Self improvementConsultations

Simple actions that will improve your mood

Even a small change in position or body condition can have a very serious effect on your mood. Just as good or bad news changes our condition instantly, internal changes in the hormonal level can also affect emotions. Psychologists have singled out individual actions that help improve mood and cause positive emotions. Here are the three most successful positions along with an explanation of the principle of their impact, verified and confirmed by scientists.

Confident posture

Our position affects the hormonal composition of the blood, and this, in turn, determines the mood. Different hormones affect the mental state differently. For example, cortisol is a stress hormone, the more it is in the body, the more tension we feel. Testosterone is a hormone of confidence, the more active it is, the more confident we are in our abilities. As psychologists have found out, a person can control the level of cortisol and testosterone by influencing them with his pose. The most effective are confident postures - open, relaxed, allowing a person to occupy a vast space. In reverse, the posture of the weak - with compressed, strained limbs and a body occupying a minimum of space.

Psychological experiment

A group of subjects psychologists were asked to occupy confident postures for two minutes, and the other group had to demonstrate the pose of weakness the same amount of time. As a result, the group with a confident posture was found to have an elevated level of testosterone, and cortisol was reduced. In the group of "weak" the effect turned out to be the opposite. If you take a confident position before the interview, you will increase your chance to get a job. In addition, it reduces the level of stress and increases self-confidence.

Embrace and interpersonal contact

Oxytocin, a hormone that appears during embraces, is another substance that can improve our emotional state. When the level of oxytocin rises in the body, a person feels relaxed and calm. According to experts, oxytocin causes a sense of calm due to the fact that its impact minimizes the emotional response to negative, threatening details of the environment. As a result, the situation no longer seems so stressful.

The appearance of the effect

Psychologists say that the most effective way to get oxytocin is interpersonal contact - it's embraces, handshakes, a light pat on the shoulder. Orgasm also increases the level of oxytocin. In addition to interpersonal contacts, soft and warm objects with a soothing effect help. If you are warm, the effect is similar to that of oxytocin. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to hug someone, at least wrap yourself in a warm blanket, make a mug of hot tea, take a warming shower or a hot bath. Find what you like most personally to you, and you can always resort to this soothing and relaxing remedy in the most difficult moments.


The facial muscles can also affect our emotions and determine the level of hormones in the body. Changes in the position of the muscles of the face lead to changes in the emotional state, this was confirmed by a psychological experiment conducted in 1988. In the experiment, psychologist Fritz Strack and his colleagues asked one group of subjects to watch cartoons, holding a pencil between their teeth. Clamping the pencil with teeth, the participants activated the muscles used in the smile. The other group was asked to watch the same cartoons, but squeezing the pencil with their lips, which activated the muscles used in the frown. After that, participants were asked to assess whether the cartoons were funny. Representatives of the group with a smile put a much higher rating. Those who frowned thought that it was much less fun. It turns out that a smile changes how we perceive the situation.

Additional Experiment

The BBC reporter decided to check how the smile affects emotions. He walked along Edinburgh on a gloomy day and asked people to hold a pencil between their teeth. This simple exercise changed the mood of people in just a minute! Smile very much influences how we look at the situation. A confident posture really raises confidence during exciting moments, and embraces help to feel a warm feeling of calm in a stressful situation. Our body can affect our psyche! So, when your brain starts to concentrate on the negative, sometimes it's worth trying to get away from such reflections and focus on your body. One change in his position can transform his mood. Just try this method at least once and you will be able to see from your own experience how effective and effective it is.

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