Self improvementConsultations

7 Life-changing skills that are worth buying, even if you are aground

Skills are the gateway to a better quality of life and career. The problem is that the money needed to get these changes often does not remain after covering rent or mortgages, utility payments, and simply maintaining the quality of life. But do not worry: there are many ways to get new skills and yet not to zero your bank account.

Here are the seven life-altering skills that you can get, even when you are grounded.


When Warren Buffett was asked to give advice to recent graduates, he noted that improving your ability to communicate and perform publicly is one of the most valuable skills that you can develop.

Most of us do not have the opportunity to regularly improve our public speaking skills, but there are cheap options that you can take to start practicing immediately.

There are many organizations whose purpose coincides with yours: improve the skills of oratory. Becoming a member, you can get consistent feedback and practice with large groups of people.

Personal Finance Management

Although this skill seems necessary, but in fact many people still do not know how to properly manage their finances. Of course, the simplest advice is to spend less than you earn. But on the other hand, you need to know the details of how much you need to save, where to allocate your funds and much more.

To learn how to automate your finances, you can study the book "I Will Teach You to Be Rich" by Ramita Sethi. Whatever you think, such advice has real value. Also you can use free applications that automatically integrate your bank accounts and analyze costs, budget and visualize your income, which makes it easy to understand and use.


After you clean up your personal finances, it is very important to start investing. No one can become rich unless there is something to do. If you are 100% unsure of where exactly money should be invested (stocks, bonds, real estate), you should spend some of your time first to learn more about it, and only after you join the game. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing everything you managed to save with the previous skill.

There are many resources on the web, where you can learn the terminology of investing, as well as virtual platforms in the stock markets. Also, such platforms are able to automate your investments depending on the purpose, risk, etc.

Foreign language

We are rapidly entering the era of the multilingual world, when we have to communicate with representatives of different countries and cultures. If you want to move up the career ladder, form a deeper relationship with family and friends, start traveling in the near future, learning a foreign language is an important life change.

The good news is that it has never been easier to learn languages. Use free options, for example, sites that send you the 10 most common words every morning to the mailbox. If you are busy, like most people, you can use the unlimited possibilities of personal lessons, available 24 hours 7 days a week.

Development of web sites and mobile applications

Do you have a great idea, but you do not know how to implement it? Instead of spending tens of thousands of dollars on developers and agents, why not use free time to learn how to do it yourself? The study of programming has never been more accessible and simple, and fortunately, it is also in great demand. Check out the free platforms that allow you to build real applications and websites, offering you real-time feedback.

Reading speed

Books are of great importance in our lives and careers. They condense the knowledge of experts and the opinions of leaders, and their study can greatly improve the quality of your life. The problem is that books can take up a lot of your time, especially if you are engaged in career and personal life. One way to overcome this is to increase the speed of reading. The faster you read, the more books you can master in less time.

You can start with determining the speed of your reading, which is easy to do with free web sites. Given these data, you can use applications or free courses, with which you can significantly increase the speed of reading. In addition, after studying the methodology, you can practice at home self-explanatory. The main thing is to stock up on enough books on different topics.


It has been scientifically proven that meditation increases the level of happiness, reduces stress and increases labor productivity, so you have time to do much more during the day. And although earlier meditations were something unusual, today this practice is becoming more common.

Now there are free applications that will help you learn the practice of meditations, if you just start. All you need is to set aside 10 minutes a day to start building this habit, and it will have a positive impact on your life.

And which of these life-changing skills do you like most?

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