HealthAlternative Medicine

You did not even know what nettle can do!

Stinging nettle, also known as common nettle, grows throughout Europe and the US, mostly in shaded places with high humidity. Many people avoid this plant because of its ability to sting the skin after touching the leaves. Nettle used for many centuries because of the many healing properties. Both the leaves and roots can be very useful.

Nettle is an adaptogen. Stress relieving, detoxification and regulation of hormone levels are just some useful properties of the plant for our body.

Increased immunity

Nettle contains vitamins that can help increase the body's defenses, including vitamins A, C, E and K. It also contains useful minerals that help the body stay healthy. In turn, vitamins A and C also support the immune system.

Adaptogenic properties

Herbs with such unique properties will help to rejuvenate your body and the body as a whole. Nettle is an important tonic, nutrient, it provides our body with vitamins and minerals, supports healthy adrenals. Adaptogens help a person to fight any stress, and the body to recover.

Adrenal Support

The adrenal glands are small glands that are located above the kidneys. Epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine are two hormones that are synthesized in the adrenal glands. It's stress hormones. The syndrome of tired adrenal glands appears when the glands are overworked, and to date this problem is quite urgent, and the reasons for this are a lot, ranging from stress, too much commitment and ending with an eternal lack of time. Symptoms of such an unpleasant syndrome include exhaustion, lethargy and inability to cope with stress. Nettle removes exhaustion and relieves stress. It refers to those herbs that gently and gently stimulate the body. You will not need any more caffeine.


Herbs antiseptics inhibit the growth of microorganisms and prevent the ingress of infection into the body. Nettle is a good antiseptic. A fresh wound can be treated with tincture from the leaves of the nettle.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties

Nettle removes inflammation and helps non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to fight arthritis more quickly. Elimination of inflammation is very important in the treatment of many ailments, including autoimmune diseases.

Nettle is also traditionally used to neutralize uric acid, to prevent its crystallization. Gout (form of arthritis), for example, is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the body. In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of the plant help relieve pain and inflammation in all types of arthritis. If you take the leaves of the nettle and rub those places on the body where you are hurting, you can significantly reduce the pain. This practice has been used for more than 2000 years, it is useful in arthritis and other diseases.

Regulation of hormone levels

One of the most studied beneficial properties of the root of the nettle (as opposed to the leaves) is that it plays an important role in regulating the level of hormones in both women and men. Decoction of the roots of the nettle helps all hormones "take their places", adding certain hormones that are not enough, and, if necessary, reduces their production. It is very useful to take during hormonal disorders, such as menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome, fatigue of the adrenal glands.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

In the scientific world, extensive research is being conducted in the field of the use of nettle for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. This disease provokes an increase in the prostate gland, which causes symptoms such as an inability to empty the bladder, a constant urge to urinate, and a decrease in the flow of urine. This can develop into prostate cancer. Nettle helps prevent this process.

Menopause and profuse menstruation

If you have such symptoms of menopause as hot flashes, insomnia, lack of strength, then you can benefit from the use of nettle. The plant also helps with other hormonal problems, for example, with PMS and heavy bleeding. Astringents (stopping bleeding) properties of nettle can reduce heavy menstruation, as well as to tidy the irregular menstrual cycle.

Feeding the body

Nettle is enriched with vitamins and minerals that help keep the body healthy. In addition to vitamins A, C, E and K, the plant also contains a lot of protein, and there is absolutely no fat in it. But in nettles there is a lot of iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iodine, and also other useful minerals.

Detoxification of the body

Due to the mild diuretic effect of nettle, toxins and toxins from your body are released, and in their place "come" vitamins and minerals, which are so useful for excellent health.

Side Effects and Cautions

Nettles do not have many side effects, but some people notice sweating, upset stomach and allergic reactions (very rarely) after it has been consumed. It may interact with certain medications, so consult a practitioner before using nettle, especially if you are taking any of the following:

  • Thinning agents for blood, as nettle depresses the action of such drugs.
  • Lithium - nettle can reduce the level of lithium.
  • Diabetes medications - the plant lowers blood glucose levels and, in combination with medications, can cause hypoglycemia.
  • Sedatives - using nettle in large quantities can cause drowsiness.
  • "Warfarin" - nettle makes this treatment less effective.

Some interesting facts about the nettle

Want to learn more about nettle? Consider the following facts.

  • The botanical name of the plant is nettle.
  • It grows in a wooded area, along rivers, where the soil remains moist. It can grow up to three meters in height. New shoots appear from the roots.
  • On quadrilateral stems there are oval leaves with jagged edges that grow opposite each other. Leaves can be up to 6 cm long, they are completely covered with hollow hairs. These hairs have the ability to inject chemicals under the skin of animals and humans when contact occurs. Chemicals irritate the skin, thereby causing itching, which can bother you for several days.
  • As soon as the leaves dry out, they no longer pose any danger, and they can be safely used as food and medicine.
  • Due to its nutritional properties, nettles have always been used as ready-made greens, tonics and teas. Some people even cook the nettle soup.

People's Councils

Here are some of the most interesting tips:

  • You can remove irritation from the nettle, if you rub the skin with rosemary, mint or sage.
  • Dried grass is added to the chickens in the feed, which increases the number of eggs produced.
  • Hang a bunch of stinging nettle in the pantry so that there are no flies in the house. As you know, flies can not tolerate the smell of nettle.
  • You can make a green or yellow paint from the nettle.

Nettle is not just a weed

Weed is any plant that you do not want to grow in your garden. But now you know that nettles can not be an undesirable weed. With a little caution and some imagination you can use nettles for food, medicine and even tea making.

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