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Coxarthrosis of the hip joint: symptoms. Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree: treatment

One of the most serious diseases of cartilaginous tissue is coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Symptoms of it in the early stages of development are inconspicuous. It is for this reason that patients often turn to specialists for help, when it is practically impossible to conduct treatment without resorting to surgical intervention. That is why it is important to identify the disease at an early stage.

Symptoms of the disease

In modern medicine, more and more often people, especially elderly people, are diagnosed with coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Symptoms of this ailment can not be called specific. Most often the beginning process of deformation of the cartilage makes itself felt by slight discomfort in the joint area. There is a minor pain syndrome with prolonged walking. But he quickly disappears in peace. In this case, pain can occur not only directly in the region of the hip joint, but also in the groin, and in the knee. These symptoms rarely worry people. Therefore, timely calls to doctors are registered very little. As the deformation of the cartilage develops new signs. First of all, there is a so-called morning stiffness. This syndrome is a direct evidence of coxarthrosis. It is expressed that after a dream or a prolonged sitting in a joint, a tension is sensed that prevents it from moving fully. It disappears after half an hour after a continuous walk. Such a symptom is of a regular nature. In addition, over time, it adds to the crunch when expanding and a specific creaking of the bones of the lower limbs. These are only the first harbingers of such a serious disease as coxarthrosis of the hip joint. Symptoms will only get complicated. The gait will change, the movements will be more and more limited, the pain will intensify. Joint ligaments, experiencing constant overstrain, will be weakened, after this, muscle atrophy will be observed. At this stage, a person can no longer do without a cane.

The causes of coxarthrosis

Of course, it is important to know and in time to recognize all the signs of coxarthrosis of the hip joint, but it is also necessary to understand the causes of this disease. Congenital dislocation of the hip accounts for 20-25 percent of cases of subsequent development of this disease. In addition to joint dysplasia, coxarthrosis leads to hypermobility syndrome and, of course, Perthes disease. Subsequent deformation of the cartilaginous tissue can cause many congenital and acquired pathologies. This serious ailment often develops due to injuries, for example, fractures of the hip and pelvic bones, as well as dislocations and ligament ruptures. Another reason - infectious diseases, in which there is a violation of the normal blood supply to the joint. This condition is often detected in elderly people and in patients with diabetes mellitus. At the same time the disease breaks not only the patency of blood vessels, but also the work of joints completely. Coxarthrosis can develop in athletes. This is due to constant heavy loads on the legs. For training you have to pay with problems with the cartilaginous tissue not only in the hip, but in the other joints.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 1st degree

At the first stage of the disease, coxarthrosis is difficult to detect. Symptoms that would clearly indicate a serious illness are not detected. At the first stage, as a rule, there is only a pain syndrome with physical exertion on the legs. At rest, discomfort is not observed. During this period, the cartilaginous tissue of the joint experiences oxygen starvation due to insufficient blood supply. But in general, it functions well.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree

At the second stage of the disease, the disruption of the supply of cartilaginous tissue is much more significant. You can already detect its destruction. The dead tissue particles float freely in the joint fluid. It strengthens the pain syndrome. But the most important thing is that the normal mechanism of movement of the articulating bones starts to break. Gradually the gait changes. On the bones themselves in the cartilaginous part, dense outgrowths are formed-osteophytes. They increase pain when walking, and after a long rest. There is a syndrome of morning stiffness. There may be slight lameness due to a strong overstrain of the ligaments of the joint.

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the third degree

At the third stage of the disease the cartilaginous tissue is almost completely destroyed. The joint is strongly deformed. Normal movements of the lower limb in this place are impossible. In the joint, complete immobility was finally formed. The tissues are atrophied. If the movements can still occur, then on the pathological trajectory, not corresponding to the norm. Pain syndrome is almost always present, both during walking and at rest. He often appears in the middle of the night, causing insomnia. At this stage, medication, and especially local treatment is useless. Can improve the patient's condition only joint replacement with an artificial one.

Features of nutrition with coxarthrosis

To ensure that the cartilaginous cells of our body are restored, vitamins of group B are needed. This is the main condition. Also, the body should not have a deficiency in vitamins C, A, E. Diet with coxarthrosis of the hip joint primarily involves the presence in daily nutrition of a large number of fruits, fresh vegetables and cereals, which have all the necessary minerals. Another important component of nutrition for the restoration of cartilaginous tissue is the offal. The heart, liver, kidneys, stomachs must first be thoroughly soaked and boiled. Then they can be used in cooking second courses and salads. Phosphorus and fluoride will give seafood and fish. From the diet with coxarthrosis completely excluded from the products of white flour. In this case, preference is best given to grain bread. Also it is required to limit salt intake. A large number leads to edema in the tissues of the joints.

Non-medicinal methods of prophylaxis and treatment of coxarthrosis

Of course, a diet with coxarthrosis of the hip joint may slow the development of the disease a little at the initial stages, but it is not a cure. When the first signs of the defeat of cartilaginous tissue should be consulted a doctor. The following non-medicinal methods of prevention and treatment of coxarthrosis of the first and second degree are also recommended. First of all, you need to relieve the load from the patient's joint. To do this, minimize the time allocated for walking, running. It is also necessary to avoid long standing in the standing position. If possible, it is better to sit. This is very important for those people whose work implies constant movement. Use every opportunity to rest your feet. Of course, this is not an answer to the question of how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint, but as a disease prevention, load reduction is very effective. True, to get involved in constant sitting on the ground is also very harmful. You need to find a middle ground between rest and exercise. If the disease more and more makes itself felt, then it is necessary to start medical and local treatment, attend sessions of physiotherapy and gymnastics.


Gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, of course, positively affects the development of the disease, slowing it down. But in the second stage it is also necessary to resort to medicines. First of all, we are talking about painkillers - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They not only remove part or all of the pain syndrome, but also reduce puffiness, swelling and other symptoms of inflammation. These are all known drugs "Paracetamol", "Indomethacin" and "Diclofenac." But when using them, you must remember about side effects and overdose. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have an adverse effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract, in particular, the stomach. This can provoke the development of gastritis and ulcers. So the reception of these medicines should be controlled by the attending physician.


In addition to anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors are used in the treatment of coxarthrosis. These drugs improve the nutrition of the cartilaginous tissue in affected joints , which significantly slows the development of pathology. But nevertheless it is impossible to name them very effective, therefore how to treat coxarthrosis of the hip joint so that the cartilage tissue is fully restored, they are not capable. But still, with better blood supply, cellular building elements are more quickly delivered to the affected area. To chondroprotectors currently include glucosamine sulfate, diacerein, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate.

Local treatment

When treating the disease at all stages of development - in addition to oral medications - you can use local aids. These include various ointments and gels. They also produce an anesthetic effect, but, importantly, almost do not give side effects. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs "Diclofenac" (ointment), "Voltaren Emulgel", "Butadion", "DIP-Relief", "Bystrum Gel" to their patients suffering from deformation of the cartilaginous tissue. Very good massage helps with coxarthrosis of the hip joint with the use of these tools. In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures, laser therapy, acupuncture, mud therapy and therapeutic baths can alleviate the patient's condition.

Arthroscopic debridement

Coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree is quite difficult to treat. To facilitate the patient's condition, surgical manipulation is used - arthroscopic debridement. Its essence is to remove from the cavity of the hip joint the destroyed small particles of the cartilaginous tissue. For this, the doctor uses a special device - an arthroscope. When released from foreign particles synovial fluid joint achieves a positive effect during the course of the disease. The pain decreases. Disappears the syndrome of morning stiffness. However, it is worth remembering that this effect, unfortunately, is temporary and lasts no more than two years. At later stages, this manipulation is not carried out.

Periarticular osteotomy

This method is very complex and time-consuming, but thanks to it it is possible to alleviate the condition of a person who has coxarthrosis of the hip joint. The operation, the cost of which starts from 100 thousand rubles, is that the femur is filed in several places. Then it again connects, but under a different slope. Due to this rather complicated manipulation, the load points on the joint change. As a result, his work gets better, the pain decreases.

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