
Bulls: breeds of bulls and their characteristics. Meat breeds of bulls

All breeds of cows are divided into three main areas: dairy, meat and dairy and meat. The last species of animals is characterized by the largest weight and growth rate. The meat of such cows is usually covered with fatty layers, and therefore is characterized by juiciness and remarkable palatability. And this advantage over dairy breeds can boast of both cows and bulls. Breeds of meat bulls are usually unpretentious in care and feeding.

General characteristics of rocks

The main feature of the breeding of such cows is that the calves are on the sap from the mother to six to eight months. This long term is explained quite simply. Meat cows - with rare exceptions - do not milk. During the next 5-8 months, young calves and bull-calves are kept on mixed fodder, hay and vegetables. Some time before slaughter, grown-up animals are transferred to a grain ration. This allows you to achieve the best results in terms of adding weight and quality of meat. The yield of the latter can reach up to 64% of the mass of the carcass.

History of the Kalmyk breed

This is the best domestic meat breed of cows. It was bred by nomadic Kalmyks in the steppes of Central and Central Asia. In Russia, this breed was interested and started breeding more than 400 years ago. As the nomads moved west, the Kalmyk breed of bulls gained popularity first in Siberia, and then on the Volga and on the Don.

Key Features

The constitution of these animals is massive, strong and harmonious. The body is distinguished by pronounced meat forms. The main feature of the breed is the absence of the occipital crest on the head. Kalmyk cow can weigh 450-600 kg. 800-1100 kg is what bulls can boast of. Breeds of meat bulls are characterized by rapid growth. At birth, Kalmyk calves weigh only 20-25 kg. For a year the cow can give 800-1500 kg of milk. This is more than enough for the fattening of a healthy, well-developed young.

The color of cows of this breed is usually red or red-white. There are also red-motley, brown-mottled and red -headed representatives. The breed is used, including as a parent, in carrying out selection work. For example, by crossing the Kalmyk, Hereford and Kazakh cows, the Kazakh white-headed was obtained .


The Kalmyk breed does not require any special conditions of keeping or feeding. These are very hardy cows and bulls. Breeds of bulls, bred for centuries in a climate of extreme continental climate, always differ in good adaptability to adverse natural factors. When translated into places with more severe conditions, animals instantly adapt, without reducing productivity. The unpretentiousness, therefore, is the main advantage of the Kalmyk breed. Even on very poor, sun-dried steppe pastures, these animals very quickly weight. The meat of these cows is delicious and high-calorie. Kalmyk cows are bred mainly in arid steppe regions of the country.

Hereford breed

Brought out these animals were in the 18th century in England. Once the breed of bulls Hereford was used only as a draft animal. However, already in the 18th century, purposeful breeding work allowed obtaining highly productive animals. Herefords started exporting to other countries. At the moment this is the most common meat breed in the world. In Russia it was imported in 1928.


The Hereford cows are characteristic for the meat orientation of the physique. The body is barrel-shaped, squat and broad, the neck is short, and the ham is muscular. The color of the breed is dark red. At the same withers, head, belly, belly and lower legs are white. Weight of cows - 550-650 kg, 850-1000 kg can reach the bulls. The breeds of bulls Hereford and Kalmyk, thus, in the ability to weight each other almost not inferior. Animals are very highly productive. Meat from Hereford "marble" with veins, very tasty, and its yield can reach up to 62% of the mass of carcass.

Care for Hereford

Like Kalmyk, Hereford cows are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and ability to adapt to severe climatic conditions. The nature of these animals is very calm and benevolent. In food they are completely unpretentious. Calves are born small (25-30 kg), but very quickly gain weight and almost do not get sick.

Russian homosexuals

This is another highly productive domestic breed of meat. It was bred in the Volgograd region recently - in 2007. The main feature of the breed is a black suit. The mass of Russian cows can reach 550-550 kg, bulls - 1100 kg. This breed, like most other meat, is very unpretentious and does not feel bad even in a sharply continental climate. Another advantage of the Russian gnat is resistance to disease. The meat of these cows is "marble".

Abedin-Angus breed

Brought out these animals were in Scotland in the 18th century. In Russia, the first representatives of this breed were brought in 1917. However, they did not get much popularity at that time. The second time such animals were brought to the country in 1948. The breed is distinguished by a black coat and a strong physique. The legs of the abedin-agus cows are short, and the head is small. One of the advantages of this breed is early maturity. Calves at birth weigh about 25 kg. Live weight of bulls - 750-1200 kg. Cows can reach a weight of 450-500 kg.

Limousine breed

Initially, these animals were bred as meat and milk. The limousine cow was obtained in France in the 18th century by crossing Aquitaine with other highly productive breeds. Later, the selection work was aimed at the development of mainly meat qualities. In Russia, this breed was imported in the early 60-ies.

The bulls' breed limousine has a well-developed muscular body, as well as small heads and horns. These are very low animals (cows - 135 cm, bulls - 145 cm). Calves are born small - 40 kg. However, by the time of slaughter can reach a weight of 310 kg. The breed is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases. In France, it is one of the most common. Excellent taste has meat as limousine calves, which are often slaughtered for sale, and adult cows and bulls.

Other popular breeds

The meat breeds of bulls described above are very common in our country. Especially Kalmyk and Hereford. However, on the farms more often meat and dairy animals are grown. One of the most popular breeds of this direction is the Simmental one. These are highly productive and not too capricious animals. Dairy breeds are very popular Holstein.

Simmental cows

They brought these animals to Switzerland. Once upon a time the Smentalks were unproductive mountain cows. However, a huge work on the selection of the best animals produced very good results. Today Simmental breed of bulls - large, giving a lot of milk animals. The constitution of these people is very strong, muscular, sometimes even rough, the height is high, and the backbone is strong. From one cow it is possible to receive 3500-6000 kg of milk per year. Weight of bulls can reach 900-1000 kg. Cows - 600-900 kg. Calves are born quite large - in 60 kg. Slaughter yield of meat can be 56-65%. Simmental cows very well tolerate strong cold and heat. However, to obtain good results, they must be well fed.

There are several high-milk lines in the breed. These cows are raised mainly in the chernozem regions of Russia and Ukraine.

Cows of Holstein breed

The homeland of these animals is Holland. However, with its current high productivity, the Holstein breed of bulls is due to the American breeder from Belmont, Wensroop V. Chenery. At the moment she is the most popular dairy in the world. They breed it in many countries. The Holstein cow can give 8000-10000 kg of milk per year. One of the distinctive features of the breed is the udder of the large-capacity bath-shaped form. The color of these animals is black-mottled or red-mottled. Sometimes there are completely black animals with small marks in the area of the legs, abdomen, tail and head. Since 1971, they are recognized as a separate breed. Calves at birth weigh 37-42 kg. It is not only a high-milk, but also very large breed. Adult bulls can weigh up to 1200 kg, cows - up to 750 kg.

The meat breeds of bulls considered above can be considered at the moment the most popular. They grow their representatives not only for milk and meat. Very often, these breeds are used as parental in breeding new, highly productive and hardy.

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