HealthDiseases and Conditions

What is gastritis? Types, classification and causes

This article details the types of stomach gastritis and form that they can take in the absence of timely treatment.

In addition, you will learn about the basic measures that should be taken to implement treatment and prevent the re-development of gastritis.

Basic data

The main types of disease
Acute gastritis It occurs when overeating, taking too sharp or rough food, unusual to the body, and also as a result of excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. Most often acute gastritis, the types and forms of which are discussed in detail in the article, is of an easy form, in which hospitalization is not required.
Atrophic gastritis Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as a result of which the number of healthy cells in tissues begins to decline rapidly. In the absence of treatment, it can take a chronic form and provoke the appearance of cancer cells. Therefore, before you start treatment, you should first of all find out what atrophic gastritis are, the types, causes and treatment of which, depending on pathologies and leakage, are discussed in detail in the article. This is the only way you can get the most benefit from the treatment.
Chronic gastritis Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, which ruinously affects its performance. Often occurs in people who have repeatedly transferred an acute form of gastritis without addressing the doctor.
Gastritis with an increased level of acidity This form of the disease has an extremely harmful effect on the mucous layer of the stomach, since with a high level of acidity the body produces hydrochloric acid in large volumes, which in large quantities can trigger the occurrence of burns. In the absence of proper treatment, burns over time are converted into ulceration and erosion, often causing bleeding. To cure such pathology is rather difficult, because in the most damaged areas an ulcer or, at worst, stomach cancer can form. Therefore, knowing what kinds of gastritis with increased acidity are, you will be able to detect the disease much quicker and see a doctor.
Antacid gastritis Occurs in the event that the gastric juice produces an insufficient amount of acid. In fact, it is a rare, but difficult to treat inflammation of the gastric mucosa, for the elimination of which it is necessary to use complex treatment.

Remember that in the treatment of all types of gastritis require a strict diet. In this case, the choice of products that suit you in this state, it is better to discuss with your doctor, since the diet will directly depend on the form in which the disease manifested itself. In any case, be prepared for the fact that you have to give up eating sharp and fried foods, as well as alcohol.

Next, you can learn more about the types of gastritis and their treatment, as well as find out what preventive measures will help prevent their re-return.

Atrophic gastritis

Atrophic gastritis is one of the most unpredictable varieties of the disease. This is directly related to the fact that at the initial stage it proceeds almost asymptomatically. In addition, the minor discomfort that it causes can easily be mistaken for a malaise, however, knowing the main types of gastritis and the symptoms of the disease, you will be able to detect its presence much sooner and consult a doctor. However, remember that most often it develops in men of advanced age.

Under the influence of a number of reasons, the gastric cells cease to produce enough elements of gastric juice, producing instead of them mucus.

Despite the fact that atrophic gastritis, the types of which are presented below, is most often accompanied by an increased or decreased level of acidity in the stomach, the main danger is that, according to numerous studies, it is a harbinger of the emergence of cancer cells.

The main symptoms are:

  • After eating, even in small amounts in the area of the solar plexus there is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort.
  • Even with regular visits to the dentist and completely healthy teeth from his mouth, there is an unpleasant smell. In addition, minor manifestations can form in the oral cavity.
  • In the abdomen, a rumbling is heard periodically.
  • There may be flatulence, constipation or diarrhea.
  • The patient's weight drops sharply.
  • Anemia develops, during which headaches appear, skin becomes pale yellow, and the tongue begins to tingle from time to time.
  • The hormonal background is disrupted, which can lead to an early onset of menopause.

Atrophic gastritis, the types and forms of which are discussed in this article, requires the conduct of such studies as gastroscopy or endoscopy. With their help, the doctor will be able not only to understand how much the walls of the stomach have become thin, but also to find out how much the stomachs are damaged.

In addition, in a number of modern clinics for the detection of atrophic gastritis used gastropanel, which allows a non-invasive way to assess the state of the gastric mucosa.

How does pathology manifest itself?

Depending on the stage on which the atrophic gastritis is located, the types of the disease are divided into 4 forms:

  • Superficial. This is the initial stage of the disease. It is only the first sign that inflammation can appear on the stomach mucosa. It is determined only with the help of endoscopy. If the doctor uses the instrumental method of examination, then with his help he can more often determine what the thickness of the gastric walls is, at what stage the degeneration of the epithelium is, and by indirect signs establish the state in which the hypersecretion of cells is located.
  • Sharp. Inflammatory processes on the gastric mucosa begin to develop rapidly. There is edema of tissues, destruction of the epithelium, which can lead even to erosion of the mucosa, as well as infiltration of leukocytes beyond the stomach.
  • Moderate. Gastric cells are partially transformed. In order to identify gastritis at this stage, the doctor will need to examine the gastric mucosa for the affected cells. In addition, in some cases, an analysis is carried out, which shows how strongly the tissues have undergone changes.
  • Chronic.

Types of the disease

What kinds of forms can this form of ailment take? The table below will help you understand this.

Types of atrophic gastritis
Antral In the lower part of the stomach, in the immediate vicinity of the duodenum, a small condensed "tube" is formed, in the form of which this type of gastritis is manifested. Affected areas of the stomach are deformed, becoming covered with peculiar scars. The acidity level with antral gastritis either decreases slightly, or remains at the same level. In addition, with this type of disease in some patients in the oral cavity begin to develop ulcerative processes.
Focal In the gastric tissues there are areas with pronounced pathological processes. In rare cases, there may be an increase in the level of acidity, which is directly related to the fact that healthy areas of the stomach completely compensate for the work of the affected.
Diffuse It is the main harbinger of the onset of dystrophic changes. Its main sign is that the gastric glands are gradually degenerating, as a result of which their normal activity is disturbed and immature cells begin to appear more and more often. In addition, a clear sign of the disease can serve as a deepening of the gastric pits.

Methods of treatment of atrophic gastritis

Due to the fact that there are a lot of forms and types of atrophic gastritis, doctors have not yet developed a uniform method for their treatment. This is directly related to the fact that cells damaged as a result of this type of disease are not restored.

However, the doctor after an individual examination can make an optimal treatment for each individual patient and assign him the appropriate diet.

Chronic gastritis

If you do not go to the doctor for an acute gastritis or do not follow all the recommendations he gave you regarding his treatment and prevention, the illness eventually takes on a chronic form. In addition, its appearance can affect even a number of exogenous factors, for example, if you for a long time violate the diet.

Types of chronic gastritis
For reasons of origin

It occurs in cases when acute gastritis is complicated by the presence of cardiac and infectious diseases, allergy and diabetes.

It also occurs when the diet is not respected, there are no teeth, as a result of which food gets into the stomach almost not chewed, thereby exerting excessive stress on it.

Exogenous Most often occurs in people who have been in contact with chemicals for a long time. For example, people working in chemical production.
For the production of gastric juice
With high acidity Gastric juice is allocated in too large a volume.
With low acidity The secretory function of the stomach is significantly reduced.
Types of chronic gastritis of the stomach according to a histological sign, detectable by biopsy
Non-Atrophic Gastric glands are affected, but not atrophy.
Subatrophic Gastric glands partially atrophy.
Mixed Inflammation of the mucosa can dramatically change to a more serious lesion, as a result of which the stomach tissues can atrophy.

In addition, all chronic gastritis can be divided relative to the localization of the process along the stomach to cardial, gastritis and antral body.

Methods of treatment of chronic gastritis

Knowing what kinds of gastritis can happen, you can determine much sooner when the illness becomes chronic, which will help you in a timely manner to see a doctor for action. Remember that if you do not pay attention to gastritis for a long time, ulcers or even cancer cells can appear on the walls of the stomach. In order for a doctor to accurately determine the type of ailment and adjust the treatment, a number of medical examinations are appointed, for example, a gastroscopy, a blood test or a measurement of the acidity level.

Chronic gastritis gastric types always require a comprehensive approach to their treatment, in which the diet will be combined with a number of drugs that envelop the walls of the stomach. In addition, drugs can have an adsorbent and antacid effect. In any case, the medication should be taken a few hours after eating, when the tablets will reduce the strength of mucosal inflammation and allow the stomach to calmly digest food.

Gastritis with high acidity

All types of gastritis with high acidity develop due to excessive gastric secretion of the digestive secretion. The main sign of their occurrence is the presence of aching pain syndrome, which occurs on an empty stomach or a few hours after eating. The pains are directly related to the contact of hydrochloric acid and inflamed gastric walls and can be localized in the epigastric zone or the left hypochondrium.

Types of gastritis with high acidity:

  • Chemical.
  • Fundamental.
  • Antral.

Despite the fact that the symptoms of each of these species are very similar, the root causes that affect their occurrence are different.

It is noteworthy that the onset of the disease can be affected not only by the presence of bad habits or the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, but also the genetic factor, which can cause even a foundation gastritis. In some cases, the appearance of any type of gastritis with increased acidity can be affected even by the lack of oxygen produced by trauma or systemic diseases.

Methods of treatment of gastritis with increased acidity

Therapy of gastritis with high acidity should be handled by a highly qualified specialist who will develop the treatment based on the results of the analyzes and further annual diagnostics, will be able to choose the optimal variant of correction, changing it depending on the development or damping of the disease. In addition to palpation, the disease can be diagnosed by conducting a study of gastric juice. So, the doctor will be able to determine in time not only the form, but also the stage of gastritis, and also to find out whether the bacterium Helicobacter pylori influenced its development.

It is noteworthy that when developing a treatment regimen, first not the level of acidity but the condition in which the gastric mucosa is located is evaluated. If gastritis with increased acidity is acute, then at the first stage the doctor prescribes medications that can reduce pain and eliminate inflammation.

Acute gastritis

The process of inflammatory nature, affecting the gastric mucosa, is called acute gastritis. He can appear at any age, so the first symptoms should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of acute gastritis
Catarrhal It is observed in most cases. It covers the surface of the stomach walls, as a result of which the stomach begins to intensively produce mucus, which can provoke the onset of edema or hyperemia. If an acute gastritis is triggered by ingestion of an allergen into the stomach, a reaction in the form of a rash, swelling, or redness appears on the skin for several minutes. With this type of gastritis due to accumulated mucus, the walls of the stomach substantially thicken. In addition, various defects appear in their surface in the form of ulcers, hemorrhages, or coatings with serous exudate, from which the epithelial cells gradually die off.
Corrosive It appears because of poisoning with concentrated chemicals. At the same time, in the form of pathology, corrosive gastritis can be divided into coagulation (dry) and colliquated (wet) necrosis. In rare cases, for example, when poisoning with chemicals, it can lead to the development of cardiac, hepatic or renal insufficiency. In this case, the walls of the stomach can be damaged so much that its contents will fall into neighboring organs.
Fibrinous The main cause of its appearance are diseases of an infectious nature, caused by various types of poisoning, as a result of which the gastric mucosa undergoes serious changes. If fibrinous gastritis develops into a purulent exudate, the inflammation forms a kind of film on the outside of the stomach walls, under which the tissues are transformed into loose connections. It is noteworthy that if the tissue damage is not strong, the film is easily removed, so during vomiting its elements can be found in the masses.
Phlegmonous It is a pronounced purulent gastritis, which develops due to malfunctions of the mucosa. Inflammation occurs as a result of injuries to the stomach wall by foreign objects, for example, if the patient swallowed a large fishbone or needle. These changes affect all layers of the stomach, including the serous membrane, as a result of which the patient develops peritonitis or perigastritis.

Treatment of acute gastritis

If the patient is taking any medication, you should definitely tell the doctor about it so that he can appoint the right treatment. In addition, even if gastritis does not appear any more, you should visit the gastroenterologist regularly.

Acute gastritis, types, causes, prevention and treatment of which are discussed in this article, require mandatory adherence to a special diet. In addition, after the initial manifestation of the disease, the patient is recommended to starve during the day, in order to not load the stomach.

In the treatment of acute gastritis should be concentrated on eliminating the root cause, which provoked its occurrence. If acute gastritis was caused by poisoning with chemicals, it is required to wash the stomach.

Antacid gastritis

If the stomach does not cope with the production of a sufficient amount of acid, a hypoacid form of gastritis appears, which in the absence of proper treatment is quickly transformed into an antacid, in which too little hydrochloric acid becomes in the gastric juice. As a result, the food is not digested properly, the digestive process becomes difficult, and in severe forms of antacid gastritis even impossible. Most often, it is diagnosed in elderly patients, manifested in the form of discomfort in the stomach that occurs immediately after eating.

Most often, antacid gastritis develops due to malnutrition, stress, poor heredity or a weak immune system that does not allow the gastric tissues to produce enough antibodies.

Treatment of antacid gastritis

With antacid gastritis, the treatment with enzymatic medicines that promote digestion of food is necessarily combined with a strict diet. If gastritis has affected the normal functioning of the intestine, patients are prescribed drugs that have a stimulating effect on its functioning. In addition, in this case, you must observe the correct, hourly mode of nutrition and in no case overeat. However, remember that completely cure antacid gastritis to date, you can not, however, if you strictly follow the medical recommendations, you can maintain health at the proper level.


Remember that only the doctor can determine the form, shape and course of gastritis. Do not take medications prescribed by your family and friends - every single form of gastritis requires an individual approach to treatment, and a drug that helped one person help cope with gastritis can have a disastrous effect on the other's body. Take care of yourself and be well!

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