HealthDiseases and Conditions

Chickenpox - Symptoms, Leakage and Treatment

Chicken pox is usually sick children under 10 years, most often - the first four years of life. It is almost impossible to recur with chickenpox: the immunity to this disease remains forever. There were only a few cases of repeated infection in people with severe immunodeficiency. Its causative agent is a special filtering virus: in adults it causes shingles, while in children it develops chickenpox. Symptoms of it are difficult to confuse with signs of other diseases, as rashes with chicken pox have a characteristic appearance.

Chickenpox, the symptoms of which appear 2-3 weeks after infection, are manifested with a virtually simultaneous rise in temperature and rashes. First they look like red spots, after a few hours bubbles with transparent liquid appear in their place (the so-called papulovecic rash). The source of infection is the patient: chicken pox is transmitted only by airborne droplets, from person to person. At the same time, they do not even need to be close to each other - the virus can be carried with the current of air from one room to another. Outside the human body, it quickly dies, so it is almost impossible to get chickenpox through household items. The sick with chickenpox is contagious already a day before the appearance of the rash. You can get infected from it during the entire period of rashes, until the end of the dropping of crusts - in this regard, the greatest danger is the first five days of the disease. Quarantine for chickenpox is 21 days - for this time a child who has not yet contracted it, but who was in contact with a sick person, is not allowed into the collective.

Eruptions with chickenpox are mainly localized on the upper part of the trunk and head, less often on the limbs. After a few days they begin to dry up. This process is accompanied by itching, at times quite strong. In how the chicken pox is manifested in children who are physically healthy and weakened, there are differences: thus, in the former, the disease usually proceeds easily, in the latter it is often accompanied by complications. These are, first of all, lymphadenitis, pyoderma, and also serious enough diseases: encephalitis, myocarditis. Chickenpox, the symptoms of which are well known, has its own peculiarities: thus, it usually has several cycles of rashes, each of which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Therefore, on the patient's skin, as a rule, there are also bubbles, and red spots, and drying crusts. Symptoms of chicken pox in adolescents and adults usually are more pronounced: they often have general intoxication, high fever, severe itching. Pregnant women can develop chickenpox and transmit this virus to the baby. Although, according to statistics, there are very few such cases, it is not necessary to discount the possible risks: if a child of friends or friends is sick with chickenpox, the pregnant woman should wait for a visit to them.

Chickenpox, the symptoms of which, although not dangerous, however unpleasant enough, do not require specific treatment. To relieve the itching will help lubricate the rash with greenery and a solution of vinegar, sprinkling it with talc. In some cases, a doctor can recommend antihistamines, and when attaching a bacterial infection - antibiotics. To reduce the temperature, paracetamol or ibuprofen (Nurofen) is used. Give a patient with chickenpox a child or an adult aspirin is strictly not recommended!

To avoid infection of the rashes, special attention should be paid to hygiene. Most often they pass without a trace, but small children need to shorten their nails and make sure that they do not rip off the itchy crusts - otherwise, scarring may occur. The first week of illness shows bed rest. A rehabilitated child can attend a kindergarten or school five days after the last rashes appear.

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