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17th week of pregnancy: what happens during this period?

The 17th week of pregnancy is another important milestone that brings the baby happy appearance to light. This period has its own peculiarities and small problems, but in most cases the future mother feels fine and can fully enjoy her condition.

17 week of pregnancy: what happens to the baby? The child continues to actively grow and develop. He has some new abilities and opportunities.

The fetus in the 17th week of pregnancy already weighs an average of 100 - 130 grams. The length of his body from the ass to the crown is about 12 to 14 centimeters.

The 17th week of pregnancy is a very important stage in the development of the baby. For example, a conducting system has already been formed in his heart, which in the future will be responsible for the autonomous work of this body. The frequency of heart beats per minute is 120 - 160. By the way, since this time, the heartbeat can already be heard without ultrasound, which will be done by the gynecologist who watches you during pregnancy.

The development of the nervous system is in full swing. This week, the baby is already developing skin sensitivity, especially on the tummy and ass.

The child at the 17th week of pregnancy is already beginning to hear sounds, as the middle ear has already formed. This is a great time to start communicating with the baby. Over time, he will be able to get used to your voice and will recognize him after his birth. Try to include the child classical quiet music - this will have a positive effect on the development of his nervous system.

The baby is actively building muscle, so he is already starting to move and kick. A child can raise his head, since the neck muscles are already sufficiently developed. In addition, at this stage, deposition of brown fat under the skin begins, which will become the main energy source of the baby after birth.

The 17th week of pregnancy means that your baby has already begun to lay the molars, while the dairy are covered with dentin.

What happens to the mother's body? This is a very important week of pregnancy, because in most cases, right now women begin to feel the first movements of the fetus. In addition, the belly is rounded, the waist line disappears and pregnancy becomes obvious. Now is just the right time to buy special clothes that will not restrict you in traffic.

The child grows, and, consequently, the volume of blood increases significantly. Pregnant women may complain of a rapid pulse or slightly increased blood pressure. In addition, the amount of sweat secreted and vaginal fluids are significantly increased. This is completely normal phenomenon - in this way your body displays excess moisture.

Unfortunately, it is at this time that some mothers may face the problem of secondary toxicosis. It is manifested by swelling of the limbs and face.

Women significantly increase their chest, but its sensitivity decreases. Sometimes the venous pattern is very noticeable on the skin. Do not be afraid of it - it will disappear after the beginning of feeding.

Some women complain of back pain - this only happens if the muscles are too weak. In this case, you need to see a doctor - he will assign you a special bandage.

Most pregnant mothers sleep this stage can feel the pulling pains in the lower abdomen. The fact is that the tone of the uterus increases from time to time. If this phenomenon is temporary, then you should not be afraid. If pain accompanies you constantly, then you need to tell the doctor about it - maybe you need treatment at the hospital.

Do not avoid testing and research. Before visiting a gynecologist, you must pass an analysis of urine and blood - this will provide an opportunity to determine the presence of any complications of your pregnancy.

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