Food and drinkRecipes

Homemade scones with cottage cheese and greens

Soft cakes with cottage cheese and greens are considered one of the most popular North Ossetian dishes. There they are associated with many legends and popular beliefs. They are prepared only for large holidays on several different recipes. The simplest of them will be described in today's article.

Variant on kefir dough

This recipe for flat cakes with cottage cheese and greens is so simple that it can be easily handled by any newcomer. It involves the use of inexpensive products, which almost always have every prudent hostess. To prepare this dish you will need:

  • A pound of wheat flour.
  • 400 milliliters of not too fat kefir.
  • On an incomplete teaspoon of rock salt and baking soda.
  • 70 grams of good butter.
  • A pound of fresh cottage cheese.
  • 100 grams of green onions.
  • Egg.

Process description

Start cooking cakes with cottage cheese and herbs from the filling. Only fresh and quality products are used for its creation. Cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve or scrolled in a meat grinder, salted, and then combined with chopped spring onion and raw chicken egg. All is well kneaded, divided into ten identical parts, they form balls of them and set aside.

Now it's time to do the test. For its preparation in a deep bowl combine warm kefir, soda and salt. Then the sifted high-grade flour is gradually poured in there and the sticky and soft dough is kneaded. The resulting mass is covered with a bowl and left for ten minutes at room temperature. Then it is also divided into ten roughly identical pieces. Each of them flatten and fill with stuffing. The resulting semi-finished products are rolled out with a rolling pin and sent to be fried. Prepare such cakes with cottage cheese and herbs in a frying pan, on which there is not a drop of fat. Fried products are smeared with butter and piled.

Variant on the yeast test

By the technology described below, very delicious tortillas are obtained. They successfully combine a delicate curd filling and a soft air dough. They are prepared extremely simply and consist of budgetary ingredients. Do you want to make scented cakes with cottage cheese and greens? Then make sure that everything you need is in your kitchen. You should have at hand:

  • About 2.5 cups of wheat flour.
  • 3 tablespoons of refined lean oil.
  • A glass of fresh cow milk.
  • 10 grams of fresh yeast.
  • A teaspoon of sugar.
  • 250 grams of fresh home-made cottage cheese.
  • A bunch of dill.
  • 100 grams of good butter.
  • Raw chicken egg.
  • Salt and any spices.

Technology of preparation

To knead the dough, you can use the bread maker. It is loaded with yeast, tablespoon lean oil, warmed milk, a couple of pinch of salt, sugar and high-grade wheat flour, saturated with oxygen in advance. The instrument is set to batch mode and waiting for the program to finish. After about forty minutes you will get a soft yeast dough.

Now it's time to pay attention to the stuffing. First of all you need to do curd. It is wiped through a sieve or crushed in a meat grinder. Prepared in this way the product is combined with melted butter, raw chicken egg and chopped dill. The future filling is salted, seasoned with spices and well mixed, trying to achieve the most consistent consistency. At this stage, lovers of spicy dishes can add a bit of chopped hot pepper to the cottage cheese mass.

Ready yeast dough is removed from the bread maker, divided into ten identical pieces and forms balls from them. The resulting lumps are rolled into thin circles, filled with stuffing and gently tearing the edges. Then they roll out with a rolling pin, trying to act with extreme caution, so as not to tear the dough. Future cakes with cottage cheese and herbs are placed on a baking sheet and put into the oven. Bake them at two hundred degrees for several minutes. Stir-fry products are smeared with butter and served to the table.

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