Food and drinkRecipes

Casserole with fish: the best recipes and cooking features

As a rule, it is recommended to use products having a more or less uniform consistency for the preparation of casseroles. Usually, meat or chicken minced meat is used in combination with finely chopped vegetables. But modern housewives, wishing to diversify the home menu, came up with several alternative options. One of them was a casserole with fish in the oven. Recipes of this tasty and healthy dish you will learn from today's article.

General recommendations

For the preparation of such a simple casserole, almost any fish that is available in your refrigerator is suitable. It can be both marine and freshwater. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the number of bones.

The fatter the main ingredient, the less oil you will need to consume during cooking. As for the potato, it can also be anything. Those who want to shorten the duration of baking should choose young tubers. This dish is good because for its preparation you can take not only raw potatoes, cut into thin slices, but also pre-made purees.

To make you not only delicious, but also the most useful casserole with fish, it can enter various vegetables. Serve a ready dish with all kinds of sauces and salads. Some cooks make such a dish not with traditional fillets or minced meat, but with canned food. Many people also prepare a fill from tomato sauce.

Classic: List of components

Many of us from childhood know the taste of this dish. For its preparation, you must stock up with all the necessary products in advance. In your kitchen should be:

  • 400 grams of cod fillets or any other sea fish.
  • One carrot.
  • 70-80 milliliters of milk.
  • One egg.
  • 20 grams of butter.
  • A tablespoon of flour.
  • Salt.

The amount of the last component depends solely on the personal taste preferences of the cook and his family.

Process description

In order to have a fragrant casserole with a fish, the taste of which resembles the one served in the kindergarten, you must strictly observe the recommended proportions of the ingredients.

In a frying pan filled with a small amount of drinking water, the previously cut fillets are placed, the finely grated carrots are spread over a uniform layer and extinguished until the liquid evaporates completely. As a rule, this process takes no more than a quarter of an hour.

After this time, the contents of the frying pan are ground with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. In the resulting puree is introduced a raw egg yolk, and the protein is whipped into a lush foam.

In a saucepan pour out milk or cream, pour in flour and boil, stirring constantly so that no lumps appear. A minute before the removal of the plate in the filling send butter. After that, the contents of the pot are poured to the fish, salt, mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the protein foam is gently driven.

The formed stuffing is laid out in a baking dish, pre-lubricated with butter or vegetable oil. It is important that the height of the layer is not more than three centimeters. Usually this dish is prepared in a water or steam bath. But if you want to get a ruddy crust, then the form can be sent for half an hour in the oven, heated to 200 degrees.

Rice casserole from fish in the oven: product list

It should be noted that the dish, cooked according to this recipe, has a delicate taste and a pleasant aroma. Everybody likes it without exception. Both adults and children eat it with the same appetite. In order to have a useful casserole, you need to pre-purchase all the necessary products. You should have at your disposal:

  • Half a glass of rice.
  • 400 grams of fillet of any sea fish.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • One egg.
  • A tablespoon of lemon juice.

Among other things, the list of ingredients should be supplemented with a small amount of sunflower oil, a bunch of fresh greens, salt, black pepper, basil or oregano.

Technology of preparation

Initially, the previously washed rice is cooked. To do this, a glass of water is boiled in a cauldron and the amount of cereals and a little salt is sent there in half. After fifteen minutes, the dishes are removed from the heat and left to steam.

So that you get a delicious and healthy casserole with fish, cut the fillets into small pieces, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice, sprinkle with dried basil and ground pepper. All is well mixed and combined with boiled rice. It is important that the fillets remain whole pieces, and not turned into gruel. After this, minced greens are sent to the stuffing received and mixed again neatly.

Rice-fish mass is spread in a form, greased with vegetable oil, slightly rammed and leveled. On top, thinly cut tomato slices are poured and poured an egg pre-whipped with a little salt. The capacity is sent to the oven and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. The cooking time can be increased up to forty minutes. In this case, much depends on the characteristics of the oven and the height of the mold.

Casserole from fish and potatoes in the oven: a set of products

This simple, but at the same time very tasty dish is prepared very quickly. To create it, do not need any exotic ingredients. All products can be purchased without problems in the nearest supermarket. Before starting the process, it is important to make sure that your kitchen has:

  • Kilogram of potatoes.
  • Sea fish fillet.
  • 1.25 cups of milk.
  • Two eggs.
  • Onion.

To make a really delicious and nutritious potato casserole with fish in the oven, the above list should include hard cheese, dill greens, butter, salt and spices.

Algorithm of actions

Pre-cleaned and washed potatoes cut into circles and slightly boiled in salted water. In a frying pan lay fillets, pour it with milk, cover with a lid and stew for about seven minutes. With the finished fish, peel and divide into small pieces.

Put the potatoes in the oiled form, cut the fillets and onions. Layers alternate until the filling capacity, not forgetting to slightly add salt and pepper products.

To prepare the gravy, pre-beaten eggs are combined with spices and with the milk in which the fillets were cooked. All carefully mixed and sent to the form, which laid the next casserole with fish and potatoes. On top of rubbing hard cheese and all this is sent to the oven, heated to two hundred degrees. After about half an hour a dish can be served to the table. It is equally delicious both hot and cold.

Recipe in the multivark: a set of components

It should be noted that five portions of the finished dish are obtained from the following quantity of products. It has a delicate consistency, and its taste is very similar to a pie. Having figured out how to prepare a hearty and useful casserole from fish and potatoes in the oven, you can try to master the option using a multivark. Before proceeding to the process, you should make sure that your kitchen has:

  • Polkilo fillets of any white fish.
  • 200 milliliters of milk.
  • Three potatoes.
  • 300 grams of white bread.
  • Two medium carrots.
  • One egg.

This list should be expanded to include a small amount of vegetable oil, a bunch of dill, pepper and salt.

Description of the technology

To make you not only nutritious, but also useful casserole from fish and potatoes, you should first start with vegetables. They are washed, peeled, cut into small pieces, sent to a bowl multivarka, turn on the "Quenching" mode and leave for a quarter of an hour. After this time, the finished products are thrown back to the colander, so that the glass is superfluous.

Then the boiled vegetables are ground on a grater and divided into two identical parts. The bread is chopped into pieces, poured with milk and squeezed. The washed fillets are passed through the meat grinder so that the mashed potatoes are made from it. It is combined with bread, salt and pepper soaked in milk.

At the bottom of the bowl multivarka, oiled with vegetable oil, layers are laid one half of vegetables, fish minced meat and the remains of potato-carrot mass. Above all, watered with a pre-whipped egg, cover with a lid and activate the "Multi-Cook" mode, setting the temperature at 110 degrees. Half an hour later the casserole with fish and vegetables is completely ready for use.

This dish is interesting in that its taste varies depending on the components added to it. If desired, this casserole can be cooked with mushrooms, sea cabbage or green peas.

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