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Biography of Viktor Yanukovych, the fourth president of Ukraine

They say that the US is a country of great opportunities. It can very well be. But actually There is one more power that can argue with the "world stronghold of democracy" in this matter. It is Ukraine.

The son of a worker

Ukraine is a country with practically unlimited possibilities for self-realization. Any person, having set himself an arbitrarily high goal, can achieve his goal. An illustration of this, perhaps controversial, provision can serve as a biography of Viktor Yanukovich, the son of a railwayman who became the fourth president of Ukraine, despite some circumstances that would not allow him to achieve a similar post in many other kingdom states.

The first "Maidan"

The dramatic events of 2004 turned into a phenomenon, the name of which occupied, like a satellite, a place in most dictionaries of the world, - Maidan. From that moment on, a crowd of screaming and outraged people is called a people, and it is engaged in determining the economic and political course of the country. This good tradition, successfully replacing elections and referendums, continues to this day. The Maidan of 2004 was held under the motto of fighting "kuchmism". Today, few will remember what this phenomenon was, but all means and technologies of information war went into the course, including persistent repetition of accusations of "bloody" and "venality".

Viktor Yanukovich, according to the official version, then won with a slight advantage in the first round of his adviser, Viktor Yushchenko. Everything is as usual: on the one hand, the battle was waged by a pro-Western politician who passed the course of ideological pumping in the US and even married to an American, a former State Department employee, and on the other a "Donetsk" candidate who presents a platform that is not very understandable, but vaguely issued for the pro-Russian one. In the latter circumstance, there were strengths and weaknesses of the position Viktor Yanukovich occupied. The convictions were immediately recalled to him, and there is nothing surprising in this.

First conviction

The first of these took place in the far away already in 1967 (then the future president was only seventeen). The term was three years, according to article 141, part 2 (robbery). An aggravating circumstance was the group nature of the crime committed. In other words, the young "Gopnik" were working as part of the "Pivnovka" brigade. Only such an episode would put an end to a further political career somewhere in Belgium, Britain or the US, and even in the USSR. The sentence was halved, the prisoner Yanukovich behaved roughly, "did not quit", cooperated with the administration and, on all grounds, took the path of correction, but in the Land of Soviets, at best he had to join the ranks of the "Lenin University of Million".

The second conflict with the law

With the second conviction is more difficult. The offense was dealt with nine months, which was rare. The fact is that the events that led to the injured person's injuries were treated ambiguously. According to one version, the defendant stood up for the girl, giving active reaction to the hooligans. On the other, the massed opposition, the matter was completely different. Did not intercede, but attacked. He did not protect, but generally raped. Whom during this beat, is not specified.

Whatever the case, the election biography of Viktor Yanukovych did not contain any information about the convictions, they were both extinguished, and, therefore, according to the law, the candidate is the same citizen as everyone else. He redeemed sins before society.


Judging by the official titles and diplomas, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovich is a very enlightened person. After serving his sentence, the young man did not go along the "crooked path", but studied at the Mining College, which is located in his native Yenakiyevo. Having finished it in 1973, he did not stop in his quest for knowledge, but only paused. After seven years, he could show a diploma of higher education, issued at the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute.

Soviet high school was fashionable to scold at one time, until new times came, and it turned out that it was not such a bad one either. In the post-Soviet period, Viktor Yanukovych continued to raise his educational level, but it is clear that the Ukrainian Academy of Foreign Trade, graduated in 2001 with a degree in International Law, hardly enriched it with anything other than a beautiful piece of paper. He also wrote the dissertation as a governor, and, most likely, not independently.

Little value and his academic titles. The leaders of the Transport Academy of Ukraine and the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, in which he became a corresponding member and acting member, respectively, committed acts of a clearly podgalim nature, but according to our times this is not such a grave sin.

Yanukovych has one more honorable academic post in a mysterious university called the California International Academy of Science, Education, Industry and Arts. There he is also an academician. There is a post, but nobody knows the academy itself, maybe it was invented at all.

Judging by the number of publications, Viktor Yanukovich is an outstanding writer and scientist. He wrote himself and in co-authorship of fifty books and scientific works. Evil oppositionists provided two or three excerpts from his manuscripts demonstrating that with the grammar Viktor Fedorovich is not very at odds (for example, he wrote the word "professor" with two "f"). Well, not only the one who does nothing does not make mistakes. The more so that the political opponents themselves, perhaps, too, did not pass the "excellent" exam on the spelling.

Leading experience

The biography of Viktor Yanukovich as a leader began at the age of twenty-six. In 1976 he was the director of the ATP of Ordzhonikidzeugol. According to the version of all the same oppositionists, for stealing he nearly sat down again. It is unlikely that these rumors deserve attention, OBXS in those years did not eat bread for free, especially the director, who had a criminal record, was under special supervision. At least throughout the second half of the 70s Viktor Fedorovich runs enterprises, which in those years testified to his outstanding personal qualities (as, not a member of the CPSU, and even with the criminal past). Two decades of administrative experience were given to the future president of the enterprise "Ukrugolpromtrans", "Donbastransremont" and the association "Donetskavtotrans".

Career jerk occurred in 1996, when Yanukovych was noticed in the Donetsk regional administration and was appointed deputy chairman.

The wife of the president

The family of the future president of Ukraine started early, he was then 22nd year. The wife of Viktor Yanukovych, née Nastenko, also comes from a simple working family. They met while studying at the institute and in 1971 married. During the Orange Revolution Lyudmila Alexandrovna supported her husband, repeatedly appeared at rallies, with inimitable sincerity and emotionality. At present, the spouses live separately, but they are undoubtedly associated with good relations, the basis of which is the jointly grown sons.


The children of Viktor Yanukovich, and their two, are adults and self-sufficient. The eldest son, Alexander, was born in 1973, graduated from two universities (medical and economic), and eventually became a businessman. The fact that he was assisted in the successful conduct of affairs by the administrator's resources provided by his father does not cause doubts, however, and it is difficult to condemn the parent impulse of Viktor Fedorovich.

The youngest son, Victor, was born in 1981. He is a famous racing driver who took part in many heavy and dangerous rallies, the conditions of which did not presume preferential conditions for the sons of presidents. In addition, he is a People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Information battle

The biography of Viktor Yanukovych would hardly have caused such a keen interest, if not for the information war that political opponents unfurled against him. The fourth president of Ukraine hesitated for a long time, choosing the vector of perspective development of the country entrusted to him. It was difficult to call him a Pro-Russian protege, but at the moment when he, having weighed all the pros and cons, still preferred cooperation with the Customs Union, a pro-Western leader of the Maidan power took power.

About where Viktor Yanukovych was hiding, and how he was in the territory of the Russian Federation, little is known today, but he escaped, apparently fearing for his own life. His property immediately became the subject of public scrutiny. Discussing and flaunting the luxury that belonged to the president, the oppositionists wisely divert attention from their own possessions acquired during their stay in power. The information war that followed the accession of the Crimea to Russia does not allow us to hope for an objective coverage in the media of the events connected with the government of Yanukovych, at least in the near future.

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