HealthDiseases and Conditions

Herpetic infection

Hepretic infection of the first type causes the development of herpes of the organs of vision, lips, genitals, leads to the onset of pneumonia and brain damage. In the second type, in addition to these diseases, intrauterine damage to the fetus is added. Herpes zoster causes chicken pox and shingles. The chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by the herpesvirus of the seventh type, and Kaposi's sarcoma appears due to manifestations of the eighth type of herpes in HIV infected people in the form of malignant tumors. To this type of viruses is mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus. Infection with one of the types of herpes does not exclude infection with other serotypes.

According to clinical manifestations, herpetic infection is atypical and typical mild, moderate and severe. Localization of the local process can be different: herpetic stomatitis, genital herpes, herpes of the eyes and skin, lesions of the central nervous system. Herpetic infection in children is attacked by virtually all systems and organs. According to some data, it affects up to 90% of the total population. Viruses are very contagious, they can easily get infected.

There are many ways of transmission of infection: airborne, sexual, with kisses, during childbirth, in contact with personal belongings of an infected person.

Herpetic infection is very stable in external conditions outside the body. When
The viruses are stored up to half an hour, and at room temperature in
During the day. Unfavorable factors are various stresses, decreased immunity, hypothermia, HIV infection, exacerbation of chronic diseases. When ingested, the pathogen through the lymph and blood spreads through all the systems of the body, settling in the nerve endings and fibers.

In the classical course of the disease, light blisters with serous contents appear. In the future these formations turn into crusts. The general condition worsens, there is a fever, headache, chills. The shingles are much more difficult. In this case, the spread of infection is accompanied by high fever and severe pain along the nerves. The rashes are more extensive. In case of untimely treatment, the nerve is destroyed and the development of chronic neuralgia occurs. The patient experiences constant pain sensations, which are practically not removed by anesthetics. With ineffective therapy, disability can occur.

In the uncomplicated form of a disease such as a herpetic infection, treatment is prescribed at home. Recommend to comply with bed rest. To cure at the moment, herpes is impossible, but you can reduce the number of relapses. The most effective drug is zovirax or acyclovir, available in the form of ointments or tablets, as well as vamycyclovir.

Good results are obtained by the use of drugs that contribute to the development of
Protective antibodies, such as reaferon, neovir and tsikloferon. These funds
Well proven in the prevention of recurrence of the disease. When
Treatment of herpes is actively used vitamin therapy, vitamins B6, B1, B12. For
Pain relievers use anti-inflammatory drugs -
Indomethacin, nemisil and physiotherapy. Successful factors for reducing relapse are diet compliance and copious drinking. Prevention of herpes is a cessation in the period of exacerbation of contacts with the patient. It is inadmissible to use other people's things and personal hygiene products. Nonspecific therapy involves the use of interferons, immunoglobulin, agents that stimulate phagocytosis and immunity.

Do not joke with your own health, always contact a specialist.

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