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Zagoretsky, "Woe from Wit". Characteristics of the hero

"Woe from Wit" is a genuinely brilliant work that forever made its author a great classic of Russian literature. This satirical play literally immediately burst into winged phrases, quotes and expressions even when it was not so well known to the general public. Griboyedov very truthfully portrayed the life of the Moscow nobility and accurately described the characters of the characters inherent in the people of that century. And most importantly, he presented so much wisdom and magnificent satire that now, for almost two centuries, we are learning to know the world of ancestors on all this.

"Woe from Wit". Comedy A.S. Griboedova

The main characters of the work "Woe from Wit" very clearly show that in the secular society of the beginning of the nineteenth century a split was formed between the young, progressive, progressive generation represented in the image of Chatsky and the obsessive conservatives of the old generation in the image of Famusov. "Woe from Wit" - a comedy where these two main characters are shown very brightly and colorfully, and each in its truth is principled and adamant. However, there are secondary heroes of comedy, which also contribute to the plot of their colors. They can be divided into three types: "Famusov", those who pretend to "Famusovy", and "Famusov-losers."

Zagoretsky, "Woe from Wit". Characteristics of this hero

Among the invited guests in the house of Famusov, Anton Antonovich Zagoretsky appears in the third act, a "cunning secular man" who represents the type of "Famusovs - losers". He has no ranks and titles, all of him consider "an out-and-out swindler and rogue", "a liar, a gambler and a thief."

Revealing the theme "Zagoretsky," Woe from Wit. " Characteristic ", it can be said that in the society of Famusov he defined for himself the role of universal sain and servant, who always seeks an opportunity to please his behavior and flattery and, even better, with unexpected gifts, and therefore this always causes great sympathy and approval among the whole environment . For example, the guest of Khlestov, he took out two "Arapchenko" at the fair or, most likely, platted them into cards and Sophia got a ticket to the theater when no one could do it.

The unflattering hero

The character Gorich also constantly responds unflatteringly about Zagoretsky, but believes that even though everyone scolds him, but is always welcome everywhere. This hero really belongs to all the decent houses of the capital. The image of Zagoretsky is a collective image of a noble society, which gradually began to rot and look extremely immoral. This character is always handier to lie than anything, rather than remember the truth. He is really so used to lying that no one is paying any attention to his lies.

Zagoretsky, like Repetilov, in the comedy "Woe from Wit" is given a special place. Although critics and refer them to the FAMUS society, but they are not his defenders. However, it is with their tacit consent that the fate of other people can be decided.

Role in the society

Returning to the topic "Zagoretsky," Woe from Wit ". Characteristics ", we will even say that Zagoretsky is a person who is" close to political investigation "in nature. And this is not accidental. This idea is punctuated by Zagoretsky's quotations, which say that if he were to receive the post of censor, first of all he would be "stuck" in fables, where eternal ridicule over lions and eagles reigns: "Although animals, but still kings."

Zagoretsky quickly and with "heat" is talking, he likes to exaggerate everything and any hearing can inflate to incredible proportions. And on the harsh statements about his person, he does not react angrily, but simply reduces them to a usual joke.

Gorich once again talks about him: "original, grouchy, and without the slightest anger."

Griboyedov gives him the role of a man who spreads false rumors about Chatsky. Zagoretsky did not really understand who he was talking about, but different versions of insanity were born in his head. Khlestova expressed Chatsky that, they say, he drank a lot of "bottles of the largest," Zagoretsky adds that he drank "barrels of the forties."

Vnecesic images

Zagoretsky is one of the extra-personal characters and the innovative reception of the playwright Griboedov. Such characters are even more open picture of the "century past" and outline its values and ideals. The role of extra-value heroes is that they help to better understand and disclose the behavior of the protagonists and the whole Famousov society. It is the figure of Zagoretsky who shows the immoral behavior of a noble society. By the way, from Goric we also learn that Zagoretsky is an informer. Yes, and Chatsky immediately receives a warning from Gorich that it is better not to speak out frankly with him.

In conclusion, the topic "Zagoretsky," Woe from Wit. " Characteristic »it is important to note that the status of a nobleman in Russia was already protected by this very fact, and if this gentleman followed traditions and foundations, he had good prospects for making a successful career and at the expense of that to enrich himself. The main thing is not to be so losers and saints as crazy as Zagoretsky, who knows everything about everyone and follows his father's behests "to please all people without confiscation".

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