
What the red spots on the body say

If there are red spots on your skin, then this may indicate that something is wrong in the body. So, the appearance of spots can be the result of internal disease, an allergic reaction or a sign of hormonal imbalance.

Red spots on the skin, which often still itch, can appear with excessive use of sweets, honey beets, citrus, nuts. Also, the reason may be excessive consumption of fatty foods, as well as fried, spicy food, alcoholic drinks and carbonated water with dyes and other additives. In this case, you can just change your diet a little, and the spots will pass by themselves.

Red spots can also be symptoms of infectious diseases, such as rubella, measles, scarlet fever, meningitis, chicken pox, hepatitis. Most often in such cases, they itch or flake.

In addition to all of the above, there are a number of diseases that can cause the appearance of red spots on the body. We will only talk about the main reasons. Although, this information can not be used as a final diagnosis, because even doctors after examining the spots can doubt the reasons for their appearance.

Main reasons

Today we will consider the four most common diseases that lead to the appearance of red spots on the body:

• Ringworm. Such a disease can lie in wait for us at any age and not once. In order to get infected we do not need direct contact with a person or an animal that is a vector. It's enough just to use a towel or any other thing that is infected. The spots that appear on the body can be either red or pink. First, single spots appear on the body, and then the entire body becomes covered, while they are flaky and itchy. Most often, large red spots on the body appear on the scalp, in the groin and underarms, between the fingers and on the soles of the feet. In rare cases, the patient may get fever. Treatment of such a disease occurs by taking antifungal drugs. The course of treatment usually takes about three weeks.
• Atopic dermatitis. This disease is allergic. So our immune system responds to a certain allergen. Atopic dermatitis can have a genetic predisposition and manifest very early - up to three years. Most often, the first red spots are the result of intense stress, changes in the environment, and also errors in food. That is, a person can accurately say after what event he has spots. This disease is also characterized by the fact that it can be seasonal. So, signs are exacerbated by autumn-winter, and by spring they begin to pass. Most often, spots appear in the auricles, on the scalp and on the face. In addition, the stains are very itchy, and if they are torn, then suppurations may also appear. With this disease, a course of anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed.
• Seborrheic eczema. This is a skin disease that is acute or chronic. It does not refer to infectious and speaks more likely that the skin needs proper care. The causes of the appearance of seborrheic eczema include heredity, emotional stress, hormonal disorders. Treatment of such a disease is reduced to a permanent treatment of affected areas. In parallel, it is also necessary to treat the disease, which led to eczema.
• Psoriasis. This disease is chronic and has an autoimmune nature. In psoriasis, a spot can appear first one, then another couple. The stains are dry in appearance and at the same time they rise above the surface of the skin. Also, there may be spots of white or pale pink in parallel. They can appear on any part of the body, more often on the buttocks, knees, elbows, soles. When the stains are stained, the whole body can be covered. Treatment of psoriasis is complex and is very expensive.

God protects the careful God

Do not neglect your health. Especially, if your family already had cases of the above diseases. It is better to periodically conduct self-examination. Doing it is most convenient after a shower. Red spots in this case will be immediately visible. Use the rule: "Warning - means armed!"

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