesis". Definition of it, of course, much broader and more detailed describes what it is. So, sociogenesis is the process of the origin and development of human consciousness, the human personality, and also interpersonal relations in conditions of socialization. This concept is usually considered in the context of different cultures and formations. Thus, by studying sociogenesis, you will be able to understand exactly how a person and a human society was formed.

main idea

Well, now you are becoming more and more aware of what constitutes sociogenesis - what is it, where the concept came from, etc. However, it is worth taking a deeper look and understanding what ideas are basic for sociogenesis, who founded This movement, what patterns can be traced in it, and much more.

If we talk about the basic idea, then it starts with the one who formulated it. It was the famous psychologist Wilhelm Wundt. It was he who first said that every psychologist, when working with an individual, interacts not simply with the abstract notion of a person, but with someone who belongs to a certain epoch, exists in a specific social system, is at a certain level in his society and his environment . This person does not exist in itself as a separate unit - it must always be considered depending on its socio-cultural context, interaction with the environment.

Thus, the basic idea of sociogenesis is the fact that each person is not only a person as such, he is also interconnected with other personalities, as a result of which the origin and further development of human society was realized.


Sociogenesis in psychology is an impressive section, which is very important for every specialist. Sociogenesis is firmly connected with historical psychology, since it considers the features of society and its internal interaction at various stages. He studies the psychological characteristics of man and society, in particular the formation of his knowledge, perception of the world, awareness of himself as a person, depending on the time period.

Basic method

Naturally, this direction is not only theoretical, but also practical. And the main method of research in this environment is psychological reconstruction. This implies the restoration of the types of behavior of people in society, specific for a particular period of time. All this is done in the process of interpreting cultural monuments and other artifacts left over from ancient times.

Scientists working in the field of sociogenesis, engaged in a variety of studies, whose objects can be as individuals who have played any important role in history (the formation of a portrait of their personality, their behavior), and entire social groups, and sometimes even peoples and Ethnicity. With the help of sociogenesis, it is possible to establish what features of character a certain person in the past possessed, what moods were in any particular sociological group. Scientists will find out what common traits of character were those or other peoples who inhabited a particular territory in a certain period of time. This is of great importance both within the framework of history and within the framework of psychology as a science.

Sociogenesis in the framework of psychoanalysis

If, for historical sciences, sociogenesis obviously plays an important role, since it provides very extensive information about people, social groups and entire nations, then it is not so simple with psychology. Many people ask themselves: how can sociogenesis affect applied psychology, that is, how can it help to treat patients? One of the most striking examples is the psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, known throughout the world. It was within his framework that analysis of the individual and the social group (most often the family) was used in the historical context - the so-called biographical method.

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