
Crash 711 (error): how to fix it?

Quite often, many users of computer systems based on Windows face an unpleasant problem, when an attempt to connect to the Internet instead of the expected connection fails with code 711 (error). How to fix it in a few simple ways, now it will be shown.

Causes of a malfunction

If you understand the reasons for the appearance of such failures can be quite a lot. However, there are several typical cases, which are mainly related to the disruption of a number of services responsible for making remote access connections, as well as components related to PPPoE telephony (especially often when using a connection through a VPN).

Therefore, the failure occurs because the following services can be disabled:

  • Plug & Play support service (self-tuning devices);
  • Dispatchers standard and automatic connection of remote access;
  • Telephony service;
  • SSTP service (for Windows 7 and later only).

In parallel we will consider some more variants of failure 711 (error). How to correct the situation will be given for each specific case. In addition, it will not be given a very standard recommendation, which can be used, so to speak, in extreme cases, and then only at your own peril and risk.

Error 711, Windows 7: How do I fix it in the Services section?

So, first we need to test the work of the above components. You can do this from the administration section found in the standard "Control Panel", but it will be faster to use the "Run" menu, in which you should write the services.msc command.

Now we find each of the above services in the list on the right and right click call the submenu, where we select the property section. Here you need to pay attention to the type of launch. To support Plug & Play devices, you must set the automatic start, and for all others - start manually. At the end of changing the parameters, we save everything and overload the system.

Connection error 711: how to fix using advanced access rights?

Unfortunately, only the non-working components of the services may not be limited to. Another reason may be that the user has insufficient access rights to the system. In this case, fault 711 (error) will appear again. How can I fix it if the previous solution does not work? Yes, it's very simple.

We use the standard "Explorer", on the system drive (most often this is the "C" partition), we find the Windows folder, right click to call the context menu and select a property section from there, and then go to the security tab.

Here we are interested in the "System" line. A little lower click the change permissions button, and in a new window we look at user groups. For groups "CREATOR-OWNER", "system" and "TrustedInstaller" we apply the button for changing parameters, after which we indicate full access (in the bottom window we put "birds" opposite all available items). Save the changes and again perform a reboot.

Rename the LogFiles folder

Quite often you can find another situation related to the report files. There may also be a 711 failure (error). How to fix the problem in this case? Yes, just rename the folder where this data is stored.

Typically, the directory itself can be found in the system folder System32 of the root directory of the system (Windows). But first you should boot either in safe mode, or use some LiveCD (in normal mode, the system will not be able to rename the folder).

Boot, find the desired directory and give it a name at its discretion (Logfiles 1, Logfiles_1, whatever). The main thing is to leave the original name in the title with the addition of something else). Next, as usual, you should reboot, that's all.

Command line at own risk

Finally, let's see how to fix error 711 when connecting the Internet using a special command. Immediately note the fact that experts recommend using it only in situations when nothing else helps.

Call the command line (cmd in the "Run" menu (Wind + R)), and then register the sequence shown in the figure in it, and press the enter key. This command allows you to restore the standard security permissions and permissions for system folders. Then we reload the computer terminal in the normal mode. In theory, after applying such a cardinal method, there should not be any problems.


As can be understood from all of the above, there are no special reasons to worry, in principle, because the error itself is not critical for the system. And the most typical failures are considered here. The idea is that the system services presented in the first section should not be disabled by themselves, which means that the error is caused by something else. Who knows, maybe this is the impact of viruses or the usual interference in the operation of the user's system with administrator rights, which does not possess the necessary knowledge. But in general, as you can see, the problem is solved quite simply.

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