Health, Diseases and Conditions
Pre-stroke state: what to do?
The pre-insult condition is one of the most dangerous manifestations of hypertension (high blood pressure disease ) and cerebral atherosclerosis (a disease of plugging the brain with plaques consisting of several types of tissue).
Signs of the pre-stroke state are characterized by an increase in headache. Develops severe dizziness, nausea, vomiting. It can happen not only a sharp increase in blood pressure, but also an equally sharp drop in blood pressure.
The danger of the pre-stroke state is due to the fact that during it the cerebral circulation is disturbed. Almost always, these violations are acute, that is, in the nature of the stroke.
Symptoms of the pre-absent state are varied. However, the attempt to reduce the most constant of them together gives the following picture:
- head begins to ache sharply (usually in the nape);
- makes a noise in the ears;
- Before the eyes of the "fly flies";
- dizzy;
- it is impossible to cope with vomiting;
- sight deteriorates;
- Subjectively there is a huge tension inside the whole body and as if "there is an inner ringing".
In this condition, a person can die in ten to fifteen minutes or even faster, since the pre-stroke state can go to a stroke at any moment, and the death of a stroke in the vast majority of cases occurs instantaneously. The cerebral vessels are clogged or clogged and, at best, partial or complete paralysis of the body occurs.
This serious health problem arises due to the wrong way of life, but may simply be a consequence of age-related changes in the body.
How to recognize the pre-stroke state, if the victim does not tell (or can not tell) about his state of health?
It is necessary to offer him (her), if he (she) is conscious, to perform four small tasks:
- to smile;
- To utter a simple phrase, for example: "Today is a sunny day";
- sit or stand for a few seconds with your hands up;
- stick your tongue as far as you can.
If at least one of these tasks has problems (for example, the tongue sticking out is directed not straight, but crooked to the side, the smile does not succeed at all or the curve is also obtained - the victim smiles only at one half of the face), it is necessary at the same time to call an ambulance "And tell the incoming doctors about the verification done.
Before the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to bring down the excess pressure. This is done so. The harness is selected (clamp). Fit a string, chain, wire, gum - a pharmacy or a bank. With the greatest possible strength, the first (large) finger of the left arm should be pulled at its base - until the blood flow is completely lost. If the constriction is done correctly - the finger will begin to turn red, then turn blue. Soon, numbness of the hand may occur. This should not frighten anyone, on the contrary, it is a sign of the right action.
The finger should remain taut for five to seven minutes. Then the clamp is removed and the finger massage begins in the direction of the brush until the blood flow is restored. As a result of this procedure, the pressure can be reduced by twenty-five to thirty units, for a period of 30-40 minutes. In case of late "ambulance" action can be repeated in fifteen to twenty minutes, but no more than two times.
If the attack occurred at home in the patient and is already aware of previously experienced similar attacks, the home medicine cabinet should have a drug "Glycine" that improves cerebral circulation, and a 1% drop of "Semax" drops. Glycine is given from 2 to 4 tablets under the tongue, semax - two or three drops in each nostril.
What actions will be taken from the moment of arrival of an ambulance? The patient will receive an injection and pills to reduce pressure and to regulate cerebral circulation. The pre-condition will be suspended. Then you need to get to the doctor as soon as possible.
One of the causes of a stroke is a thickening of the blood. To deal with this, the doctor prescribes drugs that dilute blood. For his part, the patient can also help himself in this process.
To do this, he must:
- drink at least two liters of water daily;
- completely abandon the use of alcohol (otherwise - thickening of blood and clogging of blood vessels);
- to refuse any food containing fats, first of all - from fatty meat;
- there are small pieces of lemon - it contributes not only to the dilution of blood, but also to its alkalization, which is necessary to maintain its correct consistency (composition).
Careful observance of the doctor's advice and prevention of a stroke, which must be maintained for life after the previous pre-stroke state, will help to move the stroke off or even completely avoid it.
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