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Actor Robin Williams: Biography and Filmography

He deservedly considered the legend of Hollywood. Idol of millions - actor Robin Williams - one of the brightest stars of comedy movies. The audience is overcome with a real fit of laughter, when it turns into images on the screen. He is not only a talented actor, but also a professional producer. In addition, Robin Williams - winner of prestigious awards: "Oscar" and "Golden Globe." What was his way to fame and recognition? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Facts from biography

Actor Robin Williams is a native of Chicago (USA). He was born on July 21, 1952. The boy grew up in a wealthy family. His father was headed by the legendary automaker Ford. The couple of Williams often moved from place to place, and little Robin sometimes found it difficult to adapt to the new conditions.

But the parents tried to do so that he did not need anything: buying him beautiful toys, they thought that Robin would be distracted and would not notice their absence. As a result, parents gave little time to their offspring, disappearing at work and at festive banquets.


The boy was glad that he would have to go to school and communicate there with his peers. He often hooliganed at lessons, teasing teachers and mixing his classmates. However, his wit and causticity served him as a defense against others. The fact is that he was of small stature, had excessive vegetation on his body. Naturally, he became the object of ridicule. In addition, Robin Williams was a timid and slow boy. The complex of "shyness" he overcame due to the fact that he began to develop in himself the makings of an actor. Already at school he performed with humorous stories, which had great success with peers.

After school

Having received the certificate of maturity, the future Hollywood star decides to become a political scientist and enters the profile college.

However, the young man soon realized that he was only interested in acting. Robin's progress left much to be desired, and the young man was expelled from college. He is increasingly asserting himself that he must choose the profession of an actor. However, the father, learning that his son was expelled from the alma mater, said that the offspring, in addition to the profession of the lyceum, should master one more that could steadily bring him "a piece of bread".

Study of acting

Robin Williams with great difficulty found the university, which taught at once two specialties. He had to get an actor's diploma and a welder's diploma. But after his father's death, he was finally dissuaded that he should deal with electrodes and a welded case. He travels to New York to try his hand at the theater academy, which is called the Juilliard School of Drama.

Entering this university, he begins to work part-time in one of the bars. Gradually, studies fell into the background, and the young man began to actively speak with humorous programs in the general public institution. Then he meets his first wife.

The first steps in the cinema

The career of the actor was not particularly "glued": the young man was not invited to the theater, and together with his beloved, he went to Los Angeles. In this Californian city, the things of a novice lighter have gone uphill: after a few comedy TV shows, Robin is invited to participate in filming serials where he is trusted with supporting roles. Start in the acting career was Williams's "Happy Days" (1978). He played the image of the aliens Mork. This character has won simply huge popularity, therefore after a while the comic series "Mork and Mindi" was created, in which Williams continued to reincarnate as an alien.

Robin's test ball in the big movie is a role played by him in Robert Altman's film "Papay", filmed in 1980. He was approved for the role of a sailor. However, we can not say that the spectator was delighted with this work of the young man.

However, the subsequent roles were not particularly noticeable for movie fans.

Unclaimed actor

Gradually, Robin Williams, the actor, whose start was unsuccessful, began to fall into depression. He began to lean on alcohol and cocaine. Such "antidepressants" helped him for a while to forget that the films of Robin Williams do not have the proper success with the viewer. The discord also began with his wife. As a result, in the first half of the 80s of the last century, the career of the lyceum left much to be desired. Revaluation of values in Williams's mind occurred in 1982, when he learned of the death of his friend John Belushi, who died of a drug overdose. After that, he abandoned bad habits.

Fracture in career

The "starry hour" for the actor happened in 1987. Director Barry Levinson shoots the movie "Good Morning, Vietnam", in which he gets the main role. The actor for work in this film is nominated for an Oscar.

Two more nominations, Robin Williams, whose filmography has more than 50 roles in film, is honored after filming in the films "Society of the Dead Poets" (1989) and "The Fisher King" (1991).

Then followed the work in the films "Mrs. Douthfayer", "Jumanji", "Cages for birds", which were also marked by the viewer. Films R. Williams became cash. In 1997, he received another Oscar (in the nomination of Best Supporting Actor) for a filigree performance in the film "Clever Will Hunting". However, great heights in creativity and achieved the same name actor - professional decorator Robin Williams. "Design Studio" is one of its unique bestsellers, in which it offers classic and modern solutions for the arrangement of rooms.

And again, failures

As for the actor Robin Williams, his career ups were alternating with falls. His roles, played in the films "Healer Adamas" and "Where Dreams Lead" in 1998, by far not everyone liked, and the work in the films "Jacob the Liar" and "The Two-Hundred Liar" proved to be a failure.

Robin Williams, whose photo did not leave the covers of glossy magazines in the early 90's, decides to change the role, refusing for a while from comedic roles. However, such a measure does not bring the expected result: the film-melodrama "House D" and the thriller "The Last Swing of the Knife", where the actor does not play comedians, again have no success with the viewer. Then Robin decides to return to his standard image.

Films "Aristocrats", "Man of the Year", "Madhouse on the wheels" once again inflated the popularity rating of the Hollywood star.

In recent years, Robin Williams was very much in demand in the profession. However, the cinematograph is not the only sphere of the actor's interests. He happily took part in comedy shows, voiced animated films.

Personal life

The relationship with the opposite sex was quite peculiar in the well-known lycee. He married three times. With his first wife - a waitress Valeria Vilardi - he met as a student of the Juilliard School of Drama. When the actor started having problems with alcohol and drugs, and he himself did not miss a chance to "go left," the family idyll came to an end.

The second wife of Williams is the nanny of his children, Marsha Garces. She founded Blue Wolf Productions with him. Their marriage lasted eighteen years: the divorce took place in 2008.

For the third time, the "idol of millions" took in the legitimate wives of the designer Susan Schneider, who courted and cared about him in the last years of his life.

Health problems

In 2004, the actor again became addicted to alcohol. But that the "green snake" could not destroy his family, he went to the clinic for a whole month. So he wanted to get rid of the bad habit, which managed to bring his health problems into his life.

In 2009, during the premiere of the theatrical production "The Weapon of Self-Destruction", the actor felt an acute malaise. Doctors diagnosed with Robin Williams dysfunction of the aortic valve and cardiac arrhythmia. It took an urgent operation, after which the actor's condition improved somewhat.

Robin Williams died on August 11, 2014. At the funeral came the children of the actor: the sons of Zak and Cody, as well as the daughter of Zelda. For them, the news of his father's death was a real shock. The actor was found dead in his own house. One of the versions of what happened is suicide.

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