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CIA: Explanation of the abbreviation. What is the CIA?

Each country has its own secret services, which deal with the security of the state, as well as with foreign intelligence. For example, in Russia they are called FSB and GRU, in the UK - MI6. The United States of America is not an exception. There are more secret services in this country than in any other. Two organizations are engaged in external intelligence in the United States: the NSA and the CIA. Explanation of the abbreviation, as well as a description of the activities of the Intelligence Agency are given in this article.


Now more about this special service. The CIA is a US federal agency that collects and analyzes any information about the activities of foreign states, their citizens and organizations. This body is considered the main one in the intelligence system of the United States.

The history of the CIA. Explanation of the abbreviation

After the defeat of Germany, the United States had a need to create a powerful intelligence system, since the USSR was considered a potential enemy. And with him it was necessary to fight. Almost immediately, the "Cold War" began, during this period and this organization was formed. The CIA appeared in 1947, after the National Security Law was passed. It was signed by the then US President Harry Truman. The law came into force on 18.10.1947.

What is the CIA and how was it formed? It was created on the basis of the strategic service already existing at that time, which was active during the Second World War. The new body assumed all its functions, and in 1949 a personal law was signed on the creation of the CIA. Explanation of the abbreviation is given below. Curious fact: some people believe that the CIA means - Central investigation of the murders. It's not right, it's the Central Intelligence Agency.

Management of the organization

Until 2005, he was headed by the Director of the Intelligence Directorate. This post was approved in 1946. Since 1947, all the functions of the CIA leadership have been additionally attached to it, and the director has been granted the status of adviser to the President of the United States on security and intelligence matters. Already in 1981 he completely controlled all the external and internal intelligence activities of the United States.

What the CIA does

The main responsibilities of the organization include obtaining various information. It is collected through a network of agents and with the help of other means. But the CIA does not have police powers and security functions inside the country. That is, the organization has no right to interfere in the affairs of the police and other law enforcement services. Also, the CIA can not bring a citizen to court. The Office performs all duties and functions that relate exclusively to intelligence activities.

The answer to the question of what the CIA is is already obtained. Now let us examine the responsibilities of this organization in more detail. The CIA evaluates and compares the results collected by the intelligence, analyzes them, makes forecasts. On their basis, the organization presents its recommendations to the government. It also provides overall guidance and coordination to all departments that collect national intelligence data. The CIA monitors all potential threats to the US, as well as hostile persons engaged in collecting information on the territory of America or NATO.

Does the Central Intelligence Agency use torture to collect information?

In 2007, the CIA recognized the fact that two tapes were destroyed, on which were videotapes of interrogations conducted by their agents. The Office stated that the procedure was quite "tough". Michael Hayden, who was then the director, claimed (with reference to the opinion of the security services) that all the methods used were completely legal. Nevertheless, the evidence of the brutal actions of the US special services were destroyed.

The Union for the Protection of American Citizens' Freedoms commented on this situation. His representative stated that the destruction of these tapes was part of a long and large-scale process, through which individuals were freed from criminal prosecution for abuse of their official position.

In 2008, Hayden acknowledged that the interrogation method was "flooding" using water. But the Office does not consider this torture, but calls it simply a more stringent interrogation. In total, 18 similar "not tortures" were used. In Congress, they put forward a proposal to prohibit the use of such influences to obtain the necessary information, but Bush threatened to veto this law. But already in 2009, Obama signed a document prohibiting torture.


How is the CIA deciphered? Central Intelligence Agency. Accordingly, as with any such organization, especially on such a scale, there are in its big and small secrets. For example, it turned out that the CIA has its own prisons, previously unknown to anyone. They contained people who were suspected of terrorism.

In 2006, Bush Jr., being at that time the president of the United States, officially admitted that such places do exist. According to him, prisons are necessary to ensure the security of the country and citizens, and they contain only particularly dangerous criminals. In 2009, Obama closed the decree of all classified objects of the CIA. And not only in the US, but also abroad.

CIA activities in recent years

In the world community there have been big changes, and the Office had to make changes in its structure. Special centers have been set up to address issues of weapons of mass destruction, counter-terrorism, counterintelligence, international crime and illicit drug trafficking, arms control and environmental protection.

In addition, a partnership was established between the European Union information collection system and a similar CIA department. Deciphering the intelligence data of the EU special services is now available to America. A general analysis of sources on all matters relating to US security is being carried out.

The CIA also made an active contribution to public activities in the form of regulation of services that are of interest in data collection. A closer cooperation with other special services has been created, especially in the field of new developments and research, which attract technical means.

The CIA emphasizes adaptation in the process of collecting information and often develops an individual approach to the analysis of key information. It also provides invaluable assistance in resolving many of the tasks that constantly arise after the end of the Cold War. Actively cooperates with many other countries if necessary.

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