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Anemia in pregnancy. Causes and prevention

Reduction below the norm of the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood of a person is called anemia, or anemia. This disease is especially undesirable when a woman is preparing to become a mother. It can adversely affect the development of the fetus and the course of childbirth. Anemia in pregnancy is most often associated with iron deficiency and therefore is called iron deficiency. The role of iron in the body is very high. It is part of hemoglobin, as well as vitamins and enzymes involved in metabolism.

The norm of hemoglobin for an adult (not pregnant) woman varies from 120 to 140 g / l. The norm of erythrocytes is 3.9-4.7 million / μl.

However, for pregnant women, the rates are slightly different. This is due to the fact that the mass of blood in them increases more largely due to its liquid part - the plasma. If out of pregnancy it is approximately 5 liters, then the lady in position blood volume can reach 6 or more liters. The blood seems to dilute. Therefore, in the first trimester, 115-135 g / l is considered the norm, in the second trimester it is 110-130 g / l, in the third trimester - 110-125 g / l. The diagnosis of anemia in pregnancy is made if the hemoglobin content falls below its minimum (110 g / l).

What contributes to the development of anemia?

The role of hemoglobin - the transfer of oxygen to the tissues of the body. Its mandatory component is iron. With its deficiency, there is a disruption of the formation of hemoglobin, which leads to anemia. In the body, iron comes with food: meat, vegetables, fruits. Therefore, anemia in pregnancy often occurs against a background of insufficient or improper diet. The early gestosis play a role in its development.

Another cause of iron deficiency is an increase in its intake. After all, it is used on the hematopoiesis not only of the mother, but also of the fetus. Fetal fetalization begins between the 16th and 20th weeks of its development. It is during this period that signs of anemia in pregnant women usually appear . Especially great is the need for iron, if the birth of twins or triplets is expected. The risk of anemia in this case is much higher.

In the formation of the fetus, iron stores are actively used from the mother's depot organs. It takes a long time to restore them. Therefore, if a woman's pregnancies are followed one after another in a short time, they are naturally accompanied by the development of anemia.

Anemia is also promoted by chronic, infectious or catarrhal diseases. Of great importance are the previous gynecological and other diseases, accompanied by loss of blood. Diseases of the stomach and intestines, in which the absorption and absorption of iron is disturbed, also cause anemia.

Symptoms of anemia in pregnant women

When anemia has developed during pregnancy, it is not difficult to recognize its symptoms. They consist in the pallor of the skin, weakness and dizziness, rapid fatigue, reduced efficiency. A woman may have various taste perversions. Pregnant women eat chalk, clay and other inedible substances. Their hair and nails become dry and brittle. Suffers not only the woman, but her future child. Anemia can lead to disruption of its development and intrauterine diseases.

Prevention of anemia in pregnancy

In order not to develop anemia in pregnancy and complications associated with it, you need to be on time in the register in the women's consultation, regularly there to observe and be surveyed. Timely blood tests for general analysis, serum iron and ferritin will help identify the first signs of the disease.

Proper nutrition with sufficient content in the diet of meat, fruits and vegetables is of great importance for the prevention of anemia. But if it still evolved, some food products can not cope with it. In these cases , iron preparations are given in tablets or in injections. Treatment is strictly individual and depends on the degree of anemia. Accurate adherence to the advice of a doctor will help you cope with this disease.

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