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Ulcer on the gums: causes and treatment

The appearance of various ulcers in the oral cavity indicates an infectious lesion of mucous membranes. These formations can cause severe discomfort. But before you figure out how the ulcer is treated on the gum, you need to understand the reason why it appeared.

Possible diseases

Noticing incomprehensible formations in the oral cavity, it is desirable to show the dentist and the therapist. An ulcer on the gum may indicate that a person:

- aphthous, herpetic or candidal stomatitis;

- common infectious diseases;

- avitaminosis;

- a certain area of the mucosa is constantly injured.

Depending on the reason for the appearance of the ulcer on the gum, how to treat it - in each case it is necessary to find out separately.

Characteristic symptoms of stomatitis

Noticing ulceration on the cheeks or gums with white color, you should consult a doctor. So can be manifested stomatitis.

With the aphthous type of the disease all mucous of the mouth becomes inflamed. Ulcers look like round red foci with a white touch in the center. They bring a lot of discomfort, people complain about the tangible pain. Most patients can not normally talk, eat, drink. This disease can be chronic. Relapses appear after stress, with poor oral hygiene, with the activation of a viral infection or as a result of injuries.

Herpetic infection causes multiple ulceration. Each ulcer on the gum is formed after the vial with the liquid is opened. Up to this point, the formation on mucous membranes is no different from those that appear on the lips or in the nose.

With candidal stomatitis in the mouth, you can see multiple white sores on the gums. The causes of their occurrence are activation of fungi of the genus Candida. The reddened area, covered with a dense patch of white purulent plaque, is an ulcer on the gum. The photo of the affected mucous gives an opportunity to imagine how this disease manifests itself.

General somatic diseases

Some diseases cause damage to the oral mucosa. These include HIV infection, syphilis, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Also necrotic gingivostomatitis provokes the appearance of ulcers. In this infectious disease affected cheeks, arches, soft palate, gums, tonsils. The disease develops against the background of a decrease in the general resistance of the body. With this form of gingivostomatitis there is an unpleasant odor from the mouth, the body temperature rises, salivation increases. The gums become swollen, bleed when touched. Each ulcer on the gum is covered with a dirty-green coating and has uneven soft edges.

With syphilis, there are ulcers of a rounded shape, in which there are even raised margins and a specific cartilaginous infiltrate. The bottom of the ulcer is a rich red color, can be covered with a grayish layer of plaque. These manifestations take place within 3-12 weeks, at the site of their occurrence, scar formation is possible.

Secondary manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis is the destruction of the oral mucosa. But with this disease, mainly the cheeks, tongue and bottom of the cavity suffer. In most cases, the gums remain clean.

Other factors that lead to the appearance of ulcers

When there is a lack of vitamin C, scurvy occurs. With this disease can form ulcers in the mouth. They are formed from microcracks on the mucosa. In the damaged integument of the oral cavity, the pathogenic microflora penetrates. As a result, an ulcer on the gum may form . Treatment consists in taking vitamin C.

With permanent damage to the mucosa, traumatic ulcers are formed. To their appearance lead improperly installed crowns, dentures, fillings, broken teeth. When the trauma factor is eliminated, healing of the ulcer takes place in 2 weeks. Treatment in such situations is not necessary. If the mucosa is not restored, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory or antimicrobial drugs. A good effect can be achieved by using an ultrasonic brush. With its help not only cleans the surface of the teeth, but also has an antibacterial effect.

Problems in children

Sometimes parents notice that there is an ulcer on the gums in the child. Do not take self-medication in this situation. It is important to show the baby to the doctor, establish the correct diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment.

In the youngest patients, ulceration is caused by:

- trauma of the oral cavity;

- infectious lesions;

- burns.

To harm a delicate mucous every child can, having unsuccessfully in the mouth a solid toy. Also, any falls and blows can lead to this. When attaching pathogenic microflora against this background, stomatitis may develop.

But often ulcers are formed by the action of various viruses or bacteria. Against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, a kid can have candidal stomatitis.

Selection of tactics of treatment

Determine how to relieve the condition and get rid of ulcers on the mucosa, you can only after a full examination. The doctor can choose the most suitable therapy, if he is sure of the diagnosis.

For example, aphthous stomatitis, which occurs without complications, passes for 7-10 days. In severe cases, the disease can last for 4 weeks. For temporary relief of the condition, the doctor may advise treating the oral cavity with antiseptics. You can use solutions of chlorhexidine, furatsilina or hydrogen peroxide. Simultaneously it is necessary to strengthen the general immunity.

To treat herpetic stomatitis, doctors advise using "Acyclovir". Alternatively, you can use "Foscarnet" or "Cidofivir". In addition, it is necessary to ensure the intake of increased amounts of vitamin C. At the same time, doctors prescribe antihistamines.

If ulcers on the gums appear as a result of the progression of common diseases, such as syphilis, HIV, then all efforts should be aimed at eliminating the underlying problem.

Preventative methods

Prevent the occurrence of ulcers in the mouth can be if you carefully monitor oral hygiene and strengthen immunity. Regardless of what kind of disease caused the violation of the integrity of the mucosa, it occurs against the background of the weakening of the defenses of the body. Regular intake of vitamin C will not only strengthen immunity, but can prevent the development of scurvy.

Particular attention should be paid to the prevention of common infectious diseases. Warn the ingress of HIV into the body or the virus of syphilis if you monitor your health. For this, it is necessary to use exclusively barrier methods of contraception and exclude the possibility of getting the virus directly into the blood.

Even one white ulcer on the gum should alert. In time to identify the problem and find the right treatment will help check with a doctor. With the right approach from stomatitis can get rid of in 7 days. And if you go to the doctor too late or do not listen to recommendations, injure the sores, then the treatment can take a month.

Traditional methods of therapy

Healers and admirers of alternative medicine can advise a variety of methods that can get rid of ulcers on the gums. But even they say that in the beginning it is necessary to determine the diagnosis.

Almost all diseases that cause the appearance of ulcers, you must saturate the body with vitamin C. For this, you need to adjust the diet. In the diet should include black currant, sweet pepper, decoction of rose hips, kiwi, parsley, citrus, sea buckthorn, Brussels sprouts.

Rinse the oral cavity folk healers advise herbal infusions. With aphthous ulcers, they recommend brewing calendula. For this, a tablespoon of flowers is poured into a thermos and poured into a glass of boiling water. In an hour the infusion will be ready. They need to rinse the mouth cavity at least 3 times a day. With viral stomatitis, including herpetic, the solution of potassium permanganate should help. To make it, you need to take a few crystals (at the tip of the knife) and dissolve them in a glass of water. You can rinse your mouth every 3 hours.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, it is possible to ease the pain a little by repeatedly rinsing with a mixture of soda and salt. To make a solution in a glass of warm water, you need to dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and soda. Ulcers can be treated with a solution of vitamin B12.

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