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Brazil nut: caloric content and properties

Brazil nut, calorie, nutritional value, useful and harmful properties of which are very controversial - by and large not at all nut. It is the fruit of a giant high-altitude Berota tree, classified by botanists as a box with a rigid shell and grains inside. He is familiar to the whole world under the name "Brazilian nut", has a specific taste and oily structure.

Bertheleta High

Bertoletia, or bertolecy, high is the only species of the same name of the genus Lecithis. It is common in the virgin rain forests of the Amazon on the territory of Venezuela, Colombia, Bolivia, Guyana, Brazil, Peru. In small quantities, it is cultivated on plantations, but due to the specificity of pollination of the plant, their productivity is extremely small compared to wild trees.

Bertheleta high, or all familiar Brazil nut (caloric content and properties - hereinafter), is one of the largest trees in the rainforest of the Amazon. It is a long-lived (500 and more years old) and reaches a height of 30-45 m. A trunk with a diameter of up to 1-2 m, smooth and straight, approximately 3/4 of the height, gives a branch and forms an even spherical crown.

Pollination and fruiting

Abundant fruiting is possible only in pristine virgin forests of the Amazon, where bumblebees and large bees of separate genera - pollinators - live in sufficient quantity. This is due to the structure of the flower of the plant and the characteristics of nectar. Only large insects with long proboscis can reach it. And the eternal companions of Bertolife are orchids, attracting with their fragrance bees and bumblebees.

The fruit ripens after 1 year and 2 months after pollination. It is a box with a very dense shell, resembling the appearance of a coconut, has a diameter of 10-15 cm and a weight of up to 2 kg. Inside the fetus is from 8 to 24 grains of triangular shape. It is customary to call them Brazil nuts, which is absolutely wrong in the botanical sense.

Nutritional value of Brazil nuts

Nutritional Brazil nut, caloric content 100 gr. Which can be compared with 1 kg of apples or slightly less bananas, has a number of useful and amazing qualities. Its composition includes 69% of fats (saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated in the ratio of 25%, 41%, 24%, respectively), 18% of proteins and 13% of carbohydrates, as well as a significant amount of selenium, magnesium and vitamin B 1 (thiamine). The taste of the Brazil nut is specific, connoisseurs give it much lower scores than cashews and almonds.

Brazil nut: calorie content

As already mentioned above, the Brazil nut consists of almost 70% of the fats of a different category. In this regard, it is easy to guess that the calorie content of the product will be very high. Nutritional value of 100 g of product is equal to 682 kcal. Therefore, you should not particularly get involved in its use in food, especially those who have problems with excess weight, as well as a high tendency to allergies.

For comparison, it should be said that 100 g of almonds, walnuts , cashews, hazelnuts contain respectively 576, 654, 553, 628 kcal. In order for the body to receive a daily dose of the necessary vitamins and trace elements, it is enough to eat one Brazilian nut. Caloric content of 1 piece is about 35 kcal, since the average weight of the grain is about 5 grams. Nut also satisfies the feeling of hunger.

Beneficial features

The secret of the use of Brazil nuts is in its unique composition. First, it should be noted the high content of vitamins B, C, E and D, which are of great importance, both for adults and children. Secondly, the composition of Brazil nuts include several amino acids: folic, pantothenic, betaine and arginine. Each of them makes a certain contribution to human health. Thirdly, fatty acids in this product contribute to the purification of blood vessels from cholesterol, reduce the risk of heart disease.

Selenium in the composition of Brazil nuts

Selenium is an important microelement for the organism, it contains a Brazilian nut in considerable quantities. Calorie content in 1 piece of fruit is small, but eating it, you get half the daily dose of the element, which is 100 mcg. Perhaps, this is the richest natural source of selenium. Studies show that the trace element reduces the risk of breast and prostate cancer. Therefore, the Brazil nut is often recommended for preventive use, however, it should be done regularly and for a certain time. There is an opinion on the beneficial effect of the components of the fetus on the thyroid gland and the female hormonal background, as well as on increasing the chances of pregnancy and its safe passage.


Despite the many wonderful properties and excellent composition, the Brazil nut, the calorie content of which is quite high, has some contraindications to eating. It is dangerous for allergy sufferers. This is especially true in the event that there is already an established allergy to any other nuts, as well as mango fruits. In this case, the probability that it will provoke a negative reaction of the body is very high.

How to choose and how to store

Due to the fact that the shell of the Brazil nut contains a certain toxic substance, on sale it comes, as a rule, in a purified form. When choosing a product, pay attention to its appearance. It should have a dense texture (not to be too light, wrinkled) and be a dark brown color. Brazil nut calorie is high due to the high content of fats in its composition, and they also make it a perishable product. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the smell. The Brazilian nut should not smell rancid fat.

Keep fruit is best in the refrigerator, in a dark place, the period - up to three months.

Using Brazil Nut

First of all, Brazil nuts should be eaten fresh. You can slightly dry them in a hot frying pan, sweeten or add salt. In addition, the fruit is popular in cooking, especially when making puddings, pesto sauce, sweets, snacks, vegetable and fruit salads. Due to the high content of fats, the Brazil nut is often squeezed and oil is obtained, which is used in various fields. It has a yellow color and a characteristic sweet smell and taste. The oil is used, for example, in cosmetology as a moisturizing and emollient remedy, rich in vitamin E in youth, in cooking, in the pharmaceutical industry and even for lubricating clockwork.

The global amount of Brazil nuts is about 20 thousand tons. In this case, the lion's share belongs to Bolivia and Brazil - 50% and 40% respectively, and only 10% - Peru. Brazil nuts for export are collected exclusively from wild plantations in the depths of the Amazonian rain forest. In addition to fruit, good qualities are also found in the wood of the Bertheleta.

A unique chemical composition and high nutritional value - this is what distinguishes the Brazil nut. Caloric content of fruits does not allow to use them in too much quantity, but this is not necessary. It is enough 1-2 nuts per day to give the body valuable fats and trace elements that contribute to health promotion and youth prolongation.

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