
Vomiting for children

Nausea and vomiting are characterized by unpleasant painful sensations and almost always accompany indigestion. The reasons for their occurrence can be identified a lot and it can be both emotional factors and physical. Correctly selected medicine for vomiting for children will help in a short time to get rid of this uncomfortable state. The main thing is to know what kind of medical product should be chosen in each case. This will be further discussed.

As soon as your child starts complaining about the severity or abdominal cramps, or lack of appetite - you should be aware that this may be followed by vomiting and diarrhea.

Of course, after them, the condition of the baby can significantly improve, but without medical drugs here can not do. And if in some cases the most common medicine for vomiting for children is suitable for alleviating the condition of babies, then in others without complex treatment it will not be possible to recover.

Parents of babies are especially afraid of food poisoning, infections or more serious problems. If the baby is not enough to drink, then his body can suffer from dehydration. And this is fraught with serious consequences.

That is, the main remedy for vomiting for infants is a timely and plentiful drink. And what will it be: purified water, rehydron or rice broth - in principle it does not matter. The main goal of parents is to prevent dehydration at any cost.

Often, vomiting and nausea frighten young children no less than their parents, so it is very important during this period to remain calm. The disease is very exhausting to kids of all ages, and fear and constant anxiety can cause new attacks.

In general, a key remedy for vomiting for children, which will allow the children's body to be rebuilt in record time, are measures to prevent dehydration coupled with the psychological calmness of the crumbs.

Before embarking on the treatment of a child, it is necessary to determine the exact cause of vomiting. This will provide the correct medical care. Think about everything that has happened in the last 12 hours with your child. Finally, you can choose a medicine for vomiting for children only after revealing the causes of poisoning.

In any case, only the attending physician is entitled to prescribe medicines, which selects them depending on the particular child and the particular situation. Only such a drug can be considered as safe for the health of a small patient.

Medicines, which are freely sold in all pharmacies, it is better not to use and not risk the health of their own kids.

So, before proceeding to direct treatment, you need to eliminate the causes of the disease and wash the stomach of the baby. After that, you can move on to using medicines.

The most famous and often prescribed drugs for vomiting for children are Ranisan, Motionium, Domperidon Hexal. With their help, it is easy to compensate for the loss of mineral substances and fluids in the body.

Food in this period should be as gentle as possible. Better to let it be vegetable soups and broths (which are easily and quickly digested), and not solid food. At least until the child finally heals.

If the child's condition is more than serious (that is, if the baby tears, the temperature rises and diarrhea appears), then the doctor can prescribe antibiotics. Do not be afraid to use them. If the attending physician deems it necessary to appoint them, then you need to safely confide in him, most likely, without them your baby can not be completely cured.

Here are some preparations for the treatment of vomiting (just for reference):

  • Aetusa (Aethusa);
  • Antimonium crudum;
  • Arsenicum album (Arsenicum album);
  • Bryonia;
  • Ipecacuanha;
  • Nux vomica (Nux vomica);
  • Phosphorus;
  • Pulsatilla ;
  • Silica (Silica);
  • Veratrum album (Veratrum album).

Health to you strong!

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