HealthDiseases and Conditions

Why does it reduce the muscles of the legs? Causes of seizures and ways to eliminate them.

Any of us is familiar with the feeling of muscle cramps. Most often it reduces the muscles of the legs, especially the calves. Physiologically, a spasm is a sharp contraction of muscle fibers, which can be caused by a variety of causes.
Athletes know that a spasm during exercise can occur in poorly heated muscles. Familiar with the sharp muscle pain and swimmers. In water, a convulsion arises from hypothermia.
Under attack hit pregnant women and people taking diuretics, as well as lovers of shoes with high heels. Of course, in each individual case, the answer to the question, why it reduces the muscles of the legs, will be different.
For example, in pregnant women, seizures occur because of a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body or an exacerbation of varicose veins. In terms of the health of the future mother, the only advice is not to self-medicate. If you reduce your leg muscles during pregnancy, be sure to consult a doctor who is watching you, so that he can pick up the necessary preparations. Of course, speech in this case is about periodically recurring convulsions. After all, it is possible to reduce leg muscles simply from an uncomfortable position during sleep.
Sharp pain in calves often occurs in women who like to flaunt in shoes on a high hairpin. In this case, the spasm reduces the leg muscles due to circulatory disorders.
If you are forced to take diuretics, keep in mind that most of these drugs are washed out of the body by calcium. This also applies to all kinds of drugs and teas for weight loss, the main effect of which amounts to a laxative effect. In this case, nutritional supplements with calcium and vitamin D content (for example, Calcemin) will help, as well as dairy and sour-milk products, dried apricots, honey. But green tea and coffee is better to limit in use.
If you are reducing leg muscles while exercising with power exercises, most likely, your diet does not get enough carbohydrates, which can result in dehydration of the body.
The reasons for which convulsions occur may be more serious, for example, vascular diseases or pathologies of the nervous system. Often they occur against the background of developing thrombophlebitis or are the result of nervous diseases.
Strong cramps in the muscles of the legs occur in both adults and children. For parents, this should be the reason for an urgent appeal to the therapist and neurologist. Do not deal with treatment yourself, because children may be caused by cramps not lack of calcium, but serious pathologies of the nervous system or strong flat feet.
From cramps in the muscles of the legs also suffer heavy smokers and beer lovers. In the first case, this is due to a violation of the general circulation, in the second fault, everything, again, lack of calcium.

How to get rid of seizures
When it reduces the muscles of the legs, the only desire is to get rid of the sharp pain more quickly. Therefore, the first help with this condition will, of course, be stretching and massage. If the cramp reduces the back of the thigh, just make some slow slopes forward, then actively rub this area.
The convulsion of the front surface of the thigh is removed in this way. Bend your foot in the knee, trying to reach the buttocks with your heel. Grasp the ankle with your hand and pull your leg up until you feel a stretch in the muscle. If necessary, massage the thigh.
Most often, cramps occur in the calf muscles. To ease the pain, stand on the floor, put your foot forward, leaning on the heel and pull the toe on yourself.

The toes also sometimes cramp. The reasons are hypothermia and too tight shoes. To help in this case, you will receive a foot massage, a hot bath and an easy warm-up. Make several rotations in both directions to increase blood circulation.
These methods will help you get rid of the pain, but so that the cramps do not recur, massage using chamomile, mustard or clove oil. It is not bad in such cases, honey and tea from chamomile or birch buds.
Eliminate the consequences, that is, cramps in the muscles, you can yourself, but in order to establish the causes and get rid of them permanently, consult a doctor.

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