
What is "fluoxetine"? "Fluoxetine": side effects and analogues. How does "fluoxetine" interact with alcohol?

Sometimes there is a feeling of discomfort when you do not want to talk to anyone, pulls a quarrel or even cry, everything falls from your hands, and the work does not stick. What is it? How to fix this condition? The times have come such that you will not go to the doctor with every problem, but complain about a bad mood and it will not come to anyone's head at all. And in fact in vain. Since it does not just happen. There is always a reason that we ourselves can not recognize right away, and the true essence of it is usually serious. Perhaps in this case, antidepressants will help. People interested in solving the problem will be attracted by information about what "Fluoxetine" is.

Signs of Depression

Now it's fashionable to make a diagnosis for yourself. Headache? It is necessary to urgently drink "Analgin". The temperature has risen? We tame it with "Paracetamol". Pain with a month is reliably blocked by "Drotaverin" or other pain medication. But the body signals about its condition and is waiting for qualified help. Tablets are basically just drowning out the pain, that is, removing the consequences without caring about the cause. The problem remains and soon it makes itself felt again. The trick of depression is that it has no physical manifestation.

Depression is not a bad mood or apathy, but a permanent condition caused by a certain factor or a list of them. The world is painted in gray, but at the same time the person remains adequate, can reasonably assess the situation. He simply does not have the strength to extract positive from the outside world. A person feels terribly uncomfortable, tries to amuse himself, but can not do it. For help in rare cases, refer to a specialist.

Causes of Depression

In young people, the cause of depression is often unhappy love. Refusal of reciprocity becomes a tragedy, own appearance seems repulsive, and further life - meaningless. Loss of appetite, a desire to live and even seek a loved one. The person becomes weak and sluggish. He tries to hide behind a mask of indifference, chooses dark subcultures, leaves in the world of heavy music or most often calms himself with food. Subsequent weight gain is unlikely to cause a joyful reaction, and depression only intensifies, becomes unbearable and often leads to an attempted suicide. By the way, weight gain in some cases can also become a cause of depression, especially if a person whole conscious life could boast of ideal forms.

Salvation or trouble?

So, what is "fluoxetine"? It is an antidepressant drug belonging to a group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. We all roughly understand what constitutes serotonin and we know that this hormone provides us with a good mood and causes a craving for life.

"Fluoxetine" is a kind of stimulant that helps to open your eyes to the essence of being. Do not confuse the effect of the drug with the narcotic, but a small fraction of the similarity is still present, since it affects the central nervous system. The action of "fluoxetine" is cumulative, so you can not start abruptly and throw a reception. The drug selectively blocks the seizure of serotonin, which increases the concentration of this substance and enhances the effect on the receptors. Simply put, the human susceptibility rises, "metaphorical blinders" are removed from the eyes. With depressions and compulsive disorders, "Fluoxetine" is a real way out.

And what in return?

We are used to the fact that a strong effect is impossible without the reverse side of the coin. Therefore, people are wary of antidepressants. Well, this attitude is very justified and considered sound. Without the appointment of a doctor, it is not recommended to take "fluoxetine". Side effects can be too serious for the human body. In particular, the drug has an anorexigenic effect, provokes a loss of body weight. Unlike the great variety of means for weight loss, the drug "Fluoxetine" has no sedative effect. It is not cardiotoxic and does not cause orthostatic hypotension. A persistent effect is achieved after a few weeks of treatment.

Nuances of use

The drug is well absorbed from the digestive tract, but the process somewhat slows down the intake of food. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached after about 7 hours. After ingestion, the bioavailability of the drug is close to 60%. The drug accumulates in the tissues, binds to plasma proteins and is metabolized in the liver. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys and intestines. Doctors warn that with liver diseases the half-life period is prolonged.

When do they appoint a reception?

Doctors categorically forbid taking an antidepressant without a prescription, and virtually all pharmacies just do not let go of "Fluoxetine." Its price, by the way, is quite affordable (varies depending on the manufacturer).

The drug may be prescribed for people suffering from depression of varying severity, compulsive disorders and bulimia. With a focus on the cause of the drug, its dosage is also determined. So, you need to start with 20 mg once a day. It is best to take a pill in the morning. After the first week, the dose can be doubled or tripled (respectively, for 2 or 3 meals). The maximum is a dose of 4 tablets per day, that is 80 mg. Clinical effect is achieved within a month after the start of treatment. Age is not a serious contraindication to taking the drug, although it is worth considering the number of side effects and understand the rationality of the technique.

From the heart and intestines

The drug has hidden negative qualities. Thus, the cardiovascular system often responds to hot flashes and even hypotension. In some cases, vasculitis and vasolilation are possible. Do not relax and digestive system, which presents diarrhea with nausea, dry mouth, vomiting, and sometimes even distortion of taste, pain in the esophagus. Muscles may twitch, a headache may occur.

In addition, attention is disturbed, excessive drowsiness, tremor, coordination disrupted, and convulsions occur. There may also be mental disorders, for example, insomnia, unusual dreams, decreased libido. Sometimes there are manic disorders.

What is "Fluoxetine" for the skin? It's an itch, a rash and even hives, as well as a cold sweat. The sensory organs can react with loss of clearness of vision. The functioning of the genitourinary system is also broken, there is no ejaculation, bleeding starts from the genital tract, and sometimes sexual dysfunction occurs.

Strict prohibition on admission

Despite the fact that the drug can cause a whole list of side effects even in an absolutely healthy person, there are a number of cases when reception is categorically forbidden. In particular, it is impossible to combine the intake of the drug with MAO inhibitors and two weeks after their withdrawal. Bad combination with thioridazine and pimozide. It is better to refrain from reception during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, it is impossible to prescribe the drug for liver failure and severe impairment of kidney function. Naturally, the drug is not released to under-age children and persons suffering from lactose intolerance.

The risk of suicide

Depression sooner or later makes you think about the meaning of being. Therefore, the likelihood of suicidal attempts increases, while maintaining a stable remission. "Fluoxetine" - a very serious drug, the strongest effect on the central nervous system. At long reception he helps to relax and reconsider the relation to a life. But with independent attempts at treatment, the effect can be reversed: instead of restoring the craving for life, one gets an aversion to it.

Careful observation of patients taking "fluoxetine" is necessary. Photos of patients made throughout the course of admission may allow monitoring progress. It is better to report any changes to the doctor.

Particularly high risk of suicide among persons under 24 years of age. By the way, the use of the drug by people over 65, on the contrary, reduces this risk. Doctors remind that it is impossible to combine "Fluoxetine" and alcohol, since the drug enhances the effect of alcoholic beverages. There are also professional contraindications to admission: for example, drivers of motor vehicles can observe a decrease in vision and management ability. The reaction rate may slow down.

Treatment and hidden dangers of an antidepressant

Experts are concerned about the speed of getting used to the drug and its use by people who want to lose weight. If a person only vaguely guesses what "Fluoxetine" is, then he certainly does not understand the full force of these pills. During the period of habituation, the effect can be magical: the appetite goes away, a feeling of lightness appears, the mood is always upbeat. Gradually, the body adapts to the drug and the effect comes to naught. Then there is the risk of overdose.

Cowaren preparation "Fluoxetine". Photos suffering from an overdose can lead to zero all the desire to take the drug. It is necessary to wash the stomach with the patients, watering the activated with coal, supporting breathing, heart rhythm and body temperature.

Sale of the drug

In pharmacies selling "Fluoxetine", the price may fluctuate, as the drug has different manufacturers. In addition, the pharmacist has every right to demand from the buyer a prescription for taking the drug and even check it by telephone. Sometimes people try to cheat and write out the prescription on their own. All these techniques are well known to pharmacists. Most often simple enough clarifications to determine the buyer's awareness of the drug issued.

By the way, if in the nearest pharmacy there is no sought after remedy, then one should know what "Fluoxetine" analogs have. It is true in Russia it is difficult to find them, especially if the patient lives in a small town. In other countries, the drug "Prozac" is still quite common, which has almost the same composition, but more side effects. And summarizing, it is worth noting that many doctors who negatively perceive "Fluoxetine", the analogues recommend more harmless, for example, "Novopassit" or all known valerian.

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