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Unpleasant body odor: the reasons for which it appears

This is not a topic that usually rises at a cocktail party or for coffee with friends. When your relatives ask you what's new, you too will not talk about it. But even if you do not speak, you still think. Where does this smell come from? Why does nothing help? Problems with an unpleasant body odor happen to everyone, no matter whether you are a woman or a man. In fact, finding a way out is easy. You just need to understand the reason for the smell. Here are the fourteen most amazing reasons that spoil the fragrance of your body, and the ways to solve them.

Constant stress

If your smell makes you nervous, you only worsen the situation. Stress causes the body to produce sweat and an unpleasant odor, so try to take a deep breath. According to research, a person has two types of sweat glands. One of them is located throughout the body, these glands are located directly in the skin. When we sweat with their help, the liquid evaporates to cool the body. So we sweat during training or in hot weather, this sweat consists of water and salt. Other types of gland located in the hair follicles, for example, in the armpits, they emit whitish liquid into the hair. When the liquid contacts the bacteria on the body, there is a smell. This is the type of sweat that the body produces under stress. If you take steroids, your sweat will always smell as if you have stress.

Spicy food

If you want a quick snack before a date, give up garlic, and not just because it will spoil your breath. Some spices like garlic or curry make you smell your skin. When we digest these spices, our bodies release sulfur-containing gas. This smell can last for several hours. That's why spicy food should not be eaten before an important meeting or a date. The smell is manifested while the body digests spicy food. The ingredients of many spicy spices dissolve in fat, so they get into the fat on your body and come out with sweat and saliva, which affects the smell of your body with time. If on a date you are offered buns with garlic, do not panic, just drink as much water as possible before, during and after meals.

Low-carb diets

Low-carb diets are known for rapid weight loss. When your body does not receive the usual stock of bread and pasta in order to convert them into energy, the body begins to burn fat. When you burn fat, your body produces a chemical that can give a sweat to the smell of acetone or fruit. The exact change in the natural odor of the body depends on the personal characteristics of the chemical process. A new smell stays with you throughout the diet.

Favorite bra

If you have a favorite bra, you'll probably wear it often, because nothing compares to this sense of confidence and comfort. You just feel great. The only problem is that the underwear touches the part of the body that often sweats. In addition, underwear is often made of a material that does not allow the skin to breathe. Therefore, sweat remains in the tissue and causes a smell. Bacteria and fungus develop and worsen the situation. Try to wash your bras more often to prevent this.

Insufficient cleanliness of clothes

Many wear jeans much longer than they should. In fact, it is worth erasing them more often if you want to avoid unpleasant odors. Make sure that all your clothes are regularly washed. Washing things reduces the number of bacteria that make your sweat smell unpleasant.

Vitamins with fish oil

Of course, fish oil can give your skin radiance and provide you with shiny hair, and it also improves your mental abilities, but do you know what else it guarantees to you? Fish smell. Choline, one of the vitamins contained in fish and fish oil, causes this characteristic odor. Choline can stay in the body all day long and go out with sweat for a long time. If you drink as much water as possible, you will be better off.

Insufficient cleaning of teeth

If the dentist asks if you often use dental floss, you often have to suffer from embarrassment. Everyone knows that this is useful for teeth and gums, but very many people just forget to brush their teeth. However, it will be easier for you to remember this if you think about how it affects breathing. When we eat, the food particles get stuck between the teeth. If you do not clean them with regular cleaning and dental floss, they begin to produce an unpleasant odor. In addition, the dental floss helps to cope with the plaque on the teeth.

Failure to wear socks

Do not try to wear sneakers and closed shoes without any socks. When you put on your shoes, your foot warms up and starts to sweat. There is no ventilation, so the smell remains on your feet and on your shoes. If you go for a long time in sneakers on a bare foot, they can even appear mold.

Allergy and sinus infections

If you are allergic or runny, your breath quickly gets an unpleasant smell. When the nose and sinuses are inflamed and swollen, bacteria multiply there, which produce odors. You will notice discomfort when you eat or brush your teeth. Try to drink more water to get rid of odors and pacify the infection.

Some medicines

Unfortunately, many medications are accompanied by a long list of potential side effects, some lead to an unpleasant body odor. Contraceptive pills can provoke dry mouth, which causes the appearance of plaque, which spoils the smell. Simple painkillers or antidepressants can also make you start to smell. Carefully read the instructions if you are concerned.

Too many cocktails

If you overdo it with alcohol, your body will start to smell. This is because the body digests alcohol and tries to get rid of it. Most of the alcohol is processed by the liver, but the part comes out through breathing and sweat. Just try to drink less.

Drinking lots of red meat

Red meat is difficult to digest, so it leads to an unpleasant smell. While the body digests an appetizing burger, amino acids from meat leave their mark in the intestines. When it is digested, there is an unpleasant smell. As a result, within two hours after eating red meat you smell worse.


During pregnancy, the body begins to smell differently. Increases the rate of metabolism, and with it the circulation of all areas of the body. In addition, the hormonal background changes, which can lead to a bad smell from the mouth.


During menopause, not only the tides and problems with sleep appear, but the body odor also changes. Because of the change in the level of hormones, the internal temperature rises and you sweat more.

Choose the right antiperspirant

The store has such a huge choice that finding the right option can be very difficult. Deodorants mask the smell, they are based on alcohol and do not allow bacteria to grow on the skin, but you will still sweat. Antiperspirants block the pores that produce sweat, so your skin stays dry. Choose a product that combines these two properties.

Natural ways to improve the smell

Daily shower, use antibacterial soap so that sweat is not unpleasant. Wear suitable clothing made from natural materials. Cotton fabric allows the skin to breathe and facilitates the situation with sweat.

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