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Want to express yourself - learn how to learn how to draw graffiti

These bright and audacious drawings and inscriptions on the fences and walls of houses, garages and transformer booths have long been recognized as an art. With the help of graffiti, an artist can express his beliefs, confess his love, or simply decorate the world with an amusing image. And someone can even earn by painting on the walls. It's no wonder that more and more young people are asking themselves how to learn how to draw graffiti.

First of all, do not go into the yard with a bunch of paint cans and just one thought "I want to draw graffiti." It is necessary to imagine in detail a future masterpiece. It is best to spare no time and sketch many options on paper. Start small: for example, with your nickname. Give letters the volume, think about how you can beat the nickname, adding an additional meaning to the image. Transferring the sketch to the wall, do not be afraid to experiment: mix colors, come up with new details. Your drawing can be incomprehensible and confusing - and thus attracts everyone's attention.

How to learn to draw graffiti? Try, try and try, while observing simple rules.
Carefully evaluate the surface on which you are going to draw. Porous stones absorb the paint perfectly, and the image applied to such a surface will instantly fade. If there is no choice, and you decided to paint on an unsuccessful surface, you should prime it before starting work.
Always start drawing with a sketch. Then, paint the background with the same color. Only after this, contrasting contours are applied. If you do not follow this sequence, the graffiti will look like an amateur drawing. Do not forget to add your tag. Ideally, the tag image should take a few seconds.

Over time, you will have a little experience and a lot of ideas for new pictures. By making sure that you know approximately how to learn how to draw graffiti, you will start working without interruption. You will learn to understand the brands of colors and styles of wall paintings, and begin to try yourself in each of them. This will inevitably provoke a transition to the next stage - understanding how to learn how to draw graffiti with stencils. Most often, you will be limited in time, and working with a pre-created template will save precious moments. Afterwards, you will create a whole collection of stencils - for circles, for straight or broken lines, with schematic images of celebrities ... The stencil will not create a picture for you, but it will greatly help in the work.

People who paint graffiti for a long time, usually use special equipment. First of all, it is a ladder and a lantern - it is most often necessary to work at night. It is not worth saving on a respirator - it will save your lungs from getting into them extremely harmful aerosol fumes - and gloves (choose the best medical, the balloon with the paint will not slip). Markers and vandalizers are useful for tagging and drawing of individual parts.
The hardest thing to understand and accept is the art of graffiti, if you are a parent, and your child firmly states: I want to draw graffiti. Perhaps in this situation it is better to try to help him: to buy high-quality paints, a respirator and gloves, taking care of his health. Treat graffiti as an art. Together, study the normative documents, find out exactly where you can draw, and look for suitable places in the vicinity.

In this way you will not only help your child in his striving for self-expression, provoking his sincere gratitude, but also save him from dangers and, perhaps, give the world to a new artist. Let his energy be directed to a creative and positive channel.

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