Sports and FitnessWeight loss

Unloading days on cucumbers as a way to get rid of excess

It is difficult to imagine literate weight loss without the use of fasting days, which are marked by a significant reduction in caloric intake of the daily diet. It is common to use unloading days on cucumbers. It is especially important to use this method in the summer because of the availability of this vegetable. In principle, no one forbids you to use this method in the winter, but in this season all vegetables, as a rule, are deprived of half of those useful substances and vitamins that are endowed in the summer.

What is so popular days of relieving cucumbers? To answer this question, we should consider the composition of this vegetable, which for the most part consists of water, replenishing all the requirements of the body in the liquid. In this case, the cucumber diet is able to maintain the water-salt balance of the human body, even if this fruit is consumed with salt. In addition, a vegetable of this type contains a sufficient amount of fiber to support the work of the stomach and intestines. Accordingly, the correct unloading day, built on cucumbers, will not cause the body too much harm and will not cause a malfunction of the digestive tract, which is often the result of hungry diets. Do not forget about the activity of the heart, to which the nutrients of cucumbers, in particular potassium, give a certain recharge.

At the same time, all these positive properties that distinguish cucumbers are combined with low calorie content. Thus, unloading days on cucumbers can significantly reduce weight and do not feel hungry at all. During the day, you can consume at least one and a half kilograms of vegetables, and do not add any other additives to your menu, and it is desirable to abandon the salt, because the product already contains a sufficient number of salts. If you have a few extra pounds, then you hardly need a diet. Unloading days with the help of a cucumber diet will allow you to lose weight gradually, in a few months, provided that the cucumber day will be repeated at least once a week.

However, do not completely abandon the additives, if you do not imagine the opportunity to spend a day on such a meager menu. You can afford a cucumber salad, seasoned with lemon juice. But the juice should not be purchased, but squeezed directly from the lemon. Unloading days on cucumbers allow you to add an unlimited amount of greens to the diet, as their caloric value is approaching zero, but nutrients are contained in a huge amount. For people who have weak willpower, you can vary your breakfast with a slice of rye bread, as well as a small amount of unrefined butter added to the salad. As a liquid, not only simple still water is allowed, but also herbal teas, as well as decoctions of herbs without the addition of sugar and sugar replacers. However, getting carried away with water is not recommended, because cucumbers in themselves contain too much liquid.

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