
HIA - what is it? Education of children with HIA

More and more often teachers of preschool and school educational institutions in their practice face children who, due to some peculiarities, stand out in the society of their peers. As a rule, these guys hardly master the educational program, they work more slowly in class and lessons. Not so long ago, the definition of "children with disabilities" was added to the pedagogical dictionary, but today the education and upbringing of these kids has become an urgent problem.

Children with disabilities in modern society

Specialists who study the contingent of children in educational institutions say that in almost every group of the kindergarten and in the secondary school there are children with HIA. What it is, it becomes clear after a detailed study of the features of a modern child. First and foremost, these are children who have physical or mental disabilities that impede the successful development of the child's educational program. The category of such children is quite diverse: it includes children with speech, hearing, vision, pathology of the musculoskeletal system, complex disorders of the intellect and mental functions. In addition, they include hyperactive children, preschool children and schoolchildren with marked emotional-volitional disorders, phobias and problems with social adaptation. The list is broad enough, therefore, and the answer to the question: "HIA - what is it?" - requires a sufficiently detailed study of all current abnormalities in the development of the child.

Special kids - who are they?

As a rule, the problems of special children are becoming noticeable to teachers and parents already at preschool age. That is why in the modern pre-school educational society, the organization of integration of special kids into society is becoming more widespread. Traditionally, there are two forms of such integration: inclusive and integrated education of children with HIA. Integrated education takes place in a special group in a preschool institution, inclusive - in ordinary groups among peers. In those pre-school institutions where integrated and inclusive education is practiced, the rates of practical psychologists are necessarily introduced. As a rule, children normally perceive not quite healthy peers, because kids are more tolerant than adults, that is why in children's society "communication without borders" almost always takes place.

Organization of teaching and education of special children in preschool institutions

When a child enters a pre-school institution , first of all, specialists pay attention to the degree of severity of deviations. If pathologies of development are expressed strongly, then helping children with HIA becomes a priority activity of the relevant specialists of the kindergarten. First and foremost, the psychologist educator plans and conducts a special study of the child, based on the results of which an individual development map is developed. The basis for studying the baby includes such areas as individual conversation with parents, the study of a medical map, an examination of the child's mental and physical development. The work of a psychologist involves specialists of a certain profile, depending on the nature of the pathology. The group's educator, who is visited by a child with disabilities, acquaints with the received data and the individual educational route of a special pupil.

Adaptation of a child from HIA to the conditions of a preschool institution

Adaptation period for a child who does not have pathologies in development, as a rule, proceeds with complications. Naturally, preschoolers with HIA become accustomed to the conditions of a child's society much more difficult and problematic. These kids are used to every minute care of parents, constant help from their side. Establishing social contacts with peers is difficult because of the lack of experience of full communication with other children. Skills of children's activities are not developed enough for them: drawing, appliqué, modeling and other favorite classes with children are more slow and difficult. Practitioners involved in the integration of children with HIA into preschool societies are recommended first of all to conduct psychological training of pupils of those groups in which preschool children come from HIA. The baby will be more comfortable if other children developing normally will perceive him as an equal, not noticing the shortcomings in development and not exposing barriers in communication.

Special educational needs of the child with HIA

Teachers working with children with HIA pay attention to the main difficulty - giving a special child social experience. Peers developing normally are, as a rule, easily accepting this knowledge and skills from the teacher, but children with pronounced pathologies in development need a special educational approach. Organize and plan it, as a rule, professionals working in an educational institution, which is attended by a child with HIA. The training program for such children includes determining the direction of an individual approach to the baby, additional sections corresponding to special educational needs. It also includes opportunities to expand the educational space for the child outside the educational institution, which is especially important for children with difficulties in socialization. The most important condition for the realization of the educational function is the consideration of the special educational needs of the child, conditioned by the nature of the pathology and the degree of its expression.

Organization of teaching and education of special children in school institutions

A difficult problem for school staff is the training of schoolchildren with HIA. The curriculum for school-age children is much more complicated than in the preschool age, so increased attention is paid to the individual cooperation of the special schoolchild and teacher. This is due to the fact that, in addition to socialization, compensating for shortcomings in development, it is necessary to ensure the conditions for the child to master the general educational program. A great burden falls on specialists: psychologists, defectologists, sociologists - who will be able to determine the direction of corrective action on a particular schoolboy, taking into account the nature and severity of pathology.

Adaptation of the child from the HIA to the conditions of the school educational institution

Children with disabilities who attend pre-school institutions are much better adapted to children's societies at the time of admission to school, because they have some experience of communicating with peers and adults. In the absence of relevant experience, students with HIA are much more difficult to go through the adaptation period. Difficult communication with other students is complicated by the presence of pathology in the child, which can lead to the isolation of such a student in the classroom. School specialists dealing with the problem of adaptation develop a special adaptive route for the child with HIA. What is it is clear already from the moment of its implementation. In the process involved teachers working with the class, parents of the child, parents of other students, the administration of the educational institution, medical workers, sociologist and school psychologist. Aggregate efforts lead to the fact that after a certain period, as a rule, 3-4 months, a child with disabilities is adequately adapted to the school team. This greatly simplifies the process of his further education and mastering the educational program.

Interaction between the family and the educational institution on the integration of children with HIA into the children's society

An important role in improving the quality of the learning process of a child with disabilities is assigned to the family. On how closely the cooperation of teachers with parents is directly linked, the performance of a particular student depends directly. Parents of children with HIA should be interested not only in mastering by the son or daughter of educational material, but also in establishing a full contact of the child with peers. A positive psychological attitude will fully contribute to the success in mastering the program material. Participation of parents in the life of the class will contribute to the creation of a single psychological microclimate of the family and the school, respectively, and the adaptation of the child in the class will pass with minimal difficulty.

Organization of psychological support for children with HIA

Developing an individual educational route for children with severe pathologies in development, specialists necessarily take into account the child's support by a teacher-psychologist, social pedagogue, defectologist, rehabilitologist. Psychological support of a special schoolboy is carried out by the school psychologist and includes a diagnostic study of the level of development of intellectual functions, the state of the emotional-volitional sphere, the level of the formation of the necessary skills. Based on the analysis of the obtained diagnostic results, rehabilitation measures are planned. Correction work with children, HIA in which there may be a different nature and complexity, is conducted taking into account the specific features of the revealed pathologies. Carrying out corrective measures is a prerequisite for the organization of psychological support for children with disabilities.

Special methods for teaching children with HIA

Traditionally, teachers work according to a certain pattern: the explanation of new material, the performance of assignments on the topic, the assessment of the level of mastering knowledge. This scheme looks somewhat different for schoolchildren with HIA. What it is? Special teaching methods are usually explained in professional development courses for teachers working with children with HIA. In general, the scheme looks approximately as follows:

- a step-by-step explanation of the new material;

- Dosed execution of tasks;

- repetition of instructions to the student;

- providing audio and visual training aids;

- a system of special assessment of the level of educational achievements.

Special evaluation includes, first of all, an individual scale of assessments in accordance with the child's successes and the efforts expended by him.

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