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Who is he - the largest rodent in the world?

The giant rodent capybarara lives in South and Central America, in French Guiana, Peru, Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. This herbivorous mammal belongs to the detachment of the Gillies. Some Europeans call this big animal. Translated from the Indian language, the word "capybara" means "master of herbs". They say that the largest rodent in Europe has a good-natured temper.

Structure and dimensions

An adult capybara weighs 35 to 66 kilograms. The length of her body varies from 106 to 134 cm, the growth reaches 50-64 centimeters. Scientists have recorded the weight of the largest female - 91 kg, male - 74 kg. Impressive dimensions, is not it?

The largest rodent in the world is endowed with an impressive structure. He has an impressive head. The skull is massive, the cheekbones are strong. The frontal arcs of the capybar are broad in shape.

In general, the skeleton of the animal is heavy. Hind legs of capybar slightly longer than front. On the fingers of the animal there are webs that allow him to move quickly in the water.

Nature awarded him a color in gray and brownish-red tones. Most often the area of the belly of the rodent is painted in reddish colors. The muzzle is lighter than the main background. The young gyzuna has more reddish shades in color.

Where you can see the animal

Capybari live in very dense forests near various ponds, swamps, lakes and rivers. The reservoirs are their element. Animals try not to distance themselves from them.

The largest rodent in the world reacts instantly to natural changes. For example, seasonal rains cause a capybar to wander throughout the territory. But as soon as there is a warm period without precipitation, animals accumulate on the shores of lakes and other large bodies of water.

In order to obtain food, the largest rodent in the world is able to travel long distances. In the wild, capybaras feed on aquatic plants, tubers, hay and various herbs.

Favorite Activities

The impressive size of the animal is not an obstacle for its agile movement on land and in water. Capybari wonderful swimmers and divers. Completely immerse in water and stay there they can 4-6 minutes.

This feature helps them hide from ground predators. Capybar can even sleep in water. But provided that their head is positioned so that the nose is on the surface. This will provide the beast with access to oxygen.

Animals swim in the water from morning till afternoon. The rest of the time, they are flaunting vegetation. Sleep capybar a few hours, mostly after midnight. At dawn they actively graze. If rodents begin to disturb predators, then they begin to eat at night.


The largest rodent, capybar, is a fairly sociable animal. Therefore, "Mr. Herbs" lives in a group. Usually it includes from 25 to 20 individuals. It is noted that in the dry terrain the capybars form larger herds than those where the humidity is higher.

In the droughty period, the animals try to stay near water bodies and form groups of 100 or more individuals. At the head of the herd is the largest male. He does not tolerate potential competitors and strive to drive them out of the group.

Thus, in the herd there are subordinate males and adult females with offspring. Groups of capybar occupy lands of 9-10 hectares. Basically, in such territory, animals graze, one hectare is enough for rest. Sometimes quarrels arise in the herd of animals.

Some males live solitary, but this happens rarely. Females in the group are engaged in raising young. As a rule, offspring are not divided into their own and others. Females nurse with the kids the capybar of the whole group.

Mating rodents usually occurs during the rainy season. Pregnancy of the female lasts approximately 150 days. Representatives of the weaker sex produce 3-9 cubs.

Small capybars are born with a hairline and incised teeth. The weight of the newborn is 1.5 kg. Females are recognized as caring mothers. They carefully take care of small animals, they feed them with their milk for 4 months. Then the grown-up cubs can eat different vegetation.

Capybar can be considered an adult specimen at 14-18 months. The female can bring offspring 2-3 times a year.

Communication with each other

The largest rodent on earth is famous for its sonorous voice. Shades of sounds in the animal are quite diverse. In the herd, animals all the time make a whistle and a characteristic click.

With the approaching danger, the capybars bark like dogs. To worry giant rodents can jaguars, anacondas and alligators. Ground carnivores for capybar are not as terrible as those that can live on land and in water. In the wild, large animals live about 10 years, in captivity - 12 years.

Capybara and man

In modern times, a man catches a capybar and breeds on specialized farms. There are many such businessmen in Venezuela. Animals are grown for the use of meat, skin and fat, which is valued in the pharmacistics.

Today there are a lot of such enterprises in those places where these rodents are found. The number of capybar on farms varies from 600 to 30 thousand. Meat of an animal is in demand in the market. It is tender and juicy, it reminds of the taste of pork.

Some animal lovers tend to have a capybaru as their pet. This animal is affectionate and has a friendly temper. The largest rodent in the world - a trusting creature and easily get along not only with people, but also with animals.

It is noticed that the "master of herbs" can even be trained. For example, capybara is capable of giving a paw to a person no worse than a dog. She also loves affection and often puts her master back then belly, offering to pat them.

In nutrition these animals are not fastidious. Capybaram to taste melon, zucchini, grain and granulated food. Animals should definitely offer tree branches for teeth grinding.

However, despite the seeming simplicity of caring for this rodent, one should take care of a capacious basin and a large aviary, since capybara is a freedom-loving animal, under adverse conditions it can perish.

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