
Methods of electrotherapy. Electrophoresis with calcium: mechanism of action, use in medicine.

Electrotherapy is a method of treatment that is based on the use of electrical energy. Electrotherapy refers to pathogenetic methods of therapy. Because it affects the mechanism of the development of the disease. When appointing this method of treatment should take into account the general condition of the patient, the features of development and course of the pathological process, possible complications.

Electrotherapy methods include: galvanization, electrophoresis and electrostimulation.

Galvanization is a method of treating low-voltage and low-power direct current. The source of constant voltage are special devices. The mechanism of galvanization is that under the action of a constant voltage, cations are directed to the cathode, and anions are directed to the anode. The movement of ions provokes irritation of nerve receptors and the emergence of reflex reactions of a local and general nature. Local reactions are manifested in the form of a change in the acid-base equilibrium, increased blood and lymph exchange of resorption processes. In places of action of a current bioactive compounds are formed: serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine. This activates the metabolic processes, secretion of the digestive glands. The application of this method gives a good result in neuralgia, neuritis, myositis, arthritis, tendinitis, sinusitis, aseptic mastitis. It is forbidden to prescribe galvanization for malignant tumors, acute and purulent processes, hemorrhagic diathesis.

Electrostimulation is a method of treatment using different impulse currents for changing the functional state of the muscular and nerve tissues. To do this, use sinusoidal currents with a frequency of 2 to 5 thousand Hz, modulated by low frequencies in the range of 10-150 Hz. This method activates blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, prevents the development of atrophies and contractures. Electrostimulation is prescribed for paresis, paralysis, muscle atrophy. Contraindicated in acute inflammatory and suppurating processes.

Electrophoresis with calcium - introduction into the body through mucous membranes or intact skin calcium solutions. The introduction of the drug is due to galvanic current. Calcium ions penetrate the epidermis and are deposited in the upper layers of the dermis. Then they diffuse interstitium, endothelium of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed and lymphosus. As a result of electrophoresis, calcium ions penetrate to a depth of one and a half centimeters, a peculiar depot is formed, from which the preparation penetrates into cells gradually. Due to the formation of such a depot, the prolonged action of the drug is provided (from three to 20 hours). Of course, the depth of penetration and concentration of the substance depends on the duration of the procedure, the strength of the current and the physiological state of the skin.

The equipment and methods of drug electrophoresis are practically the same as those used for galvanization, however, when electrophoresis between the active electrode pad and the skin, a ball of filter paper or gauze is placed, which is moistened with a solution of the drug substance. The pad of the passive electrode is impregnated with distilled water or with 0.9% sodium chloride solution . Electrophoresis with calcium, that is, cations (calcium, sodium, zinc, potassium, mangan, hydrogen), as well as antibiotics (except penicillin) are introduced from a positively charged electrode (cation), and anions from a negatively charged one. Distilled water, dimethylsulfoxide or 5% glucose solution is often used as a solvent for medicinal substances.

Electrophoresis with calcium is effective in spasmophilia and tetany, paresis and paralysis, muscular dystrophy; Iodine-electrophoresis - with endemic goiter. Ions of medicinal substances that are injected with galvanic current are deposited in the skin, as well as subcutaneous tissue, from which they are diffused for a long time and resorbed by the body. Electrophoresis with calcium is also quite effective in neuritis, neuralgia, myositis. It is also prescribed to stimulate the processes of resorption of exudate in subacute and chronic diseases. Electrophoresis with calcium chloride is contraindicated in cancer, hemorrhagic diathesis and purulent processes.

Thanks to electrophoresis, we can cover the surface with small particles, while ensuring deep penetration of the preparations into various depressions and pores. For today in modern orthopedics with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, physicians prescribe electrophoresis with calcium and phosphorus. During this procedure, calcium and phosphorus ions easily penetrate the epidermis and the upper layers of the dermis. Here a peculiar depot of these macroelements is formed. Due to this, the curative effect has a prolonged effect.

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