HealthDiseases and Conditions

Anemia in children

Anemia is a pathological state of the body, during which the hemoglobin level rapidly decreases, the total number of red blood cells decreases, which inevitably leads to oxygen starvation of tissues. Under certain conditions, anemia can develop in any person, regardless of sex, age, place of residence and the pores of the year. However, most often this children, especially in the early and teenage years, and women of reproductive age, especially during pregnancy, suffer from this unpleasant and, in some cases, dangerous disease. The most common form of anemia in children is iron deficiency.

Causes of anemia.

Anemia can develop due to such conditions as:

  • Inadequate reproduction of erythrocytes;
  • If these blood cells are more rapidly destroyed than are produced;
  • The hemoglobin content in the erythrocytes is too low.

In this regard, anemia in children often occurs either because of a lack of iron, necessary for the production of hemoglobin, in nutrition, or because of early entry into the body of cow or goat milk and derived products. The fact is that such milk can cause irritation and even bleeding of the intestinal walls. This, of course, leads to some blood loss. The destruction of blood cells can also be caused by a specific reaction of the child's immunity to the casein protein contained in cow and goat milk.

Anemia in children up to the year is possible only after they reach 8-9 months, or several months earlier, if the baby was born prematurely, with low weight or his mother had a severe pregnancy and problem childbirth. This is due to the fact that the mother receives a total iron fund from the mother, the reserves of which fully satisfy the needs of the growing organism for some time.

Anemia in children can be triggered by an increased need of the body in the gland, which is especially characteristic during the period of intensive growth of children from multiple pregnancies and premature babies.

To cause anemia in children can and blood loss of a different nature (frequent nasal bleeding, bleeding wounds, post-operative bleeding, etc.), but this reason is not leading.

Do not forget that anemia may not be an independent disease, but a concomitant disease; Can lead to more serious consequences for the body, so early diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anemia is needed.

Anemia in children: symptoms

This disease is perfectly diagnosed by a blood test. However, it is more reliable to know the symptoms of anemia in children in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner. These include:

  • Pallor of the skin, mucous membranes;
  • Decrease or total absence of appetite;
  • The appearance of unusual taste preferences (children tend to eat chalk, earth, plaster, etc.);
  • No increase in height and weight;
  • Headache and noise in the ears, dizziness until fainting;
  • Weakness, fatigue ;
  • Shortness of breath and a strong heartbeat;
  • Change in the behavior of the child (he becomes either apathetic and indifferent to everything, or exhibits aggression, is capricious, cries);
  • The appearance of signs of polyhypovitaminosis: the fragility of hair and nails, dryness and roughness of the skin, cracks in the corners of the lips ,

Prevention and treatment of anemia in children

Now there are many medicines and nutritional supplements with iron content that can quickly restore the desired level of hemoglobin in the blood. But the need and detailed treatment should be prescribed by a qualified doctor, since excessive intake of iron preparations can negatively affect the child's body.

For the prevention of anemia, it is important to have a full-fledged variety of nutrition appropriate to the child's age: various vegetables, fruits, cereals, eggs, fish, bread, meat, especially beef, greens, etc. Eat well should a pregnant and nursing mother, if necessary, including in their diet iron preparations and other vitamin and mineral supplements. Daily long walks in the fresh air are useful.

Adopting timely comprehensive measures will necessarily have a positive impact on the health of the child, who will always be cheerful and active.

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