
What to do if there is an error 711 when connecting to the Internet

The Internet is the one that makes life easier for everyone. But, unfortunately, sometimes when you try to connect to it, the user gets an error on the screen 711, which indicates that a failure has occurred. However, this problem is widely known and studied, and the ways of its solution are quite simple. That's about them now and we'll talk.

Causes of error

Error 711 when connecting to the Internet Windows 7 may appear for many reasons. Of course, we will not consider all of them in this article. Yes, this is generally not necessary. All of them have one thing in common: problems with services that directly relate to the connection. In addition, there may be problems with telephony. In this case, a 711 error occurs. PPPoE becomes the "culprit of the celebration." If you have an Internet connection through VPN, then it is even more likely.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that error 711 is due to the incorrect operation of the following services:

  • Telephony;
  • Plug-and-Play;
  • The SSTP service;
  • Internet Connection Manager.

In the article, all solutions of the above reasons will be disassembled. Apart from this, an unusual method will be analyzed, which should be carried out as a last resort. Well, right now we will start the first way to solve the problem called "error 711".

Correct using the services section

First of all, of course, you should consider all the above services on the availability. The blessing in structure Windows is necessary utilities to do it. We need to enter the "Administration" section in the "Control Panel". But to describe the path will be very long, it is better to give a simpler way - using the "Run" window. It is called by the combination of keys Win + R. A small window with a text field will appear. In it, write services.msc.

So, before you opened the window of the utility we need. As you can see, there is a huge list of different services in the window. In order for error 711 to disappear when you connect to the Internet, you need to find the above and click on them with a double click. For Plug-and-Play service you need to select "Automatic" from the drop-down list, manually for the other three.

After all the work was done, save all the changes and restart the computer. Then try to connect to the Internet, it should work.

Correcting with Advanced Permissions

As it often happens, the previous method may not work, and you will still get an error 711 when you connect to the Internet. Windows 7 will allow us to solve this problem in a different way - by expanding the user rights. The fact is that sometimes the Internet can be blocked due to lack of rights. Most often this happens if you log on to the system without administrator rights.

You will need to go through the explorer to the system partition, to drive C. There, right click on the Windows folder, select "Properties" from the menu. In the same window, go to the "Security" tab.

So, we are there, where necessary. Just pay attention to the "Advanced" button, it needs to be clicked. Then click "Change permissions". Now find the items named: TrustedInstaller, "system" and "CREATOR-OWNER". Alternately, press twice on each. In the appeared window we put all the checkmarks in the column "Allow". After that, save the changes and restart the computer.

Correct by renaming the folder LogFiles

Now consider the third method, if the two previous ones did not help you, and still there is a 711 error. Windows 7 sometimes does not understand the mind. Now we'll talk about fixing the error by renaming the LogFiles folder. No matter how strange it sounds, it can help.

The folder can be found in the system folder System 32, in the Windows directory. Just go to the path C: \ Windows \ System32. But do not rush it right now. Initially boot in safe mode or from a USB flash drive in LiveCD mode. You can not rename the folder differently.

So, when all the preparations are done, go into the right folder, find LogFiles and just rename it. Note that you need to rename by adding any characters after the existing name. It can not be touched. That is, you should get something like this: LogFiles_fg124gdf. After that, by the old tradition, reboot the computer.

We fix it using the command line

Well, now we will proceed to extreme measures. They should be used only when all previous methods failed, and error 711 still remained.

So, we need to call the command line. To do this, use the "Run" window. In it, this time, issue the command cmd and press Enter. Before you open a window with a black background. You need to register a special team that should help solve the problem. You can see this command in the image above, but in order not to enter it manually, you can copy: C: \ Windows \ System32> secedit / configure / cfg% windir% \ inf \ defltbase.base.sdb \ verbose. After this command is completed, the problem with connecting the Internet should disappear. You will need to restart your computer and check it again.


So, all the ways to fix error 711 have been disassembled. In fact, this error does not threaten anything, and the language can not be called critical. By the way, the problems with the services that were presented in the first way, by themselves, can not be caused. There are only two options: either you picked up a virus, or yourself or someone else with administrator rights caused damage to the system. In any case, it is not worth worrying, because, as you can see, correcting the error is not such a laborious process. And if you have a basic knowledge of the system, then you can cope with it in just a few minutes. The main thing - do not break everything again afterwards. Just in case, check the system for viruses and make sure that no stranger has access to your computer.

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